MELCLOUD not working?


Although I redirected the DNS via AdGuard Home, since today, I can no longer act on my air conditioning

By removing the DNS redirection everything is back in order.

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New here. Lost connection on 17 April, it seems to have restored, only to disconnect again. Been away so not been able to check anything.
Has the issue been resolved?

Yes, it has been for some while now.

Same here. Had to remove the DNS redirect to get it back on line.

I have no idea how to do this. This is a home system…any suggestions

Contact your local support or installer.

DO what? You don’t have to do anything anymore.

I have been locked out from Melcloud through HA for several weeks, suddenly stopped working. Trying to connect by adding the integration gives me a “cannot_connect” response. Logging in through web to Melcloud works just fine. Anyone else who’s experienced this?

Same here. No DNS problem. I think MelCloud Integration needs update.

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Stopped working for me today.
Tried to reload but it fails.
Also tried mobile app and it fails to login.
On browser I can login and made informed support of issue on mobile app.

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Same here.

Mobile app (android) and HA integration not working
Unit is working manualy
MelCloud working on PC.

I start to be disapointed by this app… and considering more and more the ESP solution…

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In Portugal, the Melcould app also stopped working. I’m starting to get fed up with the inoperability of the system. Towards the end, it’s fundamental because it’s my working system

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Here we go again…….

Same in Spain, but in my case app is still working.


Same here in Finland. Just noticed this. Unable to connect the melcloud integration. 23.05.2024 21:00 EEST :man_facepalming:t2:

HA MelCloud integration not working - SSL certificate issue

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How can they be that incompetent! It just doesn’t makes sense.


Not the first time,

Of course it’s not their first time. If it were we could understant, but theyre repeated incompetence is just mind blowing.


Would anyone happen to know how we would manually add trust for that certificate?
So that we can once again fix their issue faster than they can :laughing: