can you point me in the right direction to reverse engineer a remote from KAKU?
Firtsly, you need to have a seconde remote (or sacrifise your own). Open up this remote and find the buttons. What these buttons do, is connect a positive side to a negative side. If you grab your multimeter and find the voltage that would be running through the button, you can mimmic that voltage from your esp8266 device. Just get the output voltages of the esp8266’s serial pin and get them down to the right voltage with resistors (so you don’t burn the remote). Now connect the serial pins to the remote’s buttons and flash the 8266 with the firmware you made or copied from someone.
Thank you for the info, I think this is to far /technical for me. I think i switch to new zigbee switches.
It can work, but I don’t like giving unknown entities access to my home components.
I’d prefer something I run locally.
I prefer that also but there is nothing switch to another system is a option for me… of anyone have the perfect solution of can make a hacs version of the ics1000 of 2000…
You can absolutely use your ICS1000 and it’s not even that difficult. There are multiple options even. You can use the Lightwave integration, which could be good enough depending on your situation. Or you can send the command manually for more control. I chose the second option and use Node-Red for this and it has been very stable for about two years now.
Do not forget that you need to approve your Home Assistant box on your ICS1000. Just send a command and click the accept button on the ICS.
I could share my node-red flows if someone is interested. Also for Dutch users, you can find a lot of info on
I’m interested
It’s work for me…
I use lightwave integrations
Step 1: give the ics1000 a static IP.
Step 2: Connect ics1000 to the app of klik aan klik uit.
Step 3: set your lights in the app in the rooms.
Step 4: Go to the config.yaml file.
Step 5: copy this:
name: Lamp keuken
name: Lamp Bank
name: openhaard
R = Room
D = light
Step 6: check config and restart.
Step 7: check the ics1000 the ics1000 need a accept for linking.
Step 8: Happy the klik aan klik uit works!
Let me now it’s work for you…
Currently there is nothing besides programming the ICS-1000 and use HomeBridge to bridge it to Apple Home (that’s my current workflow). So now I can operate all COCO devices in my house.
I don’t use Home Assistant currently because there is no support for the ICS-1000.
All works flawless currently…
It can work look at my setup.
This is in light.yaml
- platform: mqtt
schema: json
name: 'Eettafel'
state_topic: 'huis/woonkamer/lamp/eettafel/state'
command_topic: 'huis/woonkamer/lamp/eettafel/set'
brightness: true
brightness_scale: 32
retain: false
optimistic: true
Then here is my subflow in NodeRed, send your mqtt commands there and make sure the same values go to the state_topic.
[{"id":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","type":"subflow","name":"KaKu dimmer","info":"","category":"","in":[{"x":40,"y":200,"wires":[{"id":"aa997461.f119f8"}]}],"out":[{"x":1140,"y":140,"wires":[{"id":"47bb4f6c.a274d","port":0}]}],"env":[],"inputLabels":["Input"],"outputLabels":["Debug"]},{"id":"47bb4f6c.a274d","type":"delay","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"","pauseType":"rate","timeout":"5","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"x":1030,"y":200,"wires":[["63ca8690.a23778"]]},{"id":"63ca8690.a23778","type":"udp out","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"ICS-1000","addr":"","iface":"","port":"9760","ipv":"udp4","outport":"","base64":false,"multicast":"broad","x":1180,"y":200,"wires":[]},{"id":"a6b2afe5.327b1","type":"function","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"On/brightness magic stuff","func":"b = msg.payload.brightness;\ns = msg.payload.state;\nr = msg.payload.r;\nd = msg.payload.d;\nif (b === 0){\n b = 1;\n}\nx = '001,!R' + r + 'D' + d + 'FdP' + b + '|Home|Assistant|';\nmsg.payload = x;\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":590,"y":260,"wires":[["47bb4f6c.a274d"]]},{"id":"aa997461.f119f8","type":"switch","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"Off or not","property":"payload.state","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"eq","v":"OFF","vt":"str"},{"t":"else"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":140,"y":200,"wires":[["322b4058.41302"],["415e7c84.9747f4"]]},{"id":"322b4058.41302","type":"function","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"OFF magic stuff","func":"r = msg.payload.r;\nd = msg.payload.d;\nx = '001,!R' + r + 'D' + d + 'F0' + '|Home|Assistant|';\nmsg.payload = x;\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":320,"y":160,"wires":[["47bb4f6c.a274d"]]},{"id":"415e7c84.9747f4","type":"switch","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"Brightness or not","property":"payload.brightness","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"null"},{"t":"else"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":330,"y":240,"wires":[["9a5a5db4.0cd45"],["a6b2afe5.327b1"]]},{"id":"9a5a5db4.0cd45","type":"change","z":"2f1fdc8a.e41924","name":"","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"payload.brightness","pt":"msg","to":"9","tot":"num"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":580,"y":200,"wires":[["a6b2afe5.327b1"]]}]
How can i find the codes do you have more information?
The lightwave works well but i will try it with the manually control…
Hi Sven,
My ICS-1000 doesn’t seem to receive commands from home assistant (I see no Register Device notification on the controller)
My configuration is as follows:
name: Eettafel lamp
name: Multimedia
My configuration in the KAKU app for the first light is:
Room 1: Woonkamer
Device 1: Eettafel
Is this the correct naming convention? is there something else I need to do?
it should work if you restarted HA and accepted linking on the ics100…
Let me now of it’s work!
Awesome it works now, thanks for the quick response
My ICS-1000 forgot to show the last digit of its IP. I looked it up on my router and there I found the full IP address.
This doesn’t seem to work with the ICS-2000? Can anyone confirm this?
Hi danny it don’t work on the ics-2000. I bought the ics-1000 for 10 euro on marktplaats!
How can i find the codes do you have more information?
The lightwave works well but i will try it with the manually control…
Just send brightness or whatever formatted as json like you would with other devices. The subflow takes care of converting to Lightwave code.
Hi there, I’ve got the ICS-1000 partially working with the home assistant lightwave integration. I’m able to turn off the lights with home assistant however I’m unable to turn the lights on.
I also have a sonoff rf with tasmota and portish and when I put it in RFraw 166 mode I get the following data from my ICS-1000 when using the app Turn on: AAA6050D7147F7EF55 Turn off: AAA6050D7147F7FF55. When I use home assistant I get no data when I click to turn the lamp on but I do get AAA6050D7147F7FF55 when I turn the lamp off.
I’m running HA core 0.115.4 and OS 4.13. I’ve made sure the RxDx values are correct using wireshark.
My confuguration.yaml looks like this:
Does anyone know what is going wrong?
Hallo, ik lees nu met volle aandacht je antwoord, ik weet dat het niet mogelijk was om kaku in H.A te implanteren, met een ICS 1000 wel, nu heb ik toevalig nog een liggen, maar heb alles momenteel draaien op ics 2000 krijg ik dan geen problemen?