It’s amazing how much I rely on it for automations.
Here’s hoping something can be done. If it is the end of the integration a big thanks to @pnbruckner for keeping it going for so long in his spare time.
I just deleted my HA Life360 integration entry, changed my Life360 password, then logged out and back into my Life360 app on my phone. It said something about noticing it might be a new device, and that any other devices have been logged out.
Also, on their FAQ, there’s this:
When someone is logged into Life360 on more than one device, they may appear in the wrong location on the map. You and other members in the Circle may receive inaccurate Place Alerts.
Life360 has introduced a new feature that will keep you logged in on only one device at a time to prevent the issues noted above. We will automatically log you out of the other device(s) that you are logged into when you log into a new device.
So, yeah, might really be the end of the unsupported HA integration.
I have the same issue in HA, but I also have a device called Homey, which also has an onofficial integration for life360 and that one is working fine, so I think it is a HA issue.
Ideally something could be done on the level of companion app… This would make it completely independent from external services. I know this functionality already exists, but could it be brought to the level that Life360 provided?
Welp, looks like I might need to rethink paying 15 a month for Life360 finally. Hoping for the best, but I guess I should start looking at other solutions.