Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Hi @anotherjulien!
I noticed that every time I restart Home Assistant, the MyHome integration disables the following energy sensors:

  • energy_current_month
  • energy_today
    Could you do something?
    Thank you :+1:

Hi @anotherjulien I have little problem con energy sensor :slight_smile:

On my equipment I have 4 power sensor :slight_smile:

1 total power
2 Owen
3 wash
4 little room

Only total sensor keep last_reset for calculate energy kwh

All power instant consumption work only energy i have this bug

What you’re showing is the cost sensor.
It is neither created nor managed by the integration but by HA Core.

Julien thanks for this great software !!!

Hi I am a hobby python programmer and am doing an integration of +/- 145 lamps and switch in three segments with a MH200N gateway and 2 * F422 Bus extenders. (Mode=2).

The extended addressing is implemented for a large part in the OWNd module, but not working yet.
I’ve read that this issue has been popping up regularly lately, so I’d like to share my preliminary solution with you.

An extended address is for an F422

# where =

`IF`  stands for interface (see documentation F422)
and IF must be a integer between 1-9 in two digits ( the hardware bus format)

A = 1 area
PL = 2 point Light
IF = 3 interface
WHO = 1
On = 1 (what)
OFF = 0 (what)

Complete bus command : *<who>*<what>*<where>##
in this case is 12#4#03 you enter this in the registration file’s lights of swichts.yaml

lamp on
lamp off

Noting new so far.

Issue Extend addressing F422

Problem with extended address <where> this is put on the bus correctly, but when the status of the bus is read back the <where> command is stripped into two parts, a <where> and a <_where_param> which is done in the OWNd module (message.py)
As a result, the registration and the feedback are not matched. (you don’t get status feed back)

Solution F422 issue

my workaround is a modification in the OWNd module. (pip installed part software)
so that the <where> is the entire address.
line 201-204 OWNd / message.py

    def where(self) -> str:
        """The 'where' ID of the subject of this message"""
        return self._where

changed in :

    def where(self) -> str:
        """The 'where' ID of the subject of this message"""
        return f'{self._where}{self._match.group("where_param")}'

address example:

example: light.yaml
the F411/4 behind the interface “01” (two digits !!!)
model: F416U1 directly after the gateway.

# light:
 - platform: myhome
     # Bulb1
       where: '11#4#01'
       name: Lamp_1
       dimmable: False
       manufacturer: BTicino
       model: F411U4
     # Bulb 2
       where: '12#4#01'
       name: Lamp_2
       dimmable: False
       manufacturer: BTicino
       model: F411U4
     # Bulb 3
       where: '13#4#01'
       name: Lamp_3
       dimmable: False
       manufacturer: BTicino
       model: F411U4
     # Bulb 4
       where: '14#4#01'
       name: Lamp_4
       dimmable: False
       manufacturer: BTicino
       model: F411U4
     # Dimmer spot
       where: '15'
       name: Spot Lamp
       dimmable: True
       manufacturer: BTicino
       model: F416U1

be careful,

I can’t completely oversee the consistency for heating alarm, etc
But for switching and lamps this works great.

You right, I wrong keep image

Sensor with andress 5(1) work power and energy

Sensor with andress 7(1) 7(2) work only power energy unknown status

Hallo supertabouret,

I have see the same (status status will not be updated

you can have two situation

1 soft swicht send and reached the hardware (hardware follow the soft switch) but no feed back


2 soft switch send and dont reached the hardware also no feed back.

for situation 1 have i found a solution.

Issue’s with a F422 extended addess see topic 683 (Douwes)

For analyzing Address Tree use program Myhome Suite (BTcinio) and look in the tree view.

If you find “Automation Local Bus (bus name)” in the system tree

Then there is an F422 in the game .

regards Douwe

Hi Julien,
long time no hear, i hope your fine.
why is it that some times changes made in HA, a light switch or especially a thermostat it takes so long
before the changes are really made and sometimes not made?

Yeah, sorry, a newborn child and disabled wife do not make for a lot of free time…
I unfortunately don’t have an answer for you, sometimes gateways do not reply, sometimes they block connections for some time, it’s not something I can solve on my end :confused:

With new firmare upgrade for MyHomsesrver1 , port 20000 remain avaialbe

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Hi! I’m new to HA. I recently moved to a new house that has Legrand automated rollers, lights and thermostats. I currently use the app “Control”.

In HA when I try to add the integration of “Legrand Home+ Control” it opens up a website of legrand where I have to consent access to my home but when it goes back to HA i get an error 500 Internal Server error and I don’t know how to continue or see the error.

Screenshot 2022-04-03 at 13.18.33

Any ideas?

Kind regards and thanks for your help.

Hi Julien,
is it normal there is continuous traffic between HA and the gateway, especially temperature ?
to keep the gateway alive i send every minute ‘#118##’ , but there is already a lot of traffic ?
by sending ‘#118##’ should the gateway send a ack message back ?
thanks for looking in to it…

Hi @anotherjulien, I have finally identified the cause of the frequent crashes of my F454 which in turn blocked your integration! The “Portal-MyHomeWeb” function was enabled on my F454. With this function disabled, the webserver no longer had disconnections every 3 hours.
I attach screen

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Hi All,

I have a Bticino Myhomeserver1 as gateway - Firmware 2.60.38 and the connection is very unstable.
After restarting Home Assistant it works perfect for a time(hours) and the dashboards is updating correctly.
Then after a period, when for example an automation turns on a light, the dashboard is not updating anymore, (the light turns on but HA is not updating?)
The Bticino MyHomeUp app that also using the gateway is keep on working perfectly.
I really like Home Assistant it’s a great product, but this unstable behavior make automations not working properly (lights turn on but never turn off because HA is not knowing the light is turned on )
Is anyone experience the same problems, has somebody have a solution or now what the problem could be??

I Really need help on this !!!

Many thanks for any reply.

Hi Julien,

why is it that the Bticino MyHomeUp APP, that using the same gateway keeps updating and working correctly and the HA integration fails?
Is the app sending a wake up string to the gateway ??

The firmware 2.60.38 is for migration.
If you don’t make the migration the myhomeserver1 is unstable and broke the connection during the night.
If have you alarm you cannot migrate otherwise I suggest to do it.
On migrated there are a lot of other problems……
Sandro from Sdomotica

Hi Sandro,

thanks for the reply, what do I have to migrate ?
Best Regards,

I solved one of the Myhomeserver1 migrated bug

Hello everybody, i recently upgraded to 2.60.36 and then .38, but both firmware seems to introduce instability in the connection between MHS1 and Home Assistant instance.
I noticed that the Network settings in the MHS1 are overwritten randomly (I deactivated DHCP but it seems to re-activate itself).

Do you know if is it possible to rollback to a previous MHS1 firmware version?
Any other suggestion?


One more question, i was trying to sniff communication between MHS1 and HA via tcpdump. @anotherjulien should I see just one port constantly open for event communication and an additional one which is open only when command connection is needed?
I am trying to understand if is the connection which drops or event stop being broadcasted.

Thanks in advance!

Quick update, regarding the post above.
I have contacted BTicino professional support, they admitted there was a bug related to the network configuration, which made the MHS1 switch from static IP to DHCP randomly.
According to them, the new firmware 2.60.41 fixed the bug.

My MHS1 connection to HA is being stable for 24h, after having reloaded the component in HA to clear the errors.

The new version is not the solution for me.
for the moment i am waiting for the upgrade from MyHome_Up —> Home + Control, that should be the solution ?? Underneath telling “Setup not ready for migration” we will Email you when Ready ?