Inverter Power Flow Card

v1.6.3 Updates
The card supports the display of an additional essential load in both the full and lite views. The following optional new attributes have been added to the load section:

  • additional_loads: Display and additional load on the essential side (one/no)
  • load1_name: Set the display name for the Essential Load 1

The power for the additional load is read from the following optional entities sensor:

  • essential_load1: Sensor that contains the power of your essential load 1 (W)

v1.6.4 is out

MPPTs labels can now be customized. The following optional card attributes can be added to the solar section:

  • pv1_name:
  • pv2_name:
  • pv3_name:
  • pv4_name:

Sensor data can now be hidden from the card when setting the entities value to none. If you prefer to keep the 0 placehoder then set it to zero or any other value


Adjust position of the AC temperature when MPPTs is set to four to fix overlap

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Hi, can you pls send me your YAML file for the three phase sunsynk


would be nice to have autarky and ratio based on live power values
maybe show them both energy and power data?

I tried to clean up some of his sensors and added it to the GitHub. Its not the complete config but a good start Sunsynk-Home-Assistant-Dash/DEY12k-modbus.yaml at 87dc67b1a7ada924eb79740248dc1f0a05b15a43 · slipx06/Sunsynk-Home-Assistant-Dash · GitHub

The Deye might be different to the Sunsynk

I’m still considering making this a configurable option but in my opinion autarky based on energy values would give you a better overall view of your self sufficiency over the 24 hour period or until the daily energy values reset.

when I copy the code from “Full Configuration (All Options)” it will not let me save the file… the arrow keeps turn arround ???

if I try the code in “Minimum Configuration (No Solar)” " Minimum Configuration (Solar) " " Minimum Configuration (Solar + Daily Totals)" there is no problem in save the file ???

Thanks there was a problem with backticks on one if the attributes. I’ve updated the repo.

type: custom:sunsynk-power-flow-card
cardstyle: full
panel_mode: 'no'
large_font: 'no'
show_solar: 'yes'
  modern: 'yes'
  colour: grey
  autarky: 'yes'
  energy: 15960
  shutdown_soc: 20
  invert_power: 'no'
  colour: pink
  show_daily: 'yes'
  animation_speed: 6
  max_power: 4500
  colour: orange
  show_daily: 'yes'
  mppts: two
  animation_speed: 9
  max_power: 8000
  pv1_name: North
  pv2_name: North
  pv3_name: East
  pv4_name: West
  colour: '#5fb6ad'
  show_daily: 'yes'
  show_aux: 'yes'
  invert_aux: 'no'
  aux_name: Auxiliary
  animation_speed: 8
  max_power: 8000
  additional_loads: one
  load1_name: Geyser
  colour: '#5490c2'
  show_daily_buy: 'yes'
  show_daily_sell: 'yes'
  no_grid_colour: '#a40013'
  show_nonessential: 'yes'
  invert_grid: 'no'
  nonessential_name: Non Essential
  nonessential_dual: 'yes'
  load1_name: Load 1
  load2_name: Load 2
  animation_speed: 8
  max_power: 8000
  use_timer_248: switch.toggle_system_timer
  priority_load_243: switch.toggle_priority_load
  batchargeday_70: sensor.battery_charge_day
  batdischargeday_71: sensor.battery_discharge_day
  loadday_84: sensor.daily_load_power_kwh
  grid_buy_day_76: sensor.grid_import_day_buy
  grid_sell_day_77: none
  solarday_108: sensor.daily_pv_power_kwh
  inverter_grid_voltage_154: sensor.grid_inverter_voltage
  inverter_load_freq_192: sensor.load_frequency
  inverter_out_164: sensor.inverter_output_current
  inverter_out_175: sensor.inverter_output_power
  inverter_load_grid_169: sensor.grid_power
  pv1_power_186: sensor.pv1_power
  pv2_power_187: sensor.pv2_power
  pv3_power_188: none
  pv4_power_189: none
  battery_voltage_183: sensor.battery_voltage
  battery_soc_184: sensor.battery_soc
  battery_out_190: sensor.battery_output_power
  battery_current_191: sensor.battery_output_current
  essential_power: none
  essential_load1: sensor.tuya_geyser_current_consumption
  nonessential_power: none
  non_essential_load1: sensor.nonessential1_power
  non_essential_load2: sensor.nonessential2_power
  grid_external_power_172: sensor.grid_external_power
  pv1_v_109: sensor.dc1_voltage
  pv1_i_110: sensor.dc1_current
  pv2_v_111: sensor.dc2_voltage
  pv2_i_112: sensor.dc2_current
  pv3_v_113: none
  pv3_i_114: none
  pv4_v_115: none
  pv4_i_116: none
  grid_status_194: binary_sensor.grid_connected_status
  inverter_status_59: sensor.overall_state
  aux_power_166: sensor.aux_output_power
  remaining_solar: sensor.solcast_forecast_remaining_today
  battery_temp: sensor.ss_battery_temperature
  inverter_ac_temp: sensor.ss_dc_radiator_temperature
  inverter_dc_temp: sensor.ss_dc_transformer_temperature
  prog1_time: select.ss_prog1_time
  prog1_capacity: number.ss_prog1_capacity
  prog1_charge: select.ss_prog1_charge
  prog2_time: select.ss_prog2_time
  prog2_capacity: number.ss_prog2_capacity
  prog2_charge: select.ss_prog2_charge
  prog3_time: select.ss_prog3_time
  prog3_capacity: number.ss_prog3_capacity
  prog3_charge: select.ss_prog3_charge
  prog4_time: select.ss_prog4_time
  prog4_capacity: number.ss_prog4_capacity
  prog4_charge: select.ss_prog4_charge
  prog5_time: select.ss_prog5_time
  prog5_capacity: number.ss_prog5_capacity
  prog5_charge: select.ss_prog5_charge
  prog6_time: select.ss_prog6_time
  prog6_capacity: number.ss_prog6_capacity
  prog6_charge: select.ss_prog6_charge

it is working now…and I am 99% finish whit my setup…BUT
is it possible to replace th “Timer switch” with a switch with “Solar-sell” so you can see if it selling or not.
regarding “Total load”, it is not something I have in my Deye_12kw, so it would be nice to be able to disable it :slight_smile: on the display. image

Set show_daily to no under load. There are many card options. Have a look at the repo.

ok I found the “show_daily under load” ant turn it off… thanks

aboute the “Timer on sign” i will use it to turn on/off the selling funktion, as I turn of the selling when the price go below 0.0 KR/kWh, so it would be nice to have a new “Selling sign” when it is not selling and you don’t have to go in to another flow and tjek the price

use_timer_248: switch.sun12k_solar_sell

from the modbus:

  • platform: modbus_controller
    use_write_multiple: true
    modbus_controller_id: ${modbus_controller_id}
    name: sun12k_Solar_sell
    register_type: holding
    address: 145
    bitmask: 1
    entity_category: config
    icon: “mdi:toggle-switch”

Good idea I’ve included this in v1.6.5

This releases introduces two new optional entities:

  • energy_cost: For those of you using Tibber or equivalent you can display the current cost per kWh on the card using this attribute
  • solar_sell_247: Displays an icon that updates if solar sell is on or off . The icon can be clicked to toggle this setting if the attribute is supplied with a switch sensor


No icon at my place ???

I put this in solar_sell_247: switch.sun12k_solar_sell there toggel my on/off sun12k_solar_sell

and the animation_speed: 5 in “Solar” has no funktion… 1 or 9 is same speed ???


and in the Battery icon somehing wrong here:

running it as Lite

Your battery SOC is 100.0 % which is causing the layout issue. I can fix that by forcing rounding of the sensor value in the card or you can also set that in your ESPHome config.

Make sure that sensor returns an on/off value. Check your developer tools

The icon will display on the lite card like this

You need to define both animation_speed and max_power

  mppts: two
  show_daily: 'yes'
  colour: '#F4C430'
  animation_speed: 9
  max_power: 6800
  pv1_name: West
  pv2_name: North

as you can see it has a ON/OFF

and I have now the animation speed to 5 and max_power is now set…and speed is ok :wink:

Hi @slipx06

Great work on making the card configurable.

Wouldn’t it make sense to remove the lightning bolt next to the battery? Usually a lightning bolt is an indication of a device charging, but in this case it is always there so I’m not sure what the purpose is. Removing it would create more space for the battery SoC.

I can’t see anything wrong there. Make sure you are running the latest version of the card. Clear your browser cache and also make sure it’s correctly defined under entities in the card config i.e.

  solar_sell_247: switch.sun12k_solar_sell

Hi. When I started designing the card I never anticipated all the additional information that would be added nor that space might be an issue. It’s a good suggestion. :smiley:

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  • solar_sell_247: accepts 0/1 or off/on
  • Battery SOC is displayed as an integer to fix potential layout issues


  • New battery image and layout
  • New optional aux_type: attribute under the Load config that lets you change the default AUX image to display a generator image

Undefined properties when using minimal configurations



  • New non essential image
  • Additional inverter option for aux_type: to display a micro inverter


I install the power flow agn…and now the icon is showed :slight_smile:

maybe an ida to disable/remove icon if they are not used… as I have on my dashboard !
