Innogy/RWE platform integration

Hi everyone,

In the last few weeks I played a lot with home-assistant.
I tried integrating the Innogy platform using http request but failed (Innogy smarthome integration by httprequest).

But as ollie had made some great progress with his OpenHab2 binding and’s colleagues, I thought, “I’m building a binding for home-assistant.”

Said and done:
innopy (the p is intentional) :slight_smile: is a python library that encapsulates the control Innogy smarthome bridge.

Authentication via oauth2 and token management seems to work.
Currently I limited myself in terms of devices to thermostats - but reading data (polling as well as websocket events) and setting of target temperatures and the operating modes (Auto, Manual) seem to work.

After that, I wrote a platform component for home-assistant (examples below)

Of course, the whole thing is still quite incomplete:

  • There are a lot of devices missing
  • Whether the connection / authentication is stable will become apparent
  • The biggest point is, that I have not received my own “client_id” for the connection of Innogy - there are ways and means around that, but I would prefer an official way of generating the auth codes - unfortunately Innogy has not replied to me after 3 inquiries: (
  • I have not published it yet because of the reason above.

To be honest I have currently no idea how to contribute the component to the community - I will probably not have the time to complete and properly maintain it.

Maybe someone is interested?

Nevertheless, I did not want to withhold the current state.
By the way I would like to thank ollie for the OpenHab2 Binding sources. Without them I would not have come that far.

Best regards,


I really like the component you build. I also own a RWE SmartHome system. I would really like to integrate this in my current HASS environment.
Would you like to share it?

I got the Innogy platform for thermostats, too. And I am planning to integrate it. Would you like to share your library?

Dear all,

I also use the innogy system. I am no programmer, but it would be interesting to see this integrated.

Is there any news on that?

@ccc, did you receive any response from @noheton, or is this initiative dead?

Thank you!

Or maybe @AndiKrue, were you successful?

Seems to be dead. This is a pity.

Hello everyone,

Sorry for not getting back to you.
Unfortunately I never got the Innogy system running reliably. It worked for a couple of days and then I had to reset. Meanwhile, I sold the system on eBay. I needed it only for the thermostats and I got another solution for that.

Anyway if anyone wants to pick up from my experiments I uploaded my files to:
(valid for 14 days.)

I will be happy to answer any development questions but can’t provide support as I don’t own the system anymore.

Hope all of you fare better with innogy.

Best regards,

@noheton on Why not pop it on github? Then it is open to more people developing it.

did anyone manage to run innogy in HA? it would be realy awsom, i use it for my heating.

Just getting starting with Home Assistant and have a quite a big set of Innogy SmartHome available.
Any word on getting this working on Home Assistant? I know there is a API available to connect to the base unit (modeltype SHC).
I’m no programmer myself so limited to getting this integrated. Any advice on what I could do with this?


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Hi there and welcome.

Unfortunately I do have some Innogy Smart Home (which does now go by the name Livisi) stuff as well. I don’t know if anything changed but last year I looked into that topic and the main problem was that the API is not accessible for everyone. Innogy seems very strict with providing access to that API and documentation and thererfore it seems that nothing has happened in terms of developers trying to integrate it.

Out of pure frustation I did an ugly workaround. Since both, Home Assistant and Innogy integrate with Philips Hue, I wrote automations that would set a certain dimming value for a light bulb. Within the innogy this exact dimming level would then trigger other actions.

As an example:
I tell Alexa “Good Night” which causes Home Assistant to set the light bulb in the living room to 22% and an Innogy scenario which is triggered by that bulb being at 22% dimming level reduces the temperature to 16°C in the living room.

I gotta say, this is definitely not 2020 and in the end I removed all that again. I decided to slowly replace that Innogy products due to all the s**t I had to go through with them and the lack of proper integration.

However, please let me now If you find other info. I’d be happy to be proven wrong!

added: I just allwed me to write innogy a mail and ask for API access and documentation. I will keep you posted


It seems that the poor performance does also refelect in the Innogy/Livisi support. Here is the relevant mail communication (+ translated version):

German Version (Original):
Meine Frage: “…würden Sie mir bitte mitteilen ob es für das Innogy/Livisi Smarthome System eine API gibt, welche ich benutzen kann um das System in meine nicht kommerzielle Smart Home Installation von Home Assistant zu integrieren? Wenn ja, wo kann ich Dokumentation über die API finden…”

Innogy: “…Smarthome ist kompatibel mit IFTTT und mit HTTPRequest. Andere Schnittstellen gibt es aktuell nicht. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis…”

Meine Frage daraufhin: “…wo finde ich die Dokumentation für die erwähnte HTTP Schnittstelle?..”

Innogy: “…da sich , wie erwähnt, die App noch im Beta Status befindet gibt es aktuell noch keine Anleitung für die http Request App…”

English Version:
My Question: “…could you please kindly tell if there is an API for the Innogy/Livisi Smarthome System, which can be used to integrate with my non commercial installation of Home Assistant? If so, where can I find the documentation to that API…”

Innogy: “…Smarthome is compatible with IFTTT and HTTPRequest. Other interfaces are currently not available. We kindly ask for your understanding…”

Meine Frage daraufhin: “…where can I find the documentation for the mentioned HTTP interface?..”

Innogy: “…as explained, the app is still in beta status and therefore there is currently no manual for the http request app…”

I’m really disappointed. You can have a look at the IFTTT integration, maybe that would at least give you the posibility of achieving some of your automations.

Any update on that topic? Or do I really have to go via openHAB to get Livisi working with HASS? :smiley:

The API documentation is in the meanwhile accessable under:

Actually my knowledge in using APIs is very limited. But mybe there is somebody else using the Livisi products and is able to work with this.


I‘ m using Innogy/Livisi. Is there any progress in intrgrating this platform in Homeassistant?


Same here. I have an Innogy/Livisi set up and want to control it via HomeAssistant OS. No success so far. But considering selling everything and replacing the smartplugs with shelly and the wall thermostats with other ones as well (any recommendation?).

I tried hard to work with Livisi, but its really a challenge. One big reason to sell it is also the connectivity. The base station and the devices lose connection often.

Just installed first shelly plug (was a challenge as it needed a firmware update). But once its running, it uses the wifi (no separate hub) and the reception is exceptional and it reacts SUPER fast.

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I have some RWE Smarthome (after innogy now livisi) and I also want to replace them. But so far nothing with a reasonable price came into my mind.
So the plan was to use the OpenHAB Integration and control it via MQTT (Which is also not really 2021 as mentioned above but hey… Should do the trick…)

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I just got a mail from Livisi that they will dtop with the platform in March 2024 and they are working on integrating in HASS! Looking forward!


Hello Noheton

Thanks for sharing the Files. I have a Question, to which directory do the files have to be copied? How do I get access to the Innogy devices?

Many thanks for your Answer.

Kind regards


The livisi integration was part of 2022.12 so no need to hack it. Allthough at the moment just the plugs work. Hoping for the thermostats to be supported soon!

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