Life360 Officially Supported Integration

Just stopped working for me also… :face_holding_back_tears:

Thank you for all your work on the Life360 integration


Thanks for your efforts - a LOT.
I myself had to stop using Life360 on ~May 2022 (stopped working in Russia).
Let’s see what happens next to them. May be they will collaborate with HA-like platforms.
Hmm, they do not want to be accessed from 3rd party - and yet they sell private data.

Again, please do not discuss alternatives to Life360 in this topic. There are plenty of other topics (including your own) that do that. This topic is intended ONLY for discussing the possibility of an officially supported integration with Life360, and mostly for people to “vote” for that.

A few hours ago the life360 integration requested reconfiguration again, is there a solution?

No. And please see above comment.

Thanks again for all the work you put into the integration. It’s a shame it’s come down to this.

An authorised API is probably the only thing that would cause me to pay to use their service, so they’re pretty much losing the opportunity of my future custom.

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I only just paid for Life360 too, i’ll be cancelling that and wont be giving them anymore money or data. I would of even paid for API access too.

But anyway, thank you @pnbruckner for all the time you spent on this. :+1:

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Again, please do not use this topic for general discussion of the various available device tracker integrations. There are plenty of other topics in which to do that, and anyone is free to create another topic of their own if they like.

Did you not see my post right before yours? :person_facepalming:

Off topic posts removed - feel free to flag any others that occur and we can clean those up too.


note sure if the have any, but I would suggest to start from here Life360 · GitHub

I’ve found a way to bypass the Cloudflare Error & One-Device-Only Policy.

Cloudflare uses TLS Fingerprinting (github/salesforce/ja3). Thats how they detect things like curl for example.
If the API requests are done with a common TLS Fingerprint, you won’t get the Cloudflare error.
You can try this by using curl-impersonate (github/lwthiker/curl-impersonate/releases), which uses another TLS Fingerprint with every request.
You can find out your TLS Fingerprint by curling https:// ja3.joeshaw. org

The One-Device-Only Policy can be bypassed by performing the login like it is done on the Website Login (app.life360. com/login). Dont worry about the Captcha there.

There is also some python packages like:

But i don’t know if this is implementable in any way in the Add-On.

Got it working by using hrequests:

import hrequests
session = hrequests.Session('chrome', version=112)
session.headers = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36',
'accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
'accept-language': 'de,de-DE;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7',
'authorization': 'Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'ce-source': '/web/chrome/',
'content-type': 'application/json',
'origin': '',
'authority': '',

is there any way you could create (or post it somewhere if you already have) a custom life360 integration using your workaround so others can test it?

That’s very interesting. However, this kind of stuff is a bit outside my comfort zone. I’m not interested in continuing to play catchup. But if someone else would like to pick it up and try, that would be fine by me.

life 360 work now. fork ha-life360/custom_components/life360 at master · riddik14/ha-life360 · GitHub

Thx! Seems to work.

I had given up on Life 360 but always found it to be quite fast and accurate previously.
Watching the football so thought nothing to lose and tried out the fork posted.
Installed fine and seems to work as previous. I guess time will tell but I’ll be using it as my main tracker to see how things go.
Thanks for sharing.

I installed this and it let me join life360, and it showed the initial locations, but it appears it doesn’t want to update any further locations, as it last update time was when I rebooted my HA.

I see the following error in the logs

life360CentralDataUpdateCoordinator._handle_refresh_interval() missing 1 required positional argument: ‘_now’

So not sure if it is with the code, or something with life350 end,