
This is in light.yaml

  - platform: mqtt
    schema: json
    name: 'Eettafel'
    state_topic: 'huis/woonkamer/lamp/eettafel/state'
    command_topic: 'huis/woonkamer/lamp/eettafel/set'
    brightness: true
    brightness_scale: 32
    retain: false
    optimistic: true

Then here is my subflow in NodeRed, send your mqtt commands there and make sure the same values go to the state_topic.

[{"id":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","type":"subflow","name":"KaKu dimmer","info":"","category":"","in":[{"x":40,"y":200,"wires":[{"id":"aa997461.f119f8"}]}],"out":[{"x":1140,"y":140,"wires":[{"id":"47bb4f6c.a274d","port":0}]}],"env":[],"inputLabels":["Input"],"outputLabels":["Debug"]},{"id":"47bb4f6c.a274d","type":"delay","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"","pauseType":"rate","timeout":"5","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"x":1030,"y":200,"wires":[["63ca8690.a23778"]]},{"id":"63ca8690.a23778","type":"udp out","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"ICS-1000","addr":"","iface":"","port":"9760","ipv":"udp4","outport":"","base64":false,"multicast":"broad","x":1180,"y":200,"wires":[]},{"id":"a6b2afe5.327b1","type":"function","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"On/brightness magic stuff","func":"b = msg.payload.brightness;\ns = msg.payload.state;\nr = msg.payload.r;\nd = msg.payload.d;\nif (b === 0){\n    b = 1;\n}\nx = '001,!R' + r + 'D' + d + 'FdP' + b + '|Home|Assistant|';\nmsg.payload = x;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":590,"y":260,"wires":[["47bb4f6c.a274d"]]},{"id":"aa997461.f119f8","type":"switch","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"Off or not","property":"payload.state","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"OFF","vt":"str"},{"t":"else"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":140,"y":200,"wires":[["322b4058.41302"],["415e7c84.9747f4"]]},{"id":"322b4058.41302","type":"function","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"OFF magic stuff","func":"r = msg.payload.r;\nd = msg.payload.d;\nx = '001,!R' + r + 'D' + d + 'F0' + '|Home|Assistant|';\nmsg.payload = x;\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":320,"y":160,"wires":[["47bb4f6c.a274d"]]},{"id":"415e7c84.9747f4","type":"switch","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"Brightness or not","property":"payload.brightness","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"null"},{"t":"else"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":330,"y":240,"wires":[["9a5a5db4.0cd45"],["a6b2afe5.327b1"]]},{"id":"9a5a5db4.0cd45","type":"change","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload.brightness","pt":"msg","to":"9","tot":"num"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":580,"y":200,"wires":[["a6b2afe5.327b1"]]}]

How can i find the codes do you have more information?
The lightwave works well but i will try it with the manually control…

Hi Sven,

My ICS-1000 doesn’t seem to receive commands from home assistant (I see no Register Device notification on the controller)

My configuration is as follows:

  host: IP_ADDRESS
      name: Eettafel lamp
      name: Multimedia

My configuration in the KAKU app for the first light is:
Room 1: Woonkamer
Device 1: Eettafel

Is this the correct naming convention? is there something else I need to do?

it should work if you restarted HA and accepted linking on the ics100…
Let me now of it’s work!

Awesome it works now, thanks for the quick response :slight_smile:

My ICS-1000 forgot to show the last digit of its IP. I looked it up on my router and there I found the full IP address.

This doesn’t seem to work with the ICS-2000? Can anyone confirm this?

Hi danny it don’t work on the ics-2000. I bought the ics-1000 for 10 euro on marktplaats!

How can i find the codes do you have more information?
The lightwave works well but i will try it with the manually control…

Just send brightness or whatever formatted as json like you would with other devices. The subflow takes care of converting to Lightwave code.

Hi there, I’ve got the ICS-1000 partially working with the home assistant lightwave integration. I’m able to turn off the lights with home assistant however I’m unable to turn the lights on.

I also have a sonoff rf with tasmota and portish and when I put it in RFraw 166 mode I get the following data from my ICS-1000 when using the app Turn on: AAA6050D7147F7EF55 Turn off: AAA6050D7147F7FF55. When I use home assistant I get no data when I click to turn the lamp on but I do get AAA6050D7147F7FF55 when I turn the lamp off.

I’m running HA core 0.115.4 and OS 4.13. I’ve made sure the RxDx values are correct using wireshark.

My confuguration.yaml looks like this:

Does anyone know what is going wrong?

Hallo, ik lees nu met volle aandacht je antwoord, ik weet dat het niet mogelijk was om kaku in H.A te implanteren, met een ICS 1000 wel, nu heb ik toevalig nog een liggen, maar heb alles momenteel draaien op ics 2000 krijg ik dan geen problemen?

Hoi Peters, ik heb de ics2000 ook draaien met scenes. Daarmee ondervindt ik totaal geen problemen! Ben ingelogd op de Ipad op de ics2000 en op mijn telefoon op de ics1000 en heb de schakelaars ook toegevoegd aan home Assistant en het werkt al weken prima! Kortom toevoegen die ICS1000 aan home Assistant!

Hallo Sven, ik ben flabbergasted, dat meen je??, ik ben dag en nacht bezig om kaku in Home Assistant te krijgen,en jij hebt ook ICS2000 met scenes erin?Waarmee dan??Ik heb totaal geen ict onderwijs gehad, Ik wil dit zo graag leren,ik hoop dat je mij enigzins kan helpen, Ik draai nu H.A op een docker in Xpenology server, helemaal zelf voor elkaar gekregen via google,ik twijfelde om alles van kaku te vervangen voor sonoff produkten, maar als ik het kan behouden zal dat natuurlijk geweldig zijn.Ik ga als ik eindelijk tijd heb de H.A op een raspberry pi zetten,zodat ik enkel daar H.A op draai,ik ben heel nieuwsgierig hoe jij dit voor elkaar hebt weten te krijgen.gr J

Hoi JP,
Ik heb het misschien verkeerd verwoord maar mijn home assistant klik aan klik uit draait op de ics1000 . Daarnaast heb ik ook een ICS2000 die aangesloten is maar helaas niet aan home assistant… Sorry

Hé Sven, ik dacht al, maar geen probleem,dus ook geen scenes/regels?Zit namelijk zo, ik heb kaku (ICS2000) met een zigbee deur sensor die het licht in de garage aan en uit doet, zodra de deur open gaat en uit wanneer de deur dicht gaat, de zigbee sensor is niet mogelijk met ICS1000 maar wel met ICS2000,zal daar een andere optie voor zijn?En dan wel zichtbaar in home assisant.

Ik ga proberen om mijn zigbee deursensor te koppelen aan home assistant met deze usb…

€ 1,84 13% Off | Draadloze Zigbee CC2531 CC2540 Sniffer Blote Boord Packet Protocol Analyzer Module Usb Interface Dongle Capture Packet Module

Ik draai home assistant op een raspberry pi en dan de usb erin en dan kijken of de sensor zichtbaar word. Echter wacht ik nog op mijn bestelling.

Hi, First I’d like to point out that the HomeAssistant forum is prefered to be English, this way people from other countries wil also understand what you are saying. Maybe they have the same problem as you do, yet the solution is in a different language so they have to make the same topic, again.

Secondly, If you are getting started with zigbee devices and the usb dongle, here is a good video to help you get started.

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You are right i should have just answered in english
Thanks for the video Sven.

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Does someone has experience with using the SONOFF bridge in combination with the klikAanKlikUit devices. I have installed the Tasmota and the Portisch on the device. In the normal mode my KaKU device are not “seen” by the SONOFF bridge, however when I execute the command “RfRaw 166” manually, the SONOFF bridge “sees” the KaKu devices (the red light flashes on the SONOFF bridge). However up till now I am not able to send commands back via de SONOFF bridge to the KaKU device. The reported signal from the SONOFF device is also a little “strange”. For example:
“RfRaw”:{“Data”:“AAA605086D0D529955”} . This is a typical signal from the Kaku device.

Hello. Perhaps information from these sites can help. I plan to use the advice on the second link.

  1. http://www.rflink.nl/blog2/easyha
  2. https://www.rogerfrost.com/how-to-use-many-more-of-your-433mhz-devices-using-rflink-and-integrate-them-with-home-assistant/

Hi, I have the same problem, did you solve it?