šŸŒ» Lovelace UI ā€¢ Minimalist

Not sure if this is possible but can you add the cards from the UI Lovelace Minimalist collection to another dashboard?

Yes, you can strip out the custom button card templates, add your own flavor, and use them wherever.

Good to know. question is how hard is that. looks like they are all intertwined with each other grabbing templates from other yaml files or am I way off?

they may be intertwined. When I ā€˜borrowedā€™ the look of these cards, I used the configuration as a reference but rewrote the entire thing. I donā€™t remember how hard it was.

Have you tried to download the language yaml file (that fits to you) from the GitHub page?

This is the link custom_card_imswel_person on Github

You should put the right one into the folder of your custom card.

Like this:

Iā€™ve noticed a weird bug today and wanted to check if it was just me.

Iā€™ve set up a bunch of different views and Iā€™ve toggled through them all, except Iā€™ve noticed that when the only view that uses the weather card is active, it somehow removes the styling (colours, border-radius, etc) from all the other cards except itself. This seems to have a global effect when you switch to another view. Iā€™ve reproduced this on my phone as well. I havenā€™t done anything fancy with the card, Iā€™ve literally just used the example code from the docs (with my entity, of course).

Removing the weather card, fixes this bug so Iā€™m fairly certain this is the culprit thatā€™s breaking everything else.

Anyone else having this issue or any idea what might be causing this issue?

I want to answer myseld here:

Just use a Double State Icon Chip :slight_smile: ā€¦and use the right entity names :stuck_out_tongue:

Itā€™s not the first time that card has broken other cards. Itā€™s happened at least once before.

How should the overflow work on mobile if a horizontal stack of cards is too wide? Iā€™m just seeing scrolling and ideally I would like the cards to change size to fit the width of the screen.

For example I have 4 chip cards in a horizontal stack and they work fine on a bigger screen, but my phone it requires horizontal scrolling to see the last button.


I was wondering why my person card was in Polish ā€¦

On a related noteā€¦ anyone know how to adapt imswelā€™s person card to a vertical layout (ie. text below image) with either card-mod or by modifying the card template?
I tried to modify the template to do so but I canā€™t get the little notification icon to keep its proper position on different devices.

Hello everyone, first off I just want to thank everyone that has help made this wonderful dashboard. When I saw it it was exactly what Iā€™ve been looking for. Iā€™m making some great progress but one thing I canā€™t seem to figure out is how to make additional views. Could someone so kindly help with this?


Didnā€™t pushed reply. Sorry if my answer is a bit messy Iā€™m in a rush and only on my mobile. Trying later to edit it with proper yaml examples.

I solved this two days ago.

What I did was to create a new folder called ā€œviewsā€ in the /config/ui-minimalist/ folder. Also you need to uncomment the include views line in your lovelace-ui.yaml in your dashboard folder

Each view needs to be a separate yaml file. To keep the views in the order you want, I would advise to put a number in front of the file name. For meint looks like this at the moment

-- ui-lovelace-minimalist
   -- views
       -- 01_home
       -- 02_bad

Itā€™s wip for know as I try to figure a few things out first.

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Hey, I noticed that my speedtest card is bad:
SnĆ­mek obrazovky 2022-04-02 131341

The icon is under the name of the test. Also download has not tap function, but upload does - it opens the entity history.

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I am like this too

Awesome Lovelace UI !
Trying to set it up bot somehow the radius of the custom button, when using the template card_light, does not show up.
It does for other button-cards. Does anyone have clue?

Below my yaml part:

        - type: "custom:button-card"
          template: "card_light"
          entity: light.spots_keuken
            ulm_card_light_enable_slider: true
            ulm_card_light_enable_color: true
            ulm_card_light_force_background_color: true
            ulm_card_light_enable_popup: true

And here is the result:

I wonder if this is related to the Weather Card. I was having the same issue. Have you tried removing it to see if that fixes it?

Only the card doesnā€™t have any effect, or should i then remove the entire HACS plugin?
Same styling appears on the default dashboard

See here. It is exactly the same issue I was having last night and I narrowed it down to the Weather card. I wasnā€™t sure if this was an issue with my instance, but to see your weather card keeping its border radius whilst the rest breaks makes me think it is a similar issue.

Not all of them break, the custom button with the template chip_power_consumption does have the radius.

Iā€™ve done the following steps but no changes for the light.
Still on the path of removing more and more HACS front-end

  • Removed the card from the dashboard yaml; No luck
  • Removed the plugin simple-weather-card; No luck
  • Restarted HA after removal; No luck

@Jroen @spamsal @xXkr13g3rXx check your user profile and select one of the minimalist themes. This will fix the issue :wink: