I’ve made some modifications to Kabongsteves code as it wasnt working with my node red flows. AC mode was missing for the set state (i.e. would only turn on to previous AC mode, not a new one) and fixed the list of fan and ac modes (dry, fan_only).
Thanks for this, but am I missing something here? I’m trying to download the .py file from github, but when I click on it, I jump straight into the code? I know I downloaded Steve’s original file (and it works, just without the fixes you’ve put in).
Also I just read that they’re getting rid of the custom_components folder, is this going to cause issues?
Oh no. The latest update of home assistant seems to have broken my skyfi integration (again!) It’s telling me entity not found. It was working this morning. I have no idea why I update when it prompts me to. It always breaks something. Anyone else having issues?
There is, with this add on, it works with Alexa. You just have to say ‘Alexa, set Daikin to heat’ or cool etc. The problem for me is, since these latest updates, the Skyfi custom component is broken.
Is there anyway to downgrade? I really want my heating and cooling to work, but it appears this thread it pretty dead (or people are busy getting on with their lives).
I’ve managed to learn the minimum python necessary to get this working again. It definitely does not meet HA’s requirements for indirect interfacing through an API.
I have split the operations into their appropriate functions. Probably a few switch/elseif blocks could be made into dictionaries etc. Dont really have enough time to make it any cleaner.
I would like to add the outside temperature but im not sure exactly how to extend the device properly (as you will be able to tell from “outside_temperature variables”.