Hi @ptnijssen I am trying to add your repository through HACS, and i am getting this error - Repository structure for 1.7.1 is not compliant.
I have Itho Gateway with Itho boiler thermostat and ventilator. I want to use Home assistant to get information and control basic function of ventilator and thermostat, kindly help on how to move forward…
HI All, Is there a way to capture the Smart meter kwh and Gas M3 Usage stats data from Itho Gateway and show them in Energy feature in Home assistant??
Onlangs mijn internet gewijzigd en sindsdien is mijn Gateway niet meer in staat hem te zien, ondanks directe aansluiting en letterlijk 10cm tussen de router en Gateway. Is dit dus vanwege de Niko/Fifthplay situatie? Kan ik ervan uitgaan dat hij het dus ook gewoon niet meer gaat doen? Thermostaat werkt fysiek nog wel, maar alle apps inderdaad bij deze op slot. Irriteer me mateloos aan dit hele Spider/IthoDaalderop gedoe.
Itho plaatste dit bericht een tijd terug op hun portaal:
14 dagen geleden
Beste Spider-gebruiker, De verkoop van Spider-producten is al een tijd geleden gestopt. Met ingang van 17-12-2021 is (her)registratie van Spider Connect gateways op mijn.ithodaalderop.nl niet meer mogelijk. Voor de huidige registraties verandert er voorlopig nog niets, ondersteuning en gebruik van de Spider-producten blijft voorlopig bestaan. Voor meer informatie zie: https://www.ithodaalderop.nl/additionelespiderproducten Met vriendelijke groet, Itho Daalderop
Ik weet niet of dit je probleem is Je kunt het beste Itho benaderen.
This is sad news for all customers who have paid for spider devices including gateway. Well they should have provided a Local portal on the gateway itself to control devices and graphs reporting instead of using cloud splDer .
Having stumbled across this thread, I risk being accused of hijacking, please forgive me…
I have the basis of a fully open-source replacement for the spider system (that does not require access to the cloud).
As you may know, Itho HVAC systems that use an 868 MHz RF protocol called RAMSES II, as do Honeywell CH/DHW systems.
I have written a HACS custom control (evohome_cc) that exposed all sort of CH/DHW features to HA via a client library called ramses_rf (which itself leverages the evofw3 project). It is currently as good as the official integration (which I wrote), with lots of extra features and a few quirks.
It uses a HGI80-compatible USB RF dongle (I recommend an evofw3-based device: you can get the HW for approx £30).
I have plans to do the same for HVAC systems, but am overwhelmed with the work, and do not have a decent HVAC system to dev/test against in any case.
So: I am asking if anyone here has python skills with HA and would like to take on the challenge of adding HVAC functionality to evohome_cc or creating another such CC.
All the lower layers are pretty mature: but there will likely be some changes required to the upper half of ramses_rf (it has two layers) and I’d be willing to work with someone to make that happen.
that sounds cool, and very promising! as a former user of the Fithplay (search for that in this thread above) plugs and their hub (which are used by Daalderop under their brand) would this maybe give me a chance to reuses these too?
Ive tried everything with Zigbee (and even Z-wave) but can not include them at all. Could it be these plugs use that protocol too?
I had to return the gateway to the energy provider, but still have those plugs lying around…
Thanks for your contributions and I would love to have local control. I am not a seasoned Python developer but I have managed to build the current Spider integration in HomeAssistant as an official package. My time is also limited, but perhaps I can contribute somehow.
Just wondering, where did you get the information from that Spider/Fifthplay is using the RAMSES II protocol?
It depend - the spider gateway may be RAMSES_II (for Itho CVE) and zigbee or z-wave -(for this Fithplay kit) only way to tell is to setup ramses_rf in listen mode and see what you pick up.
You sound like your would be perfect/able to help. The idea would be to implement a FAN entity - I have already started on the sensors… One issue for me is I can not dev/test - I have to dev, and have others test…
@zxdavb and @ptnijssen I am in the same situation with a spider thermostat and fan, additionally i’m using the gateway still. Thanks a lot for all the information already provided, and I agree a solution without the cloud connection would be ideal.
I do have programming skills aswell as hardware knowledge, however am not familiar with the wireless standards, but I will be looking into what has been developed so far and might be able to contribute in further development.
The code has grown organically, and is a bit of a mess - there a lot of things I learn (as I went along), only after I had committed to incorrect assumptions.
ramses_rf has been broken down into two layers. In addition, :
it sits on top of evofw3 (which is complete, and which you don’t need to get into - it is simply enough to know that it accepts commands, and spits out packets), and
the ramses_cc integration sits of top of it
The lower layer of ramses_rf is in the /protocol folder (I toy with the idea of making a separate library) and that is where you may want to start: /protocol/ramses.py and /protocol/parsers.py.
The upper layer is everything else, including the /devices/heat.py, etc.
The first step may be to probe the Spider using the CLI - and send ad-hoc commands, etc.
Since DELTA in zeeland will be officially no longer support its system based on fifthplay I have some challenges. The system is used for several stuff. (Reading produced solar energy via a slm-1000 dinrail module), thermostat, wtw by means of a plug and its connection to the powermeter. DELTA states that MijnDelta can deliver the same data but I have my doubts. This is all located at a family member. Myself I run HA for several years already located in another part of the country.
As I understood correctly this fiftplay stuff is talking proprietory protocols, and would not be easy to access. Given the HA popularity I guess the best way moving forward would be moving to an HA based system. DELTA is not providing a strategy to replace this system.
I guess i need:
a p1 meter?
a replacement module for the slm-1000 based on zigbee? Or any replacement? Can you guys recommend a replacement?for reading solar power.
the WTW can be switched by any smart-plug?
thermostat replacement? Or do I need to do something with opentherm?
a proper HA set-up.
Hope you guys can give some pointers in the right direction. Much appreciated.
Just FYI, spider will stop working. Time to remove the integration
Volgens onze gegevens bent u in het bezit van een Spider Connect set. Deze set bestaat uit de Spider Klimaatthermostaat en een gateway. Met deze gateway heeft u toegang tot een app en portaal op het internet. Helaas heeft de leverancier van de gateway aangegeven per 1 september 2023 te zullen stoppen met deze dienstverlening. Er is helaas geen 1-op-1 vervanging mogelijk. Er wordt hard gewerkt aan een eigen Itho Daalderop-oplossing, maar deze is pas ruim na de aangekondigde beëindiging beschikbaar.
Dit betekent dat de thermostaat zelf zal blijven werken, maar de gateway met bijbehorende app en web- omgeving niet meer. U kunt vanaf dat moment bijvoorbeeld de grafieken van uw elektriciteitsopbrengst of – verbruik niet meer inzien maar ook de uitgebreide klokprogramma’s en mogelijkheden tot het gebruiken van meerdere zones komen te vervallen. Ook Spider Powerplugs en Spider Powermodules zullen niet meer functioneren.
De thermostaat zelf en de thermostaatfuncties (temperatuur, warm water en ventilatie) zullen blijven werken. Daarnaast zullen (storings)meldingen op de thermostaat zichtbaar blijven zoals u dat gewend bent. Hoewel de uitgebreide klokfunctionaliteit uit de app zoals beschreven komt te vervallen, beschikt de thermostaat zelf over een eenvoudig klokprogramma (zie pagina 41 van de handleiding). Ook rechtstreeks met de thermostaat gekoppelde Itho Daalderop-apparaten, zoals een warmtepomp, cv-ketel of ventilatie-unit, zult u vanaf de thermostaat kunnen blijven bedienen.
Een aantal Spider-gebruikers gebruiken de app-/webfunctie voor het schakelen van hun warmtepomp tussen verwarmen en koelen. Wij hebben hier naar aanleiding van de eerder verstuurde mails vragen over gekregen en willen u dan ook meegeven dat in de te bieden oplossing dit uiteraard zal worden meegenomen.