May 7, 2021, 10:00pm
OK, fixed it. When adding a resource to Lovelace all you need to do is make sure it doesn’t contain:
“resources: - type: module url:” but just the link to the card.
The question still stands, can I replace weather humidity and pressure with my own sensor data?
If the card uses the weather entity no. There are custom cards you can use that will let you though.
beta 2021.6 throws a warning on. raised an issue in the repo
bar chart: "scales.[x/y]Axes.maxBarThickness" is deprecated. Please use "dataset.maxBarThickness" instead
I dont know yet how to replace that in the resource, so Ive commented the line completely, and seeing no difference
however, it might be nice to know how to correct the code, so if anyone would be able to help out here?
I did add this in the datasets list:
maxBarThickness: 15,
and see no errors. However, I dont see anything changed either, so not sure this does anything at all…
it is loaded correctly alright:
just as a FYI: this card is broken as of 2021.7, because of changed core charts.
Dont have details yet, but running the beta now, and it is chartless
opened 07:56AM - 02 Jul 21 UTC
as HA changed its Charts, this is now no longer functional and showing the Chart card without Chart
1 Like
and 2 fixes are live!:
PR by @koying Bump to ChartJs3 (mandatory for 2021.7). Fixes #59 by koying · Pull Request #60 · Yevgenium/lovelace-weather-card-chart · GitHub
and a fork by @fancygaphtrn GitHub - fancygaphtrn/lovelace-weather-card-chart: Custom weather card with charts
now that this is fixed, I notice my ll(str)
doesnt work, and it always shows the locale.en… guess because my HA instance uses the English language I never noticed, but I do in fact have a weather-card-chart config using:
type: custom:weather-card-chart
title: Woensdrecht
weather: weather.buienradar
temp: sensor.buienradar_feel_temperature
locale: nl
so I want it to display the nl strings. Anyone else notice this?
should this line:
this.lang = this._hass.selectedLanguage || this._hass.language;
be changed to use the this.config.locale
edit, yes, it should:
this.lang = this.config.locale || this._hass.language;
does the trick… cant believe we never stumbled over this before?
here’s my adaptation with animated icons:
animated weather-card-chart.js
`%c WEATHER-CARD-CHART \n%c Version 0.3 animated `,
'color: orange; font-weight: bold; background: black',
'color: white; font-weight: bold; background: dimgray',
const locale = {
da: {
tempHi: "Temperatur",
tempLo: "Temperatur nat",
This file has been truncated. show original
(Peet van Dijk)
July 25, 2021, 10:01am
Installed your animated adaption, but somehow my tooltip-dates are a day off…
Today (sunday) the chart is from monday until friday, but the tooltip dates are for tuesday until saturday.
Data in the chart is however correct
this is what I see:
dates, days and values seem ok?
you certainly dont have the animated version
and you don’t have the pressure entity either?
depending on the weather entity you are using, you might have different forecast settings.
So, I guess the question is: what is your config?
Hi, i have a problem with tooltip date.
And, another question, it’s possible to move the actual temperature at right side.
yes, change to:
.main div {
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
right: 0.5em;
on the tooltip error: do you see anything in inspector?
Chenge the line, now the temperature is on the right, but missing all animated icon.
you’re a bit brief in your descriptions, so maybe check this My adapted animated weather-card-chart · GitHub
which works for me
position: absolute;
Ok, works now.
I had probably misspelled. What editor do you use to edit the .js file?
if I wanted to reduce the space between the forecast icon and the part with the wind, sunrise and sunset data, what should I change?
If you want, can you add a Italian translate:
it: {
tempHi: "Temperatura Massima",
tempLo: "Temperatura Minima",
precip: "Precipitazioni",
uPress: "hPa",
uSpeed: "Km/h",
uPrecip: "mm",
uVisib: "km",
cardinalDirections: [
'N', 'N-NE', 'NE', 'E-NE', 'E', 'E-SE', 'SE', 'S-SE',
'S', 'S-SO', 'SO', 'O-SO', 'O', 'O-NO', 'NO', 'N-NO', 'N'
August 10, 2021, 2:09pm
In my spare time, I make a new card. I would like to make it more customizable and cleaner. I’m going to publish the source code on github, so your feedback is very important to me. Is the new design better? Or is the current version preferable for you? Or maybe you can suggest something completely different? Thanks.
Screenshots (new design)
Screenshots (current design)
August 10, 2021, 10:34pm
I would definetely go for the new version!
New version is more beautiful.
Can you add animated icon, how did he do Mariusthvdb?
August 13, 2021, 7:32pm
Yes. In the new version it will be possible to use the amCharts and MDI icons.
Anyone have any advice on a nice set of weather icons? (except for the amCharts icons which have already been tested)
Nice… it’s possible to test it?