Lovelace: Button card

Please look at my post above yours, i shared the the template for the card.

Yes, i read it, i was meaning the whole lovelace yaml regarding all the lights…
EDIT: Ah, sorry, maybe i understand… when configuring a template, then you must only put in the lovelace.yaml the name of the entities… Is it correct?

No problem, I’ll update later today. This is the setup:

yes, correct

No reply’s but i already figured it out myself.

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Is it possible to template multiple lines?
Or more specifically, can I template this doubletap-action?
I have a decluttering template that uses browser_mod in the dbltap_action which I would like to reuse for entities that do not have a dbltap_action or use something completely different.
For example…

    - tap_action: none
    - dbltap_action: none    
      action: '[[tap_action]]'
      action: call-service
      service: browser_mod.command
        command: popup
        title: >
          [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]
          type: entities
            - entity: >
                [[[ return 'input_select.manually_set_' + entity.entity_id.split('.')[1]; ]]]
            - this

I am trying to get my lights to start from a brightness level from a input_number but I cant get it to work.
If I write 40, 60 , 200 after brightness it takes that value but not with this code

                action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: light.balcony_light
                  brightness: >

Is it something with int or something? I have tried everything now :confused:

EDIT: of course 5 minutes after posting, I noticed the note in the docs that says it supports html formatting so the below works, so I’m answering my own question here for the question I ask below if anyone needs to know how to put a newline in their button label.

          name: SWISS <br> CLASSIC

Original post below:

Hey, does anyone know how I can span the label for the button over 2 lines rather than just one? I have some small and simple text-only buttons for playlists but would like to span the name over 2 lines so that I can distinguish between them. For example, in the below I would like to have SWISS CLASSIC be shown as
Rather than SWISS CL… Because it gets truncated. Any idea how to do this?

        - type: "custom:button-card"
          name: SWISS CLASSIC
              - padding: 12px 0px
              - font-size: 14px
            action: call-service
            service: media_player.play_media 
              entity_id: "media_player.itunes"
              media_content_id: "radio-swiss-classic"
              media_content_type: "playlist"
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Yea, I tried that but unfortunately it’s still a no go. I event thought it wasn’t rendering because of templates but I set a view without them with no luck.

That won’t work. Light.toggle does not accept data.

It does for me just not this:

                action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: light.balcony_light
                  brightness: >

But if I turn on the light and set the light to max in brightness and uses this instead:

                action: call-service
                service: light.toggle
                  entity_id: light.balcony_light
                  brightness: 20

the light turns off on first press and on second it turns on with 20 in brightness…
I turn it off, change the brightness to 100 and press the toggle it starts with 100.

So I guess it supports data I cant just get it to get the data from input_number.light_test

If that’s the case you need to terminate the line and add the word return before the states object. This of course is if that field even accepts templates

                  return states['input_number.light_test'].state;
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Is there a way to minimize each header, i mean when i click on living room it wall maximize.
all the living room entities will fold under the living room header.
instead of scrolling.

I get the return that it needs an int for data…
I have tried

return (int)states['input_number.light_test'].state;

and also

                      int test = (int)states['input_number.light_test'].state;
                      return test;

But nothing change…

That’s not how it works in javascript.

return Number(states['input_number.light_test'].state);
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Haha! You are a life saver as always! :smiley:

Thx again man!

could you help me create the correct form for the template in JS, I need for a button please. I posted here, but maybe should have done in this thread (which is already so long…)

bottom line:
all of my counter sensors have an entity_id like this: sensor.count_input_selects, sensor.count_groups, sensor.count_input_booleans etc etc.

I need a name template which splits at the first _ and show the rest (which might include yet another _):

so when entity_id is sensor.count_input_booleans, it shows input_booleans

I’ve tried this, which obviously doesnt work as desired showing only input :

      - type: custom:button-card
        template: button_body_no_action
        entity: sensor.count_input_selects
        name: >
          [[[ return entity.entity_id.split('_')[1] ]]]

but completely forgot how to split but not leave the second section after a second _ out…

using a hard_coded way now (split at ‘.’ and cut-off 6 characters, but thats not really elegant)

    function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1).toLowerCase();
    var id = entity.entity_id.split('.')[1].slice(6).replace('_',' ');
    return capitalizeFirstLetter(id);

thanks for having a look!

trying to make a button-card like this one

but that shows sensor.current_version and sensor.latest_version

since i can´t even figure out the shown card (even after checking the code shown on github for an hour) i have a really hard time doing it. could someone help me out?

you mean something like this:


or do you want both sensors on 1 button. The button you show has many more fields to fill, so might not be the most adequate option for your purpose?

i tought about both sensors in 1 button