Light Entity Card


Still a newbie to home assistant. I’ve managed to install the card and display it, and turn on/off lights using it, but I’m struggling to get the color picker to show! Is this working for others?

Did you set color_picker: true in your card config?

I did. I guess it works for you then :smiley:

Yes, with HA 108.4.

I’m using this Custom Card for Fibaro RGBWM441 Zwave controllers, and notice that when the lights are off, the card displays in Lovelace as:

Home Assistant 04

But when the lights are on, I see:

Is this expected behaviour?

I’m using Version 0.118.4 on HassOS 5.5

Read the ReadMe of the component.

Use persist_features: true

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Aha - thank you.


Thanks for the card.
It works great, but when I select an effect I get this error in Home Assistant:
Scene ‘’ not in scene list.
But the effect is going to my Wiz Light so it works.
Any idea how I can get rid of this error ?



Anyone aware if there’s a an option for -name: xxxxx to use an alternate name than the underlying entity name?

Isn’t that just the header setting?

Not that I’ve seen? Here’s my current card:


Here’s the config:

So really trying to drop the ‘Room’ from the name, and not use the ‘Friendly Name’, but this name as overwritten ui-lovelace.yaml:

set consolidate_entities to true. i really want to rewrite that whole header code but it would be a breaking change…

I just renamed the underlying entity in HA. Looked and saw I really don’t ‘use’ that friendly name anywhere else (this is one of the only places that can’t use the name: override), so no big deal. Certainly not trying to put more work / breaking changes on anyone!! :wink: Love the card and grateful for your work on it!

Hey everyone

I was wondering if there is a way of always showing the color wheel even when the lights are off

Since I am here, what about changing the placing of the white or brightness sliders. For example to the bottom.

I would really love to always have the card with the same size and features even if the light is off. This way I can start specifically where I want instead of starting in my last point and then change

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I already asked about persisting the color wheel further up in the thread, and got the answer:

Oh, much appreciated, I must have missed it
For some reason I had this coded to false, but don’t recall reading it

Hi! This might sound like a stupid question but I would like to give it a shot. Is it possible to use the color wheel on a dumb LED strip? I have an LED strip that changes its color through IR. I am using Broadlink to control it in HA. TIA!

When I consolidate entities I don’t get a color wheel. Is this normal behaviour?
I wanted to use the card to switch multiple RGBW strips to the same color at the same time.

Without consolidate entities, the wheel works for all entities

Consolidated: the wheel also doesn’t show when turning it on.

First-time HA user, here. I’m trying to use light-entity-card to control an Ikea Trådfri RGB light through Zigbee2MQTT. At first, the card wouldn’t load, but that got fixed with 2021.1.3.

However, it won’t display the color wheel even though this is an RGB bulb. Or the effects list for that matter.

Here is the relevant part of my my ui-lovelace.yaml…

      - type: custom:light-entity-card
        entity: light.man_cave_light
        persist_features: true
        color_picker: true
        effects_list: input_select.custom_effect_list

Here is the relevant part of my configuration.yaml…

    mode: yaml
      - url: /hacsfiles/light-entity-card/light-entity-card.js
        type: module

Here is what I’m seeing in my Overview…

Interestingly, when I am using Configuration > Scenes to create a scene with this bulb, I get a color picker that looks an awful lot like light-entity-card. I was going to post an image of it, but apparently new users are limited to one image per post.

Thanks for the help,

Here’s that second image…