The last time I tried the integration again on my production system, it still did not work – constant error 403’s.
I was still running HA 2024.5.5. Based on recent comments, and the fact that it worked on my test system, which was running newer versions of HA, I upgraded my production system to 2024.7.4 today and re-enabled the Life360 integration. To my pleasant surprise, it worked!
The only thing I can think of is that somehow the TLS fingerprint changed due to changes in the latest HA versions. If so, maybe this will work again for most or all of us for at least a while until Life360 and/or Cloudflare gets upset with us again. Who knows!
FWIW, I doubt the difference between 0.5.2 & 0.5.3bx matters. I happen to be running 0.5.3b2. I’ll try to release it as 0.5.3 before too long.
Oh, and I might change the update period from 10s back to 5s.
This would make sense why mine isn’t working still. I’m on 2024.6.4. 2024.7.0 breaks something for me so I haven’t upgraded yet. Maybe I’ll go ahead and try it this weekend. Do you know if the token i have saved will work or would I need a new one?
Is there a way to get the Life360 Zones into HA Zones? Or does it or will it happen automatically?
I just discovered I had a hard-coded zones.yaml file that was old and not being updated. I removed it from the configuration.yaml and restarted. Now HA only sees one zone: “Home”.
No. There used to be a way to get the Place details in the debug log, which was printed in a format that made it easy to copy & paste into a zones.yaml file, but that feature wasn’t added when I rewrote the integration from scratch recently.
It’s still not sure if it will keep working. We are testing it, but it has changed a couple of times now in the last few months. It has been working for some people again for 2 weeks now I think. But no guarantees.
Noticed one thing…
Did a logout and login and it seems like its only works with verification keys.
It didnt even ask for password, instead it send me a verification key to my email…
Hello,life 360 not working with HA 2025.01
this error
Setup failed for custom integration ‘life360’: Unable to import component: cannot import name ‘LENGTH_FEET’ from ‘homeassistant.const’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/