LD2410 esphome tips

Sorry if this been asked before, but how do I get that graph ? Looks great!

This is just a history graph when all of these entities added in.

Search and replace entrance_stairs with your sensor name below.

type: vertical-stack
  - type: history-graph
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g0_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g1_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g2_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g3_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g4_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g5_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g6_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g7_still_energy
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_g8_still_energy
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g0_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g1_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g2_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g3_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g4_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g5_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g6_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g7_still_threshold
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_g8_still_threshold
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_still_energy
      - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_stairs_still_presence
      - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_stairs_moving_presence
      - entity: binary_sensor.entrance_stairs_presence
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_detection_distance
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_still_distance
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_moving_distance
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_light
    title: Still Energy
    hours_to_show: 1
  - type: entities
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_still_distance
      - entity: sensor.entrance_stairs_moving_distance
      - entity: switch.entrance_stairs_engineering_mode
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_max_still_distance_gate
      - entity: number.entrance_stairs_max_move_distance_gate

LD2410 is working but only diagnostic entities are unknown. Any suggestions?

Did you turn on engineering mode ?

Yeah, but still nothing.
Edited: Now is working. I think i2c is messing up. Sometimes entities are unknown then changing baudrates and its working again.

How can I create a light on/off switch via the out pin of ld2410?

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Connect a relay to output pin… aliexpress is full of them, choose the one with optocoupler.

it is connected to the relay. I want to add a switch to home assistant

Do you want to control output from home assistant or you just want to have output monitoring in HA? In any way an esphome module will be probably required, then you connect LD to an esp module and you’ll have it in HA.

The ld2410 is also connected to the esp via tx and rx, but I don’t know how to call them to control the out pin of the ld2410 on the home asistant

OUT pin is controlled inside of LD. You can’t control this pin in any way, since this pin is active when movement or/and presence is detected (thus allowing sensor to be used standalone); you can only monitor it: connect output to one free esphome’s gpio (parallel with your existing relay) and monitor output that way: (source: esphome LD2410)

OUT pin

In order to monitor the presence indicated by the component, with the light function taken under account, you can set up a GPIO Binary Sensor:

binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: REPLACEME name: gpio out pin presence device_class: presence

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I had the same problem with false signals. I found out that I get peaks from the ac current in the esp32. I first used this ac dc concertor to power the esp32:

Then I tried this convertor which has more capacitors and more wats ( 3,5w ) it works great:

I haven’t had any false signals since then

Try and you will see.

Good luck :+1:

You saved my weekend!

I managed to make it works thanks to your comment @playersct

I have another ld2410 with another d1 mini working with regular rx and tx pins but this new one is working with D7 and D8 pins.

Thank you so much!

Nicely done thank you.

Hey guys,

Does anyone have any idea if mmwave is affected by mirrors? I cant seem to find any info :frowning:

Also Im having issues seeing though glass, any recommendations on sensitivity settings?

EDIT Ignore this one, looking though the doco it says enable engineering mode and check the values under diagnostics, from the device page in HA . Ill try that :slight_smile:

And lastly lol, is anyone using gates for automations? Is it reliable?

Or value temples for distance?

Thanks all :slight_smile:

We did a simultaneous comparison of all three sensors from hlk and it seems that the overall reliability of the LD2410 for distance display is good.


Cool, thanks for that. I’ll check that out tonight

Sorry but i´m a bit noob here… should i replace the “vars” with the name of the entity? or how should i use this? i have already downloaded both custom templat card and bars card… thanks in advance!