Lovelace Windrose Card

@tom_l would you mind sharing your yaml for your layout. I relly liked it and will do something similiar. :+1: Thanks!

Hi there, I tried to bring the windrose card up and running, but it fasils.

That is the code from my dashboard:

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Past 24 hours
hours_to_show: 24
max_width: 400
refresh_interval: 60
windspeed_bar_location: bottom
windspeed_bar_full: true
entity: sensor.netatmo_basis_windmesser_direction
direction_unit: degrees
use_statistics: false
direction_compensation: 0

  • entity: sensor.netatmo_basis_windmesser_wind_strength
    name: Windspeed
    speed_unit: kph
    use_statistics: false
    output_speed_unit: kph
    input_speed_unit: kph
    speed_range_beaufort: false
    windrose_draw_north_offset: 0
    cardinal_direction_letters: NESW
    matching_strategy: direction-first

In the card nothing shows up.

Here the sensors I created for my netatmo wind sensor:


  • platform: history_stats
    name: Windgeschwindigkeit_History
    entity_id: sensor.netatmo_basis_windmesser_wind_strength
    state: “mean”
    type: time
    #start: ‘{{ today_at() }}’
    #end: ‘{{ now() }}’
    start: “{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) }}”
    end: “{{ now() }}”
  • platform: history_stats
    name: Windrichtung_History
    entity_id: sensor.netatmo_basis_windmesser_direction
    state: “mean”
    type: time
    #start: ‘{{ today_at() }}’
    #end: ‘{{ now() }}’
    start: “{{ now().replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) }}”
    end: “{{ now() }}”

Could someone give me a hint? currently I do not know where my problem is. Is it in the history stats configuration.yaml or in the windrose-card?

I now updated my configuration.yaml with:

- sensor.netatmo_basis_windmesser_direction
- sensor.netatmo_basis_windmesser_wind_strength
purge_keep_days: 30
Will check if that changes something.
Thanks for your feedback!!

Hey - I solved my issue!
Problem was, that my wind direction was not in degrees but like SW, SE etc.
The wind angle sensor was deactivated. I activated it and change the Dashboard code. Now it works:

just what I was looking form thanks!! Will install now. Is it possible to have two winds: True wind and Apparent wind (boats)?

I had a wrong value shown, had to check my Wind sensor (was mps) and anlso the Wind angle was in radiant, had to convert it in degrees

BTW the degrees are positive, yes? My sensor radiant had negative values, so upon converting gave negative degree, not sure if conversion is just change it to positive

can you please show me how to do your Wind speed card and Wind Direction?

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many thanks, could you please share the code for the Wind speed card (to have those min max values, pretty neat)

  - color: '#e45e65'
    value: 30
  - color: '#e0b400'
    value: 20
  - color: '#0da035'
    value: 10
  - color: '#039BE5'
    value: -50
color_thresholds_transition: hard
  - entity: sensor.wind_speed_knot
group: false
hour24: true
line_width: 4
points_per_hour: 6
  extrema: true  # <---- THIS OPTION
  fill: fade
  icon: true
  labels: false
  name: true
  state: true
type: custom:mini-graph-card
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I love this and worked right away for me!

Is there any way I can show the wind rose as currently presented along with reference directions for comparison? Use case is for paragliding sites suitability - e.g. when the wind is coming from SW and between 10-15kph site XX is good to fly.

Example of the static information is here

i.e. wind must be between N and W to fly Sundhope

My ideal would be to superimpose this static info with the dynamic info provided by this excellent widget.

Would also serve for other windsports e.g. safe to sail if the wind is onshore which is between S and E (or whatever for your location)

Help gratefully appreciated!

ahah! A little progress…a simple solution after a lot of time trying complex ones!

I’ve used card mod to make the background transparent and add in the static info as an image…giving the following

Needs a but of a fiddle to get the images to line up but a rather nice start :slight_smile:

type: custom:windrose-card
title: Wind direction
windspeed_bar_full: true
  entity: sensor.openweathermap_wind_bearing
  - entity: sensor.openweathermap_wind_speed
    name: Average
  hours_to_show: 72
output_speed_unit: kph
speed_range_beaufort: false
  - from_value: 0
    color: blue
  - from_value: 15
    color: green
  - from_value: 25
    color: orange
  - from_value: 30
    color: red
  column: 3
  width: 150
  max_width: 150
  style: |
    #windRose {
      background: url('/local/images/wind/wind.jpeg');
      background-size: 104% 79%;

Any further ideas - esp on how to make this dynamic (i.e. go green when wind is in right direction) which I think would need a different approach?


Hi, thanks for the windrose card it is great!

I am having one issue however, the card takes ages to initially load. it can take up too 2 minutes to load the card and data.

Is there any way to resolve this.


Hi Dean,

Maybe decreasing the hours_to_show lowers the load time.
Or switching to statistics data.

Hello to everyone, can be possible to write the name of the wind insede the windrose?

That would be awsome!
I second that request.

What do you mean by

Something like that

So, over the N-E-S-W can be the names of the wind that are ovviusly more, also for NNE-ESE…etc

You want more of these?

I reckon it would make the chart way to busy.

Hi Auke. Great card! I have a small problem: the wind-rose card flashes (disappears and reappears) every few seconds even though updates are every 300 seconds. The flashing makes it hard to read. Any idea what to do? Maybe an important note: I use wind-rose card in a custom:config-template-card to tilt the compass according to the direction my boat is pointing in. So

windrose_draw_north_offset: ${NORTH}

where NORTH is a variable:

NORTH: states[‘sensor.north_relative_to_the_boat’].state

The top now is always the bow of my ship.

I absolutely second that, it would be great to have names shown.
Of course the names that are relevant for you, such as entering the names yourself.
Has anyone done that eventually with an overlay?

Can you not read a compass rose?

My vote is definitely not for this extra clutter.

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