Lovelace badge+notification banner

Column-card did not create the banner, it make use of panel:true, 1st card will be full width and then let the cards under the 1st one auto flow based on screen size/orientation.

In my banner done with picture-element card, I created composite ‘badge’ using combinations of state-icon/image/state-label types. You can also use the simple state-badge but I found it does not scale.

In column-card case, I can use my banner or you can just use badge under view badge in view

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Thanks for the PNG.:smiley:

Can you please share a sample code with your latest changes.
how did you change the badge css (red/green circle).

The ‘green’ (actually the primary color of the theme) circle is created from border-radius/border under style here:
- type: image
entity: sensor.local_date
“open”: /local/lightbulb-outline.png
“closed”: /local/lightbulb-outline.png
filter: opacity(0)
. . . .
border-radius: 100%
border: var(–primary-color) double 0.2vw

The state_image does not matter here since filter: opacity(0) make whatever it is ‘disappear’ and showing only the border/circle.

I have theme change periodically and wanted the badges to look part of the theme, so I set the border color to var(–primary-color). You can set border to any color you want, just replace var(–primary-color) with a color name.

The red circle is actually an animated gif loading , I overlay that on top the ‘green’ circle image:
- type: image
entity: binary_sensor.motion
“on”: /local/loading.gif
“off”: /local/loading.gif
‘on’: opacity(1)
‘off’: opacity(0)
. . . .
border-radius: 100%

I wanted the red circling to ‘appear’ only when the binary_sensor.motion is on, so I used opacity(0) to make it ‘disappear’ when off.

These 2 images have to been defined in this order to have the correct overlay result.

Have fun.

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Getting the state-badges to align was a minor pain, but I got it working somehow, with the exception of the gap between the first and the second badge, which is smaller.

But my problem is the friendly_names of my sensors, which in case of the DWD weather sensor come from the sensor-attributes so I can’t change them in customization. This wrecks the panel pretty much:


Does anyone have an idea how to style around this?

That’s one of the reasons I do ‘composite’ badges instead of limited by state-badge design.

If the friendly_name can be changed in config or customize.yaml, that would be easiest.
Otherwise, reconstruct it with:

  • type: image (for circle, example for border above post),
  • type: label (for the text/value in and outside the circle),
  • type: state-icon (optional)

I highly recommend plan-coordinates for positioning/sizing in picture-element.

You mean as you explained in the post about badges and animated gifs?

Anyway, I got around the very long friendly names that I unfortunately can’t change in customization - I simply created a value_template-sensor that gives me the state of the real sensor, now I can set a friendly name as I like.

Yes, I layered different types (icon,label,etc) to look like a badge.
Glad you solved it.

While the relative positioning of entities on picture-maps is fine for a floor, it doesn’t suit a panel. If I resize the browser window, the background image of the floor scales and all icons move, effectively “staying in the same place” - that is fine and as it should be. But with

top: 50%
left: 10%

the badges slide around and change their positions and distances. No go! But since this is CSS, you can use absolute positioning. I didn’t find any documentation in the HA-docs about that, but it worked alright:

top: 30px
left: 70px

And all badges stay fixed where they are.

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This is my reference to different CSS units.

Sorry to hijack the thread but does anyone have a working example of badges under view?



The default badges of lovelace work like this:

# default view
  - title: RokuTV
    id: RokuTV
      - binary_sensor.internet
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I’m looking to create similar views in Lovelace as I have in legacy frontend using CustomUI, is that at all possible? Different colors if family members are home or not, and diffrent colors depending on temperature and humidity etc.

I used binary_sensor/input_boolean state to do color change in type: state-icon, those are relatively easy, under style, --paper-item-icon-color is the off state color, --paper-item-icon-active-color is the on state color.

To use this method for sensor entities, like temperature and humidity, you’ll have to create template binary_sensor for each of them, that may not be what you want.
You may also want to look at this discussion about icon-template and customization.

So in order to get color change of the badges I can use state-icon?
Any example of config?
I have tried some but cannot get any positive results…

Here is what I used to display my motion sensors, changes color from lightgreen when off, to red when on:

- type: state-icon
  entity: binary_sensor.front_porch_motion
    action: more-info
    action: none
    top: 50%
    left: 50%
    filter: opacity(0.6)
    "--paper-item-icon-color": lightgreen
    "--paper-item-icon-active-color": red
    --iron-icon-height: auto
    --iron-icon-width: 1.5vw
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I am trying to get this to work but I’m stuck. What I want is exactly shown at the beginning of this post. I want the first card full width and the following cards normal width.
What I understood is that I start with a vertical stack card where the banner is placed. What I do not get is where the rest of the cards come. If I place them in the vertical stack, all the cards are the full width. When I place them under the cards: from the view (first row) I only see the background image.

Someone knows what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

After the vertical-stack/banner, I’ve used 1 horizontal-stack that contains 4 vertical-stacks (4 columns).
Each vertical-stack (column) can have as many cards as you want.

Currently, I use custom:layout-card to replace the horizontal/vertical-stack combo.

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Can you please post your updated ui-lovelace.yaml with the custom laycard added. I’ve been going nuts trying to convert this from old way (vertical-stack) to the new way.


Here is what I did with 4 columns in one of my views.
Just a reminder, the layout-card does not work exactly the same as just horizontal-stack/vertical-stack combos.
Hope this helps.

  - title: Main
    id: Main
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
    panel: true
    - type: vertical-stack
      - type: custom:layout-card
        layout: auto
        max_columns: 4
        max_width: [30%, 30%, 25%, 15%]
        - type: vertical-stack
          ### this is a set of 2x3 camera cards in 1st column
          - type: horizontal-stack
            - type: vertical-stack
              - < camera card 1>
              - < camera card 2>
              - < camera card 3>
            - type: vertical-stack
              - < camera card 4>
              - < camera card 5>
              - < camera card 6>
           - < other cards in 1st column>
        - break
        - type: vertical-stack
          - <cards in 2nd column>
        - break
        - type: vertical-stack
          - <cards in 3rd column>
        - break
        - type: vertical-stack
         -  <cards in 4th column>