Legrand/Bticino MyHome

Hi All,
i am still waiting for the update from MyHomeUp → Home + Control, but it seems that the latest Version is full of bugs.
I am now running firmware version 2.60.41 on MyHOMEServer1 and the gateway is very stable.
What I did is, as installer disable DHCP and put in a static IP adres, just like IAmVespa from above.

Ho un myhomeserver1 con la nuova release , ho installato da HACS github.com ma quando provo a configurare MYhome mi dice che i gateway sono tutti configurati.
Cosa sbaglio?


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where did you find the new firmware? I verify my MHS1 everyday but i can’t see any firmware upgrade.


hai scaricato la versione “Master” dell’integrazione?

I have the exact same issue.

if you go to more you can see in system the firmware Version, what is you version ?
Latest is 2.60.41
Normal the app will ask for the update, but lately it updates automaticly.
it is also possible that you need to login as installer.

I have that fw version on my MyHomeServer1, but I think that the issue is with Home Assistant more than the gateway itself. I installed HACS, then installed MyHOME version 0.8.5, it said that it installed correctly, yet it didn’t appear under /config/integrations.

If i go to HACS/integrations I can see the MyHome “card”. If I go back to /config/integrations and then search for MyHome it comes up, then press it, but it returns the error mentioned above, saying that “All the Myhome gateways are already configured”.


Latest is 2.60.47, still remain termo bug but I can manage it with my solution

Hy everybody

I am trying to attibute room for each “MyHome” devices. this works fine until I restart home assitant. On restart the room configuration is lost. Did everyone get the same problem ?


to fix the bug that you describe you can download the “master” version, follow the steps below.

Once downloaded, restar HA.

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Hy IAmVespa

Thanks for your help but unfortunately, it does not work :thinking:

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I set the version to the master branch, installed it and restarted ha, i still don’t see the myhome integration card under …/config/integrations in the web console of ha.

Just wanted to share the problems i found on your awsome package.

1/ If some switches are set behind a F418, then you cannot make them work, just get the state. Snif.

2/ For all covers, i am using the advanced:true because otherwise they dont work. Also i am using that card and these buttons on left are not working.

Is there a reason why ? Any way to solve that ?

Hello there
FIrst of all, many thanks to everyone here working together to keep improve on this

Can anybody of you give me a hand please?
I’ve been trying to get this integeration to work but it isn’t working.
I admit i am new to home assistant so it’s a lot on trial and error base.
So far i have installed hacs and the myhome integration, but i can’t seem to get the ownd to install/work. I can’t seem to discover the gateways that i have (mh201N, mh202,…)
i’m loosing it for the moment. IF this is the wrong place to ask then please redirect me.

Hi Julien

Dry contact behavior
Normally door and window contacts are connected: these contacts are normally closed (NC) (with the door closed). So if I connect a 3477 configured with the contact “179” to the contact behaves as it should.
when I open the door, the OWN message is: *25*31#1*3179 ##
when I close the door, the OWN message is: *25*32#1*3179 ##

However, if I connect a rain sensor with a normally open contact (NO), the behavior is “opposite”
It can be managed differently without using value_template?

Is there for example a way to reverse the operation as for example there is in ESPHome? Binary Sensor Component — ESPHome


Hi Gabriele,

Is your device configured as NO in myhome_suite? (or even with the jumpers in the back, I think NO should be SPE=0 if I’m not mistaken)

Hi Julien!
I Use Virtual Configuration (MyHome Suite): Here is My Config:

Other function type:

In my opinion the contacts as intended by “MyHome Suite” expects NC contacts (such as those of the windows alarm).

If, on the other hand, I move to the scenario programmer side: “MH200N”, here I can put the type of contact to be set …

Analyzing it better, however, it makes no sense, on the MH200N side → the OWN frames that at the end fires the 3477 device are always the same (once configured). Maybe the "Command ON " command means inverting the status of the command that comes out of the 3477 …

Huh… it’s weird that the function seems to be documented for the jumper config but not available in virtual config…
Anyway, in your yaml definition of the device, can you try adding inverted: True?
I think I implemented the option but did not document it because I did not really expect it to be used all that much…

I’ll try and let you know … The strange thing is that in the documentation for WHO = 25 to ask status of an automation contact I have to insert the string: *#25*3<contact_number>##
with OpenWebNet Client → But I not receive answers… (see below)

Example from Legrand OWN Documentation:


Or by inserting: *#25*3201## (in my opinion there is an error in the manual) → I not receive answers.

If I do the same thing by asking about the status of an anti-theft contact, he answers me instead …

I’ll have to double check the system …

Hi ,

i have a “problem” with this integration … my MyHome configuration have some F422 , so I have differents local bus. This integration at the moment it’s working only on main bus ( bus 0 ) .

I found a possible solution on a post here above ( Legrand/Bticino MyHome - #691 by douwes)

The problem is that I can’t find the “OWNd” library ( message.py) to be modified on my homeassitant installation ( I am not an expert … maybe it’s not in the “core” but in the “supervisor” ? )

I also opened an issue on github ( https://github.com/anotherjulien/MyHOME/issues/53) but no answer yet … somene can help me to solve it ? @anotherjulien , you can modifify the source code for different bus ?

Thanks in advance