Inverter Power Flow Card

You have those temperature sensors set to ‘none’ in your config but I don’t have checks to hide them based on this value. The quick fix is to just delete them entirely from you config if not used. I’ll release an update to include that logic as well as how to handle when use_timer_248: is set to none.

Autarky and Ratio can now be displayed using real time power values or daily energy values. This can be set using the autarky attribute under the inverter card configuration. Valid values are energy (default), power or set to no to hide

Better logic to hide sensors when set to none and not in use

Please try the new release v1.6.9

EDIT: Inverter status can be hidden if inverter_status_59: is set to none in v1.7.0

@elRadix added to v1.6.9

I think there is something wrong with calculation… can’t be negative and compared to the the other card the percentage is not the same

I’ll have a look. So you exclude Grid export from your calculations?

production = 1,34kw
consumption = 0.192kw

Ratio = ((consumption) * 100) / production)

Also v1.7.0 fixes the battery floating text

Seems so indd, the card does the calculations so it doest use the exported energy

using v.1.7 now no negative values but autarky is not right


  • Display up to two additional essential loads. See the additional_loads: attribute in the Load card section. Set the sensor to display using the essential_load2: attribute under entities
  • Improvement to Autarky formula

Ok I think i figured it out. 1.7.5 matches what I am seeing in the power distribution card.


  • Introduces a new optional nonessential_icon: attribute under the grid card configuration to change the non-essential image. Options are default, oven, boiler, charger, pump If you need other icons please open a request on GitHub
  • Code refactoring


any news on a 3 phase version??

Hi @tabackd. This card will work for a 3 phase inverter. You may need to create some template sensors to total the individual phases, but it depends on your integration method…

What would you need to be displayed that is different?

W values per phase

Please log a feature request on the GItHub repo.

Add support for customising non-essential icons when there are two non-essential loads. See optional load1_icon: and load2_icon: attributes under the grid card configuration. Options are default , oven , boiler , charger , pump If you need other icons please open a request on GitHub.


v1.7.8 Updates

  • New non-essential icon (aircon)
  • New AUX icons. Select one of the following ( gen, inverter, default, oven, pump, aircon, boiler, charger)

v1.7.9 Updates

  • Improve logic checks
  • Change default autarky mode. Values are calculated based on real time power usage instead of daily energy. Set preferred mode in the card config

v1.8.0 Updates

  • Add support for customising essential icons when there are two additional essential loads. See the optional load1_icon: and load2_icon: attributes under the load card configuration. Options are boiler, aircon, pump If you need other icons please open a request on GitHub.
  • Logic fixes


  • Add new oven icon for essential loads
  • Essential icons can be displayed on the lite card



  • You can now use any mdi icon to customise card images. Use either the built in presets i.e. oven, aircon etc. or specify the icon you want to use i.e. load1_icon: mdi:pool
  • Adds <ha-card> element for card mod
  • Removes charger icon preset. Use mdi:ev-station instead



Apply fixed positions for mdi icons.

NOTE: There is a known issue with the positioning and scaling of mdi icons in Safari. Please use the built in presets instead

New card attribute card_height: that lets you set the height of the card when panel_mode is set to no. Can be used to fine tune dashboard layouts. Specify height in pixels i.e 450px. The default card height is 396px

Remove additional card objects when show_solar is set to no