MELCLOUD not working?

Now in Italy works fine and fast
May be that in the past every action was more fast but for me is not so important, I set up my internal unities on or two time in a month, not every day.

Seems to be working in Germany as well.

The logon message on the melcloud website said that this is only a temporary fix and that they are working on a permanent solution.

For me a permanent solution would mean: open the local API of the wifi adapters for f*** sake to let home assistant connect directly via e.g. mqtt

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If only! But I doubt they’ll be willing to loose all those sweet datas. A mix solutions cloud + local would work for me, but I wouldn’t keep my hopes too high :confused:

Yep. Even if MEL gets the cloud fully up and running again, I promised myself to look into the ESP32 alternative as soon as I am done with my other “projects”

Two weeks ago I started a correspondence with a employee customer service Japan.

Edit: Started the email at 15-4=2024 (lol mixup with other coresspondence)

Told him LG airco’s have a option to choose for local or cloud connection. You can switch between them.

Standard reply we will forward it to department XXX

This is my latest reply to them:
Dear Rihon-san

A coincidence that there is a worldwide problem with the Melcloud app, causing big problems.

Like I suggested earlier in our correspondence, like the LG app for airco’s owners should have the option to choose between local or cloud connection.

It is a potential dangerous flaw in the Melcloud app. People rely on automations that stop functioning because of the cloud.

Kind regards,

I can only encourage you guys/girls/X to send them a mail, asking to be in control of your devices by local network, or cloud if you choose so. Change the Melcloud app, —> Lg app.

Devices like airco’s or heatpumps, etc are to important to be tempered with because of cloud vulnerabilities.

I paid for the airco and want to be in control at all times.


Edit: Lets use our consumer power.


Agree, look at my post. Now is the moment to tell them to give the consumer this option (local/cloud) Cheers Ron

Just phoned up tech support Mitsubishi they have said it’s Not up and running yet in the Uk.

Sounds good but at least here in Germany there seems to be no way to contact support via email. Does anybody have an internation support address ?

In France we can contact support via the app or website. But I never got any answer to any of my emails


0161 866 6089
Manchester England

Mitsubishi tech.

Update 23. April 2024

Sehr geehrter MELCloud-Kunde,

zwischen Mittwoch, den 17.04. und Montag, den 22.04. funktionierten die Integration des Sprachassistenten und die KonnektivitĂ€t der MELCloud-Anwendung in einigen FĂ€llen nicht ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ. Die Versuche, das Problem zu lösen, fĂŒhrten leider zu einer gewissen Unterbrechung des Dienstes im gesamten Netzwerk.

Unser Softwareteam hat jetzt eine vorĂŒbergehende Lösung bereitgestellt, die möglicherweise nicht alle erwarteten Funktionen bietet, wir arbeiten jedoch weiterhin an der Behebung der Probleme.

Wir entschuldigen uns fĂŒr die entstandenen Unannehmlichkeiten und bedanken uns bei den Nutzern, die sich gemeldet haben, um uns zu informieren.

Ihr Mitsubishi Electric Team

10 Points from Germany :wink:

Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V. Niederlassung Deutschland
Mitsubishi-Electric-Platz 1
40882 Ratingen
Telefon: +49 (0) 2102 / 486 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2102 / 486 - 1120
E-Mail: les-presse (at)

Germans can surely ask here friendly for a local/cloud-select solution.

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Melcloud not working in Estonia yet.

I’ll greatfully lend you mine :grinning::


Comme vous avez pu le constater, nous faisons face actuellement à un problÚme de communication concernant nos interfaces WiFi. Je tiens à vous assurer que notre équipe technique est pleinement engagée dans la résolution de ce souci.

Nous mettons en Ɠuvre toutes les ressources nĂ©cessaires pour que ces dĂ©sagrĂ©ments soient rĂ©solus dans les plus brefs dĂ©lais. Notre objectif est de garantir la fiabilitĂ© et la performance de nos services, et soyez assurĂ©s que nous travaillons avec diligence pour rĂ©tablir la situation Ă  la normale.

Vous serez informés dÚs que nos services fonctionneront de nouveau sans encombre.

Nous vous remercions de votre patience et de votre compréhension.


It is working again in Germany

Melcloud not working in Greece yet.

MelCloud is still not working in Denmark.
I have now been through the whole communication in this forum. I am impressed by those who can manage through workarounds :+1:. My skills unfortunately don’t reach that far.
The time when I was managing the temperature in my house on distance through my phone are gone for now.
Any understandable idea what an “old technologically average” man can do to get back on track? Please? :muscle::star_struck:

Google Sensibo or other alternative IR blasters that can be used to replace “dumb” AC remote using mobile app.

Here is one from Aliexpress: link

Melcloud working in Estonia.

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As the system seems to work again in some countries I have tried to reset the wifi modul and connect it again to the network but the problem is still the same. Anyone how have managed to get online again in Sweden?