Lovelace Windrose Card

Hi Deadpool,
There is a feature request asking the same.

Today I released a new version with some implemented feature requests. This was not one of them, bit it’s on the list.

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Release version 1.12.1

Fixes for dynamic speed ranges.


Release version 1.12.2

Added hand pointer on mouse hover over action area’s. Thanks @gedger.

Release version 1.12.3

Added mouse hover hand cursor to action area’s, forgot one. Thanks @dcapslock.

Release version 1.12.4

Fix: background image is rendered in the background again.

Release version to 1.12.5

Fix: fallback to deprecated configuration for speed_range_max (root level).

Everyone, fix your configuration, don’t use the deprecated property’s anymore.
Sometime next year these will stop working.

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Released version 1.12.6

  • Improved error message about cardinal_direction_letters config. Fixes #114
  • Position label windspeed Beaufort 12 is now centered. Fixes #116

Release version 1.12.7
Fix: 1 Beaufort kph speed limit fix, should be 0 to 1 kph.

Thanks issue reporter, he also fixed it on Wikipedia.

Release version 1.12.8

Fix: Only animate current wind direction indicator when it’s state changes, not when windrose is redrawn or on initial render.

Released version 1.13.0


  • Intercardinal and secondary intercardinal direction labels can be displayed.
  • Labels based on the four direction letters or custom values for all 16 directions.
  • Colors and sizes adjustable per direction group: cardinal, intercardinal en secondary intercardinal.


  • Updates and cleanup libraries/dependencies used by the card.
    Possibly fixes the Failed to execute ‘define’ on ‘CustomElementRegistry’ errors some people get.

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This is fantastic!
is there a yaml example for this?
I’m using an ambientweather weather station, and it provides speed, gust and max gust, and i’d like all three of those on this card, in different colors. is that possible?

Good day everyone, i’m struggling to give the correct entity in the “custom:windrose-card”
I’ve no own wind station, i just want to visualize wind gust speed and wind bearing by a weather provider. I tried by “AccuWeather, Inc.” and “Forecast da”.
They have the following entity and state content well working in tiles:

  - wind_gust_speed
  - wind_bearing


entity: weather.forecast_casa
  - wind_speed
  - wind_bearing


Now i would implement that information in the windrose-card but i get a blak cards:

Can someone please help me?

You can find an example yaml in this readme:

About the different sensor values. The rose part can only show data from one wind speed en direction sensor.
The gust and max gust sensors can be added, but will only show as 2 extra bars.

Adding the card will also generated an example yaml, where you only need to fill in the sensor entities.

You can add possible bugs and feature requests in Github…

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Currently weather entities are not supported.
There is a feature request:

Does your integration also use sensor entities for wind speed and direction? These should work.

It’s also possible to make an template sensor, extracting the parameter value into an new sensor entity.

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Released version 1.12.1

FullTime matching strategy bug fixed.

Can you please point me how to do it starting from the info i already gave?


You can add a template sensor at Settings > Devices and services
Then in the top of the screen, choose Helpers.
Choose ‘Template’ in the popup.
Then choose ‘Template a sensor’ in the next popup.

Then you should see this form.

Template: {{ state_attr(‘weather.home’, ‘wind_speed’) }}

I’m using an AccuWeather entity.
Also, the AccuWeather integration creates wind speed sensors. By default they are not all enabled.

Do not copy and paste that template though. Because it has not been formatted for the forum the quotes have been replaced with ‘fancy’ ones that will not work in templates. You can copy and paste this one:

{{ state_attr('weather.home', 'wind_speed') }}
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I’m having fun with the windrose integration, Auke.
Thanks for making it available, working well.

I noticed (in the documentation) the wind speed unit option ‘knot’ doesn’t work - however ‘knots’ does.
Also, when windspeed is zero, would it be better if the direction arrow was hidden?

Just a thought-bubble ; would be interesting if an input_number could be used as the hours_to_show value. Then you could dynamically change it. Perhaps tap to enter a new value. (this could be done by wrapping the card in, say, custom templater-card but better if natively in the windrose card).

edited to clarify

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That would be amazing. A few months ago I tried using a helper number but found the card wouldn’t work with it.
Personally, a slider and define how many hours to show. E.g. set the slider to values 1 - 24.