Lovelace: Multiple entity row

Thanks. Could be an issue with 2021.12 then.

Yes, it’s an issue in 2021.12

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Confirm the issue.
The only walkaround - disable tap_action for the main entity:

  - type: entities
      - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        entity: sun.sun
        tap_action: none
          - entity: binary_sensor.net_is_available_internet
            name: internet
          - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_co2
            name: co2
          - entity: sensor.cleargrass_1_pm25
            name: pm25
          - entity: person.ildar
            name: ildar

English probably isn’t your first language but for future reference it is “Work-around”.

Disabling the tap action isn’t great if your main item is a switch or input boolean.

Oh, thank you!

Agreed, that was a solution for some cases.
(btw, I am not usually using more-info, prefer having all graphs & important logbooks on the card itself)
And in this particular case I would probably place a toggle on the card - using a toggle sometimes is more intuitive than tapping an icon. It’s a matter of habits.

Is it possible that the columns are correctly aligned?

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.koelkast_power_mqtt
    icon: mdi:flash
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Koelkast
    show_state: false
      - entity: sensor.koelkast_power_mqtt
        name: false
      - entity: sensor.koelkast_energy_daily
        name: false
  - type: section
  - entity: sensor.vaatwasser_power_mqtt
    icon: mdi:flash
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Vaatwasser
    show_state: false
      - entity: sensor.vaatwasser_power_mqtt
        name: false
      - entity: sensor.vaatwasser_energy_daily
        name: false


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      - entity: sensor.vaatwasser_power_mqtt
        name: false
          width: 50px

Okay thank that was the trick.

since we don’t all experience English as the mother of tongues, why not refrain from corrections like this and agree to call it a hack…

Im sure you meant it in a 100% positive way, but still. @Ildar_Gabdullin Ildar helps people with an endless list of card-mod examples, no need to zoom in on a minute detail like that?

There’s no end if one starts to correct everyone’s post on English grammar…
Sorry I only noticed it today.

In no way was that an attack. I like Ildr and find him to be very helpful.

Just like I would like people to tell me if I was walking around in public with a dirty smudge on my face, I absolutely meant it in a positive way to help him learn what is a quite difficult language. He has probably been saying it for ages precisely because no one has ever bothered correcting him.

Bone Apple Tea.

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Hello everyone,

This is a beautiful card!!

I’m fairly new here and was actually wondering if it was also possible for the “multiple toggles” to have 4 rows?
If possible, how should I do that?

Thank you very much for your response.

Btw, I used this word just a few times since basically I speak Russian. Thanks again for correcting my error.

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Do you mean this?

  - type: entities
      - type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        entity: sun.sun
          - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
            name: flag
            toggle: true
          - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
            name: flag
            toggle: true
          - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
            name: flag
            toggle: true
          - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
            name: flag
            toggle: true
          - entity: input_boolean.test_boolean
            name: flag
            toggle: true
        show_state: false
        column: true


With English being a second language and the technical nature of HA it’s a bloody miracle how great all your posts are IMO



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Anyway, I am still just a beginner and know a little about many HA areas and appreciate a good support a lot.

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Header names moved to bottom:

Hi, anyone else (probably depending on your local settings) experiencing strange formatting since the v4.3.0 update? Please have a look at Multiple-entity-row card: local number formatting update broke view

yes, that’s exactly what i mean. Thank you. But is it also possible to change the size of the card and put the title in the top center instead of the front?

Not sure I am getting the point, create a draft in MS Paint or smth.