Integration with Daikin Skyfi app (Air conditioning)

If you are looking for an alternative for Australia I choose to go with the Intesisbox product.

It has an integration already provided for Vera which I used to integrate with HA. The API is readily available so it would be possible to make a HA component for someone with the skill and time.

Note the intesishome is different but similar. It has an app but cost more to buy and has no published local API.

Intesisbox API

Intesisbox WiFi gateways

AU distributor of Intesisbox

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Thanks! I don’t have a Vera controller so might be getting very pricy to setup, how much are the controllers?

Looks like they might have one for my older AC units but I was thinking I need to go down the broadlink climate ir solution.

Anyone else with confirmed working Daikin AC in Australia? Please let me know what model unit you have

I’m in Australia, and it works fine with hass as per my above comment. I bought and fitted a BRP15A61 which worked with my Daikin. Pretty sure most Daikin units are supported by this controller.
I think I got mine from here:

I can’t however get full integration with Google Home for some reason. I enabled the google home bridge via the Home Assistant Cloud integration, and most stuff comes over fine into Google Home, but the aircon just shows the temp, and doesn’t allow any control. Like So;

Anyone got any tips on how to fix that? I would pay for Home Assistant Cloud if we can get this bit working.

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What password do I use when using one of the new Airbase controllers?

I don’t have one of them - the password I used was printed on my controller. I took a photo of it thankfully, so I don’t need to get back in the roof to read it! That would be deadly with the summer we are having.

When my Daikin was installed the installer left a sheet with instructions plus the ID and password for the SkyFi unit.

Yeah davekempe it’s cookin’ on the Gold Coast!!

Bircoe, I have the printed password but when I try use it with http://192.168.0.XX/ac.cgi?pass=XXXX the page responds with “ret=PARAM NG,msg=404 Not Found”

I’m assuming the new Daikin Airbase controller (replaced the old SkyFi one) is a little different.

That would be a fair assumption, I was able to figure out a lot of what was happening with my SkyFi via Wireshark.

Have you tried the regular daikin module for that @mackspower?

Just a heads up for anyone who has issues with this integration, I did a clean install of hassio and used the latest iteration of this integration and it runs perfectly, amazingly well in fact. So thanks again Steve, Amazing work.

Has anyone had any luck integrating it in with Alexa yet? I can control the temperature (but Alexa says it isn’t responding), but can’t control modes or fan speed.

Also, has anyone had any luck with this integration and lovelace? It shows up for me as a generic thermostat, which like Alexa means I can only control temperature, not operation mode or fan speed.



The issue is that the skyfi module doesn’t send over the stuff required by Google Home or Alexa. The skyfi module lacks some of the data stuff that the new demo module has.
If you compare this code and the skyfi code, you can see a bunch of stuff is missing.
I don’t know python enough to figure it out without breaking, but maybe someone else can have a crack.
Basically merge the above demo and

Dammit, one day after I posted, they changed the default AI to Lovelace, and now I have no control over fans or the mode the Daikin Skyfi is in, only temperature. Does anyone else have this issue?



I seem to have it working. By removing capitals from the strings at initialization in the python modules the lovelace integration seems to pick it up and I have suitable icons for control. self._fan_list = [‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ ]
self._operation_list = [‘off’, ‘auto’, ‘heat’, ‘cool’, ‘fan’]
self._operation_list_full = [‘off’, ‘auto’, ‘heat’, ‘heat/auto’, ‘dry’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘cool’, ‘cool/auto’, ‘10’, ‘11’, ‘12’, ‘13’, ‘14’, ‘15’, ‘fan’].
I am no programmer - but worth a try.

Also, it looks like the “fan” string needs to renamed to “fan_only” for the full range of control icons to be displayed in lovelace.
self._operation_list = [‘off’, ‘auto’, ‘heat’, ‘cool’, ‘fan_only’]
self._operation_list_full = [‘off’, ‘auto’, ‘heat’, ‘heat/auto’, ‘dry’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘cool’, ‘cool/auto’, ‘10’, ‘11’, ‘12’, ‘13’, ‘14’, ‘15’, ‘fan_only’]

I should clarify that this is for the Daikin “skyfi” module I have installed on my ducted unit.

Hey would you mind pasting a gist or syntax highlighted version of it?

Basically, I opened up the (or similar) file in my “custom components/climate” folder and changed lines 49, 50, and 51 as above.
I tried uploading the file but I’m having difficulty with the extensions and what is permissible to upload.
Line 49: “self_fan_list” syntax may not be so important looking at other climate components (I have three). But the two following lines seem to appeal to Lovelace
50: self._operation_list = [‘off’, ‘auto’, ‘heat’, ‘cool’, ‘fan_only’]
51: self._operation_list_full = [‘off’, ‘auto’, ‘heat’, ‘heat/auto’, ‘dry’, ‘5’, ‘6’, ‘7’, ‘cool’, ‘cool/auto’, ‘10’, ‘11’, ‘12’, ‘13’, ‘14’, ‘15’, ‘fan_only’]

Cheers for that, got it working well, and with Lovelace, it’s a real UI improvement. It’s a pity we can’t integrate fan speed, it would then be basically perfect.

Edit: I found that if you put in a daikin badge, you can still call up the legacy control panel which gives you fan speed.

One slight problem. The last build of was incredibly responsive and stable. If you issues a command, it changed instantly and was near on perfect. Since lovelace, I’ve found that I essentially can turn on the system to it’s last settings, and can change temperature, but can’t change fan speed or mode (i try and it just reverts back to the previous mode). I had this problem last year on an older build, but a clean install of hassio + integrations fixed it, I hope there’s a solution so I don’t have to repeat the process).

On a positive note, since changing from caps in, I’ve found that I can get Alexa to turn on the system by saying ‘Alexa, set daikin to cool’. It wont set Diakin to cool, but it will turn it onto it’s last state.

Anyone else having similar issues?


Just installed the airbase BRP-15B61 all working fine with their App… I just noticed HA auto discovered a daikin! (without any daikin config yaml setting even there - but same with it set)

Error setting up entry x.x.x.x for daikin
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/”, line 260, in async_setup
result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/daikin/”, line 64, in async_setup_entry
daikin_api = await daikin_api_setup(hass, conf[KEY_HOST])
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/components/daikin/”, line 100, in daikin_api_setup
name = device.values[‘name’]
KeyError: ‘name’

any thoughts/ideas on whats needed to get it working (in AU)…


I’m just about to get either one or two daikin units installed, wondering if I should just commit to both at once or get one installed then make sure it works in HA before getting the second one. (i’m in Australia)

From my research there isn’t any other brands that integrate into HA yet? Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Panasonic?

Hi Borgy, the issue with the built in component is that the URL calls from the HA Daikin component calls on pydaikin python library -
This uses urls such http://192.168.x.x/aircon/get_control_info to get info. However the BRP15B61 (Daikin Airbase) uses http://192.168.x.x/skyfi/aircon/get_control_info etc

This is also why the skyfi python script wont work, as the URL used to get the information and set the controls is very different from the Skyfi to the Daikin Airbase

I’m not technical enough to work out how to write python to fix it, I have managed to get the URLs so I can control it from my browser etc, but all my attempts at hacking together something via a custom component hasn’t worked!
I’ve tried editing the pydaikin but can’t work out how to in Hassio, tried putting together a custom_component too and have failed on that one too. It’s not something that should be overly difficult to modify if you knew what you were doing… unfortunately I don’t (yet?).