MELCLOUD not working?

Service update has now been appended to an interstitial page immediately after login of the MEL cloud website

Service update has now been appended to an interstitial page immediately after login Dear MELCloud Customer, since Wednesday 17/04 the voice assistant integration and the MELCloud application connectivity are not working properly in some instances. Our software team is working to resolve this and we are confident that the service will resume to normal shortly. We apologise for any inconvenience that this is causing and thank those users who got in touch to inform us.

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Same in Sweden 9PM the 18th of April the internet interface is malfunctioing. The Unit is still working though on the same temperature as before. No way to communicate though. Good to know that it is a big problem. Saves me a trip to the weekend house.

hey king,

thanks for the feedback, I´m running an MSZ-LN35. I hope that the blinking has to do with the melcloud, otherwise the wifi interface must be damaged.

but I guess, I have to wait and use the remote meanwhile.


This forum is English only. Please translate your response.

Just did the same. Can comfirm that’s also here it works again.

Edit* if you are running your own dns server just add a primary DNS zone for with the ip results of

Reload the intergration in HA and you have a workaround for now :wink:



My Mitsubishi Kaiteki 6600 lost wifi connection 18.04.2024 at 21.30 Norwegian time and haven’t been up since. Hope Mitsubishi are reading this. I can’t connect to the tibber og Melcloud app. Resetted wifi settings as many times before, still nothing. What the hell did they send these units?

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Same issue here (Netherlands), all five units control down via the melcloud. The infrared remotes still work.

I’ve logged the issue with Mitsubishi today.

Still not working on my side, even after rebooting the units

Same issue in Catalunya. Today i went crazy thinking that it was my wifi adapter that was failing … :frowning:


We all went through that, you’re not alone my friend :joy:


So people affected in Austria, Cataluya, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
If it’s not a glitch created introducing new functionality to really clunky MELCloud, it’s a Russian cyber attack, obviously.

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Maybe we will be informed, what‘s the reason for this obviously serious problem. I‘m affected, too (Germany) and I’m very interested of the cause.

Also Swedish Themo thermostats acting up. Quite possibly a cyberattack.

I have the same problem in Bulgaria. I’m glad I found this forum. After trying everything I blamed the WiFi interface and was going to buy a new one.

Same problem here in France with my Mitsubishi AC since this morning. I suppose the best thing to do is not to change any setting in our WiFi systems and AC devices, wait patiently until everything comes back to normal and use our remote in the meantime… Let’s hope for the best!

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Same case here in Serbia. Melcloud is not working. The air conditioner does not respond. I hope this problem will be solved.

I am from the Czech Republic, on 16.4 it stopped communicating data from two heat pump units, then it is functional again from today. From 18.4 at 20.55, some air conditioning units in three geographical locations stopped communicating (out of a total of 14 units, 6 are not connected to the network and are deaf). The problem is still not solved and it started sometime on Tuesday and it’s almost Saturday. In my opinion, this is a big problem that they don’t know how to deal with.

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certainly russians did it.
we, russians, don’t like comfort temperature in our rooms :slight_smile:

it’s funny, that today I finally decided to configure wi-fi on my mitsubishi air conditioners. I spent several hours today trying to configure them through different vpn servers (because some vendors like legrand, bosch etc does not allow russian ip addresses).
And then I found this topic.
So now we have same problem, guys :slight_smile:

By the way, for the Legrand Netatmo solution was to use specific DNS servers.


UPDATE: Even when I wrote about an hour ago MELCLOUD was partially working, now in the Czech Republic all my 16 units (2 heating pumps, 14 air cons) via MelCloud are unavailable. MelCloud is now completely down.