KNX RGBW Problem

HSVW is not supported by HA, only HSV is. I think the only mode with dedicated white channel in HA is RGBW.
So it would be
brightness_address: 2/1/41 - Dimmen
brightness_state_address: 2/2/41 - Status Dimmen

@Blade001 you can’t use color_address instead of hue_address, this config would be invalid.
If one of hue_address or saturation_address is given, the other and brightness_address have to be configured too.

@farmio sorry my fail

Ah, don’t worry. KNX config Schema is like a Text adventure game :upside_down_face:

@farmio @Blade001 Thank you for the hint. I switched to the RGBW mode on my MDT Dali Gateway. This does work perfectly fine now.

Hi everyone,

I am new to the world of KNX and HA. Currently I am trying to use my KNX device (Busch Jäger Roomtouch5) with its virtual RGBW control element to set the values of my WiFi UFO LED (RGBW) controller via Home Assistant. My issue is the following:
With Roomtouch5 I am only able to use RGBW individually on a KNX group address or in combination with RGB as 1 group address and W as 1 group address.

Therefore, I tried several KNX HA configs in the YAML file:

- name: "HA_LED_RGBW_Sideboard"
  address: "2/1/1" # Schalten Ein/Aus & Dimmen
  state_address: "2/1/1" # Statuswert Ein/Aus & Dimmwert
  color_address: "2/6/4" # Wert RGB
  color_state_address: "2/6/4" # Status Wert RGB
  color_temperature_address: "2/6/4" # Weißwert
  color_temperature_state_address: "2/6/4" # Weißwert

- name: "HA_LED_Test_RGBW"
  address: "2/1/1" # Schalten Ein/Aus & Dimmen
  state_address: "2/1/1" # Statuswert Ein/Aus & Dimmwert
      brightness_address: "2/6/0"
      brightness_state_address: "2/6/0"
      brightness_address: "2/6/1"
      brightness_state_address: "2/6/1"
      brightness_address: "2/6/2"
      brightness_state_address: "2/6/2"
      brightness_address: "2/6/3"
      brightness_state_address: "2/6/3"

The result: I only receicve RGB values of DEVICE 1 in my NodeRED debug node:

         0: "rgb"
      brightness: 254
         0: 255
         1: 255
         2: 255
      <many more>


      restored: true    // What is that?!
         0: "rgb"
      friendly_name: "XXX"
      supported_features: 0

Where is my failure? Or did I forget something in the config file? From the previous comments I think my failure is the YAML configuration, but every setup I tried didn’t help me to receive my RGB+W data in NodeRED. :frowning:

Unfortunately I am only able to upload 1 image as a new user. So if you require more data i will try to upload it addittionally afterwards.

Thanks for your help!!

Hi :wave:!
Not sure what you do with NodeRed here, and since I don’t know it I can’t really say anything about these debug results.
But aside that, you shouldn’t use a Knx Light entity to control a non-knx HA entity. It is intended to control Knx light actuators and read their states.

See Is there a way to control shelly rgbw over KNX? - #22 by WolleWtal for an example on how to control non-Knx entities from Knx.

Thanks for the Fast reply.

So actually I simply want to use the KNX device RGB+W values to control my WiFi RGBW LED stripe. So in NodeRED I read the values and send it to my LED entity. Or is there an easier opportunity to Set Group address values from KNX to HA entitys?

So all KNX entities are only usable to write the data to KNX Devices and not the other way arround? I thought they can also be used to read KNX values and use then inside the HA data space.

I will check your link today. The title sounds like the same issue I am facing. :slight_smile: Thanks for the hint.

Read the link I posted above :wink: its exactly the issue you are looking at.
Don’t know if a HA automation is easier than doing that in NR, but it certainly involves less moving parts.

No, this is not the case. But some (especially light, climate and cover) knx entities are more than just a representation of some group values on knx bus. They have internal logic and some expect to be able to read state from the bus.
Additionaly HA entities in general aren’t suitable for that - eg. a light entity that has a state “off” doesn’t have a brightness attribute. This is only exposed when it has a state “on”. I guess same for rgb color.