Legrand/Bticino MyHome

I was wrong, the RPi was actually connected by LAN.
However, It was connected to a different switch (inside the same network).
I moved the PI to the same switch and VOILA, finally it found the MHS1!

I now have the issue that it doesn’t control the devices. I’ll check my setup.


Hi Jiulien! Congratulations on the great job you are doing. I believe that with our small contribution you will be able to put on an excellent integration. I wanted to ask you if it was possible to integrate the anti-theft system. I have a Burglar-alarm unit 3486 (year 2011). I am at your disposal to carry out the tests.
Thanks again! :muscle:

Thanks! I’m glad you like it :slightly_smiling_face:
At the moment I’m not planning on adding the alarm system for two main reasons: it’s read-only (it cannot be controlled at all by OpenWebNet); and the information that you can read is very limited (you can only get the current status of zones [armed, disarmed, alarm, technical alarm, etc.], and not individual sensors)

I have a BTI-4200 unit and using TCP I’m able to receive real time status of the sensor in the house (currently using Node-RED). I’m using these to create interesting automations (e.g. when I walk in the livingroom in the morning, the blinds go up automatically; when I open the main door to go out, Google Home tells me if I left any window open).

I currently am on Openhab and chose that platform because at the time no OpenWebNet/BTicino integration was available for Hassio. Now, thanks to your work, I’m considering to migrate! :grinning:

Hi all, I migrate openhab to home assistant… I have full equipment Btcino my home I want to participate test and code for this project. Yesterday I install integration and it found f454 and mh

I prepared file config… This evening I try.

One question for music system do u think improve?! Where 16

@loreboldo, it’s interesting that you can have a status of all sensors! But this alarm is the newer model isn’t it?
Can you share an example of the OpenWebNet messages for these?

@Achille_Sano, sorry, but audio systems are not a priority right now, unless someone else is willing to contribute to the project!

I do first test… Is work all but climate only read I can’t command device

In the log sometime I have this error

Logger: custom_components.myhome
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/connection.py:438
Integration: MyHome (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 19:46:47 (92 occurrences)
Last logged: 20:26:29


Traceback (most recent call last): File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/connection.py”, line 423, in get_next return OWNMessage.parse(data.decode()) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/message.py”, line 149, in parse return OWNCommand.parse(data) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/message.py”, line 1265, in parse return OWNGatewayCommand(data) File “/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OWNd/message.py”, line 1482, in init self._timezone = f"+{self._dimension_value[3][1:]}" if self._dimension_value[3][0] == “0” else f"-{self._dimension_value[3][1:]}" IndexError: list index out of range

If possibile i want partecipate project

To quickly access the configuration address map of MyHOMEServer1, without using MyHome_Suite, just follow the steps below:

  • Using your browser, access the address https://IP_ADDRESS_MHS1:3443 (e.g.

  • The browser may block the page by defining it as unsafe, ignore the warning, you are literally at home!

  • You will see a field where you must enter the INSTALLER_CODE.

  • Click on the 3rd and last entry “Download Addresses”.

@anotherjulien could create a small script for device autodiscovery since the html page also provides the device name and type.

Have a nice day!

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Hi @anotherjulien, my alarm doesn’t use OpenWebNet.
Through the TiAlarm software it can be configured to send events to an HTTP destination, and these are received following the SIA DC-09 specifications. Then in Node RED I use a regex to parse the message.
Unfortunately since a couple of days ago the communication appears to have stopped working, after more than 2 years of service :sweat_smile: I’m currenlty looking into it

I fix error but now I have two dubit :slight_smile:

  • climate only read?
  • dry contact work all but ir sensor motion I set rules Btcino I see that command :

08.23.57: 904## (Ausiliario aux 4 OFF)
08.24.02: 91
2## (Ausiliario aux 2 ON)
08.24.05: 90*2## (Ausiliario aux 2 OFF)

On aux I think to read doc Btcino n and z on who #25 as other sensor but ir no.

Can I use who #9?

@Achille_Sano, no heating should be read//write, you should be able to control it. Can you tell me what kind of heating system you have and show me your config file for it?
For WHO 9, it’s not yet supported, I’ll try to work on it.

@FOSV, can you show me what the page looks like? In any case I don’t think the script could be integrated to this integration directly, because HA forbids web scrapping explicitly… Ideally there should be some form of API for this on the MHS1, but I doubt it :-/

@loreboldo, ah I see, that’s more in line with what I expected! :slightly_smiling_face: Unfortunately then, this alarm system will be out of scope for this integration; but someone can work on creating another integration separately for it!

You can refer to the manual on pages 230-231 to see what the screen looks like, at the moment I can’t access the system to take a screenshot.
However, I have downloaded the html page produced by this operation and would be happy to email it to you.

@anotherjulien HI , thanks for your support my component bticino is:

Bticino HC4695 MyHome



I setup only 1 zone .

My config file home assistat , climate.yaml is :

@anotherjulien for who 9 if can i help you i stay here . If you tell me about your code i can try modify, i share some info on aux channel (OR i u have code with comment i help you in your fantastic project):slight_smile:

            WHO       WHAT                WHERE                  WHEN


WHO -------- WHAT ---------- ------------ WHERE – --------- -------- WHEN
[9] ------------ [0-10] ------------ [1-9] + zone[1-9]sensor[0-9] --------- [0-9]

In my system with sensor motion control on AUX i sniffer this data , they use WHO , WHAT , WHEN

*9*1*2## (Ausiliario aux 2 ON)    MOTION
*9*0*2## (Ausiliario aux 2 OFF)  NO MOTION
*9*1*3## (Ausiliario aux 3 ON)  
*9*0*3## (Ausiliario aux 3 OFF)
*9*1*4## (Ausiliario aux 4 ON)
*9*0*4## (Ausiliario aux 4 OFF)

Your code for binary_sensor.py i think it is same for who 9 aux . row 107-111 change 25 → 9 and use only andress 1-9 wihout 3 (specific for who 25) ???

    if devices:
        for _, entity_info in devices.items():
            name = entity_info[CONF_NAME] if CONF_NAME in entity_info else None
            where = entity_info[CONF_WHERE]
            who = entity_info[CONF_WHO] if CONF_WHO in entity_info else "25"
1 Like

I’ve rewritten the documentation for the heating setup, detailing what to do for the 3 main type of setups on the github page.

Can you have a look, and configure according to your setup (a 4 zones central unit in your case)?

The doc showed is for open command by phone to alarm central unit.
The only Openwebnet passing form alarm bus to normal bus are alarm status, zone status and aux. From normal bus to alarm bus pass only aux command.

For arm or disarm alrm you should use alarm central unit automation, but this reduce the security level and I cannot share how do it.


@Sdomotica_Automation Ciao Sandro e grazie per il suggerimento a parte il documento postato , ho catturato i dati dei sensori ir del sistema di antifurto , configurati anche come AUX e quando passi davanti al sensore ricevi sul bus 912## a riposo 902##. Quindi rileva il movimento mi aspettavo sul who *25 con indirizzo 3XX come per porte e barriere ma i sensori IR mi danno risposta su *9 direttamente sul bus automazione.

@Sdomotica_Automation Hi Sandro and thanks for the suggestion my doc posted document,

I captured the data of the my bus system ir sensors, also configured as AUX and when you pass in front of the sensor you receive on the bus * 9 * 1 * 2 ## no moving * 9 * 0 * 2 ##.

Then it detects the movement I was expecting on the who * 25 with address 3XX as for doors and barriers but the IR sensors give me an answer on * 9 directly on the automation bus.

@anotherjulien THANKS when i see config there is not 4 zone

i confiured yesterday and now it is work perfecty with specific config.

You have Aux, with disarmed alarm, becouse you insered aux configurator in IR and contact.
With armed alarm, you don’t have aux frames
The cen *25 is for sensor on normal bus.