Magnum Floor Heating

I’m using localtuya, but also do not see power/energy usage.

Anyone knows what chipset the unit is equipped with?
I understand the recently released tuya cloudcutter is able to install ESPhome on a whole range of products:

There is a generic thermostat template:

I would love to run ESPhome on the Magnum Thermostat…

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I’m busy adding my Magnum floor heater to localtuya, but I can’t get it to work.
I’m using the settings provided by @pikkemans. But after submitting the device doesn’t work as it should.

When opening the device itself, under the Controls column it states: “Unknown”.
Can anyone provide me some assistance?

The settings I’ve used are:
ID: 3 (value: warming)
Target Temp: 24 (value 170)
Current Temp: 16 (value 183)

I’ve also tried to add the device using the normal Tuya integration and that one works fine. But ofc I want to use the device locally.

Did you make the (manual) changes to the file (see post above 3-jan by Whoozy.

Each time LocalTuya is updated, you have to make the changes again

Changes as mentioned by Whoozy are a bit difficult to find, herewith the changes you have to apply in order to get the Magnum to work (see attached


You need to add the green lines to the file (in config/custom_components/localtuya).

And note that the entity_type needs to be set to: climate during the setup of localtuya.

It was quite a struggle to get my Magnum working, but I have one running for six months now.

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Thanks for the quick reply!

Will try this out later today or tomorrow.

I would like to thank you for these values. They worked for me as well!

I wondered if you can help me with this… I’m struggling to add the Magnum thermostat to my home assistant.

I already have the smart life app because of another device (cat feeder) and actively use the official magnum app already, but I can’t figure out how to either add the magnum device to the smart life app (I get the error that I have to download the magnum app in that case) or add the magnum app to the cloud project in the Tuya IoT platform (which gives an error that I have to use the smart life app.

Does anybody have any tips for this?

The cat feeder is added to HA now but I wanted the magnum thermostat too haha.

In order to add the Magnum to LoclaTuya, you need the local ID of the device. Only way to get this is through the tuya iot developer website. I have added the Magnum successfully, see my detailed description in my posting of 6 feb here above.
Furthermore, you need to make changes to the LocalTuya file, see my posting of 10 days ago.
Ley me know if you need anymore help, happy to assist.

Ah, apparently there was some issue with our WiFi, that’s why I couldn’t add the magnum to the app.
However, I added the Tuya IoT with the standard Tuya integration in HA, not with the LocalTuya you mention. Is there a difference? It seems like I can adjust the temperature now.

Difference is that with the standard tuya app you rely on a working internet connection and a working tuya server somewhere, in case one is down, you cannot control your heating. LocalTuya keeps everything within your own LAN, which I prefer.

For me it does not work. I did the following:

  • Installed the tuya app
  • Obtained the local tuya code
  • Retrieved the API credentials
  • Install local tuya via HACS

What works:

  • Via the local tuya integrations from HACS it seem to find the device
  • I can add the device as ‘climate’ device

What next:

Any thoughts?

Follow the steps as described in

For Climate DP values, select 16 and 24, see post by pikkemans here above in this thread.

See also my posting here above, describing step by step the approach I made to have a working Magnum, now for almost a year.

I am interested in this too. My personal goal is to fully disable the screen at night, as it’s still too bright for me to sleep even when it’s black.

Brightness is id 115 for the local tuya integration. But that is as far as my knowledge goes, have not played with this parameter

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Today finally made time to get this working. Hardest part seemed to be to unregister the Magnum from the Magnum Heat app and register it in the Tuya Smart Life app. Following the steps, it was quite easy to obtain the Device ID and Local Key from the IoT platform and use that in the Tuya Local integration.

I’m using the GitHub - rospogrigio/localtuya: local handling for Tuya devices integration BTW, it auto-detects all ID’s and creates the tuya_local/ file.

I’m just wondering what to do with the thermostat? Should I set it to ‘manual’ and have a HA scheduler to set the temperatures?

Many thanks for all information provided in this topic!

I am still struggling to register the Magnum in the Tuya app. I have reset the Magnum after unpowering it. And still I am not able to find it the Tuya app. Can you advise me how to do it?

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yes please, for me too

As far as I remember

  1. Remove Magnum App
  2. factory reset
  3. select wifi setup on thermostat
  4. in Tuya Smart Life app, scan for neighboring devices

I’m not 100% sure anymore about 4, I might also have chosen manually add a device, catergory ‘other’ and then other (Wi-Fi)


I’ve indeed set the Magnum to ‘manual’ and use a scheduler to set the temperatures.

I’m using the scheduler card / scheduler component from NielsFaber, see for the card: GitHub - nielsfaber/scheduler-card: HA Lovelace card for control of scheduler entities and for the scheduler itself: GitHub - nielsfaber/scheduler-component: Custom component for HA that enables the creation of scheduler entities
This combination was more user-friendly and customisable for me than the default HA scheduler