This update allows you to specify either one or two additional non-essential loads and brings consistency to the attribute used for this setting i.e. the same used for additional essential loads. If you have multiple non-essential loads (oven, pool, aircon) but only want to track energy monitoring on one device you can now display this by setting additional_loads: one. This new grid attribute replaces the previous nonessential_dual: attribute. Valid inputs are one,two or no. Please update your card configuration.
v1.9.3 Updates
Adds the optional aux_colour attribute to the load card configuration to change the colour of all the AUX objects. If omitted will use the colour set for the load or default load colour if this is not set.
I currently use your Display but the way I get my data from the Sunsynk inverter is by Solar Assistant. I use MQTT between the Solar Assistant and Home Assistant the issue that I am having it seems that the solar assistant uses the Negative values as discharging so my dashboard thinks it’s charging when it’s discharging. Is there a way to fix this?
Thanks I completely missed that. Do you have a way to create the Veraibles for Daily data on aHome assistant as the Solar assistant doesn’t export that type of Data
You can now provide a sensor for your total solar output. There is a new entities attribute called pv_total:
If a sensor is provided it becomes clickable to show historical data. If no sensor is provided the card will continue to use the internal logic to calculate the total pv based on pv1+pv2+pv3+pv4
In you next upgrade please can make an Entitie for the following “Aux_connected_status”: Then have it behave the same as the Grid one where you can see if the Generator is on or off
v1.9.5 Updates
Adds a new entities attribute called aux_connected_status: This is similar to the grid_connected_status and accepts a binary sensor to indicate the connection status of the AUX input/output. Valid input is a 1/0 or on/off
Adds a new aux_off_colour attribute under the load card configuration to set the colour of the AUX icon and label when disconnected or off
Hi. It will only show the energy cost for selling when you start exporting energy back to the grid. Similarly it will show the buy energy cost when you start consuming energy from the grid. This is how it toggles between the two on the card. I could add an additional check that if either one of these attributes are not defined it will always show the one that is regardless of the whether you are buying or selling.