Insteon configuration panel

I am so confused. I set up my scenes. They work perfect, and turn on/off at the same exact time when running either a script or automation. When I call the exact name in Alexa, it goes back to the popcorn effect one light at a time. How on earth is this possible?

@teharris1, I have a 2487S in 8 button mode, but it shows up as a 6 button. What subcategory do I need to use to get it to show up as an 8 button?

Use category: 0x02 and subcategory: 0x05 This is the only option for the on/off 8 button modules.

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I am not seeing column headings in any of the control panel pages. Is there an issue using this control panel in dark mode?


What browser are you using? I have that issue with Edge but not with chrome.

For those interested in understanding how to use Insteon scenes and HA scenes I created a post here to explain it:
HOW TO: Trigger an Insteon Scene using Alexa or Google Assistant - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (


I’m on chrome.

Grrr. I hate frontend development. I will look into this but perhaps there is someone on this thread that can trace why this may be happening.

Thank you for bringing it forward.

No problem. First rev kinks…

Any idea why I am not seeing my switches which I’ve elected HA to hide and present as lights??

odd- I get only in edge … in chrome I see the headers (and on the mobile app)

How do you choose an entity for add scene? My option is device on safari and Firefox.

I just got the new stuff and I’m looking at the Insteon Panel. Thanks a lot for doing this.

Now for the bad news. I also can not see the column headings and I’m using Edge on Windows 11. it looks to me, by using Edge Developer tools, that the headings are specifying a Roboto font. I haven’t looked yet, but I don’t think I’ve see that particular font in the list of fonts. Are you loading that font dynamically? If not, I’m guessing that is why it doesn’t show up. I’m a little surprised I don’t see any error messages in Edge. But, you know, UI development :wink:

… time passes …

I see that Roboto is a GOOGLE font. I would have thought that now that Edge is based on Chrome engine, it would have worked, but maybe that is an Edge issue. I would probably look at what font is used by all the rest of HA and use that as your default because this is the only place I’ve see missing text. (so far)

… time passes …

Also, for the second time for me, something caused the whole list to disappear. I think it was when I went to another tab and then back to the HA tab. Refreshing the tab makes the list appear again. FWIW. Good luck to you. This is bringing back pre-retirement memories of having to deal with browsers. I LOVED Silverlight (oh well).

… time passes …

Well, so much for my thoughts on the font. I see what looks like the exact same font and size and sans-serif used in the body of the table and shows up just fine.

Is there an official place to give you feedback on Insteon Panel or is this thread to do it?

… time passes …

I see that text for “Device” is in a span tag. I haven’t coded html in a long time, but is the span supposed to have a font specified?

Thank you. Saved me some time. I will have to look at that. I am not setting that font directly. It is part of Home Assistant’s style library but worth a look. For me the titles show up when I used Chrome but not Edge. @kenrok1 appears to have that same result but @logistician appears to have an issue with Chrome. So the pattern is a bit difficult here too.

Maybe there is no default style for <span> tags? Just guessing.

FWIW, I DO see that the generated html DOES have the text there like “device”, it is just not showing.

I see that the Insteon Integration just shows my 42 entities now and NO device count. When I go to the devices tab, there are NO devices there? Is it supposed to be that way?

… time passes …

OH, never mind. sort of. I refreshed the screen and then the device list showed up.

… time passes …

And now when I look back at the Integration, I see the devices count. Maybe it was just taking a long time for the initial load. I’ll try close out of the HA UI, restart the Docker and go back in and see if things are there right away or not.

… time passes …

Ok after restarting everything, it appears that devices show right away. Probably that UI ought to show “loading” or something until the devices are loaded. I suppose the same thing for the entities.

I had 38 devices before updating to 2022.5. Now I have 39 devices. I think it picked up the mini-remote that it didn’t pick up before. (that is a GOOD thing)

However, I had one device, 2477D, that was not responding to commands in the old version and also not in this version. I’m almost 100% certain that it DID respond when I first set things up. But, at least, with the new version it doesn’t respond to “on” and immediately turns itself off in the UI. So I thought I would do a manual add of the device in the Configure of the integration card. Now that I did that, it disappeared from my list of devices AND the card I had for it in the Overview panel now has an Exclamation point in it and says “Entity not available”.

Any ideas? I think I will do a reset on the device hardware.

I see this in the log:

2022-05-05 09:53:21 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [root] Uncaught exception

RuntimeError: module compiled against API version 0xf but this version of numpy is 0xe

2022-05-05 09:56:35 ERROR (MainThread) [pyinsteon.managers.aldb_read_manager] 50.21.F0: ALDB Load error: 0xff

2022-05-05 10:11:59 ERROR (MainThread) [pyinsteon.protocol.http_reader_writer] Client error: (<class 'aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientOSError'>) [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

Don’t know if that provides clues or is even related to the device problem.

… time passes …

Resetting didn’t help and I don’t seem to be able to add it from the list of devices panel.

[pyinsteon.managers.aldb_read_manager] 50.21.F0: ALDB Load error: 0xff

The error 0xff means that the KPL does not see the modem in its All-Link Database. Unfortunately, KPLs are notorious for problems with their ALDB. One option is to “reboot” the KPL which you can do by pulling the set button out for a few seconds.

If that does not work, try relinking your KPL and Hub. If that still does not work the last resort is to factory reset the KPL then relink

KPL? Key Pad Light?

KeypadLinc but yes.