Lovelace: Button card

Sounds nice.

I donā€™t have payload_on or payload_off, I tried it but the component doesnā€™t support. Using a MQTT browser I noticed I have under stat prefix:

POWER2 = ON when cover is moving down
POWER1 = ON when cover is moving up
Both OFF when cover is stopped

Iā€™m using a Sonoff Dual R2 running a Tasmota fork by Stefan Bode, the code for defining the entity is:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "janela"
    availability_topic: "tthome/tele/sonoff107/LWT"
    position_topic: tthome/stat/sonoff107/SHUTTER1
    command_topic: "tthome/cmnd/sonoff107/backlog"
    set_position_topic: "tthome/cmnd/sonoff107/shutterposition"
    payload_available: "Online"
    payload_not_available: "Offline"
    position_open: 100
    position_closed: 0
    payload_open: "SHUTTEROPEN"
    payload_close: "SHUTTERCLOSE"
    payload_stop: "SHUTTERSTOP"
    qos: 1
    retain: false
    optimistic: false

I suppose the relevant topics then are:


I need to find a way to poll them in the states: section.

You canā€™t poll mqtt. But your cover entity has a state that reflects what is happening on MQTT. I donā€™t really understand what is the problem here, @VDRainerā€™s solution should work fine.

Create mqtt binary sensors for the two topics and use the states of them.

I want to use the button card as an icon, without the surrounding border, the transparent background of the theme, how to configure the card? many thanks.

Perfect! Thank you!

Hey @kuuji,

I know this kind of defies the point, but is it possible to nest a horizontal stack inside of a regular card below typical entities etc?

thank you :slight_smile:


You can use vertical-stack-in-card for that purpose

Or use the ā€˜huiā€™ trick.

- type: entities
    - type: custom:hui-horizontal-stack-card
        - ...

using this template on my buttons works fine, except for a state with more than 2 underscores (or capitals, I donā€™t know for sure)

entity_picture_template: >
          return '/local/tiles/family/name_' + entity.state.toLowerCase().replace(' ','_') + '.png';

please see here for a separate post, didnā€™t want to obscure it too much.

js is correct ? (works everywhere in Tiles, and the rest of the Buttons), could it be the Button template interpreter?
thanks for having a look!

Fantastic! Thank you very much, canā€™t wait to try it

Unfortunately, no, your JS is not correct.
The replace function is taking a regexp, so the correct format for that to work is:

entity_picture_template: >
          return '/local/tiles/family/name_' + entity.state.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_') + '.png';

note the g, which means apply it as many time as possible, without it, itā€™s only done once which is the result you have with your current code.

> "Zwembad de Stok".replace(' ', '_')
'Zwembad_de Stok'
> "Zwembad de Stok".replace(/ /g, '_')

See here for more info: How to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript

wow, thanks for your speed! ill change right away.

does this work for the toLowerCase also? it should endup like (name_)zwembad_de_stok

Still, it does work on the Tiles card, so maybe that has this built in?

toLowerCase() is applied to the whole string.

> "Zwembad de Stok".toLowerCase().replace(' ', '_')
'zwembad_de stok'
> "Zwembad de Stok".toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '_')

I donā€™t see how it can work. Other tiles are also using javascript, the same way this card is doing it. Itā€™s your browser interpreting javascript so itā€™s the same interpreter whatever the tile is.

please let me ask where do you test this? Is an online javascript of your preference tester available

thanks again.

I test it using node but you can run it from your browser console also:

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o yes, Iā€™ve never known that.
Just imagine how many restarts this would have saved me, I canā€™t imagineā€¦ Once again youā€™re a life saver! canā€™t thanks you enough for thisā€¦

btw, the button works now :wink:

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Hi everyone, I have been absent on this thread for a while as I was busy creating templates with the decluttering card.

I remember creating my first Homekit button design a while back just when @RomRider took over this repo, and it has only gotten better.

For the ones interested, I use two templates for ALL my buttons in my setup. The reason I use two is because I canā€™t seem to figure out how to template

label: ' '


label_template: >
  var bri = Math.round(entity.attributes.brightness / 2.55);
  return (bri ? bri : '0') + '%';

in a single template with the decluttering card.
But still only 2 templates for over 60 different buttons is awesome! Thnx @RomRider

Here is the code for my shorted down template:

    - size: 25%
    - lock: false
    - color: auto
    - background_color: var(--homekit-white)
    - variable: spin
    - spin: false
    - show_name: true
    - show_state: true
    - show_label: true
    - show_icon: true
    - show_last_changed: false
    - tap_action:
        action: toggle
        haptic: light
    - hold_action:
        action: more-info
        haptic: success
    - aspect_ratio: 1/1
    - margin-right: 60px
    - label: ' '
    - opacity: 0.4
    - off_icon_color: gray
    - off_name_color: gray
    - off_state_color: gray
    type: custom:button-card
    name: '[[name]]'
    icon: 'mdi:[[icon]]'
    size: '[[size]]'
    color: '[[color]]'
    lock: '[[lock]]'
    aspect_ratio: '[[aspect_ratio]]'
    entity: '[[entity]]'
    label: '[[label]]'
    show_name: '[[show_name]]'
    show_icon: '[[show_icon]]'
    show_state: '[[show_state]]'
    show_label: '[[show_label]]'
    show_last_changed: '[[show_last_changed]]'
    tap_action: '[[tap_action]]'
    hold_action: '[[hold_action]]'
        - border-radius: 12px
        - --paper-card-background-color: '[[background_color]]'
        - color: gray
        - font-size: 11px
        - font-family: Helvetica
        - padding: 0px 10px
        - justify-self: start
        - font-size: 11px
        - font-family: Helvetica
        - padding: 0px 10px
        - justify-self: start
        - text-transform: capitalize
        - font-weight: bold
        - padding-left: 10px
        - color: gray
        - grid-template-areas: '"i" "n" "s" "l"'
        - grid-template-columns: 1fr
        - grid-template-rows: 1fr min-content min-content
        - align-self: start
        - text-align: start
        - margin-right: '[[margin-right]]'
        - justify-self: start
        - padding-left: 10px
        - font-weight: bold
        - font-family: Helvetica 
        - font-size: 13px
      - value: "on" 
        '[[variable]]': '[[spin]]'  
            - color: black
            - color: gray
            - color: black
      - value: "off"
            - opacity: '[[opacity]]'
            - color: '[[off_icon_color]]'
            - color: '[[off_name_color]]'
            - color: '[[off_state_color]]'
            - color: black

For my full setup you can check here

@iantrich I think you might be interested in this


@kuuji is gone. @RomRider took over :wink: