"Login attempt failed" when viewing camera

Frequently, when viewing camera streams I get a notification with the “Login attempt failed”, from my IP. It seems to happen more frequently if there is some problem connecting to the camera.
Any fix?

EDIT: This is related to having the Stream component and the “live” webcam view on lovelace, and a esphome camera that is offline. Weird…

I’m now using the valetudo-maper camera, and get this everytime I open the lovelace view that contains it. No clue why.

I am having the same issue. Did you ever make a Github issue?

I think this is related, and might help you…

Yes, but it is just a report of the problem. No solution there…

I was aware of how it happened (after quite some time I must confess), just no solution for it. And still not. I don’t like workarounds :wink: