MELCLOUD not working?

Same in Spain and we have very high temperatures, I use the app to switch on the air conditioner for my cat. Any body knows what’s happening?. The app doesn’t go.

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In Portugal my Melcloud app don’t work since 16/04.

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I have the same

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Yes. At same time.

same in france (saone et loire) since Yesterday…
Mitsubishi doesn’t talk about it :rage:


[email protected] for contact with support. No one answers but it could be a good action to let them now the number of complaints and in what countries. I guess you just change the “se” part (Sweden) to your country code

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No, unfortunately changing ‘se’ with ‘de’ will not work. does not exist. But I will write them anyway and ask them to forward to the correct country support.

I dont understand what it necessary to do and how to do it.

Just one thing : wait. Nothing you can do at the moment.


Affects me too - in the UK.

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Yep, same problem here in Italy. Thirty-six hours later and nothing from MEL, except we are diligently working to resolve the problem. Their customer relations department must have had a long weekend.

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The only thing to do is to start mailing them the malfuntion to make the managers aware and add resources to the team solving the error. And to make them communicate.


A joke my friend-we all know it’s the Martians.

Same in Belgium on ecodan

I tried contacting them via their Facebook page. Directly and by commenting. The direct messages were not answered and the comments deleted…
0/10 - Not satisfied - would not recommend

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I would recommend to FW the whole conversation to the Mitsubishi HD with the Question if this approach is suitable and has to do with all good manners in Japanese culture where the customer should be in the fist place. The should be more honest to their customers. Affecter as it looks like whole EU.

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Thought the same. Pressed reset on WiFi and then the Mode button trying to reconnect WiFi but just ERR lights up.

The controlller and time schedule is still working but APP not.

Same problem here. Connection to Tibber and MELCloud dropped after been online for years and the wifi interface now blinks “error” every 3-4
Seconds (Sweden)

Tried to get the Mitsubishi Wi-Fi connection up and running again by resetting the internal WiFi interface by hook it up towards mitisubishis local wifi through setting in “mode”. This works - but when trying to access the configuration web page from the browser and be able to setup/connect to the home network again - the system just replies “page not found”. (Like the internal web service found in the Mitsubishi device have completely been erased)

So you can definitely suspect some kind of hacker attack going on - and it feels like that they even was able todo changes on the heating device.

I am a Homey user also…where the heatpump was present……

When cloud services are down and there is no communication from the vendor, it always makes me suspect cybersecurity issues rather than technical issues. But this is purely a speculation.
If that is the case I hope the end devices are secure and in particular remote update of firmware.

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Hi Didierp31

The workaround/hack i mentioned requires you to have advanced control of your dns in your router.

If you have no experience with it, then i would not advise to mess around with it, wait until the melcloud support get it resolved and back to normal.

It looks like they have made a small update to the app aswell, a couple of days ago there was a refresh button, that you could manually click to get newest info from our devices.

the refresh button are now gone, and its now back to when your send a new command, that it gives a response that “your changes will take effect aproximatly”

I have not removed my override yet, and the workaround still works today

I hope they fix it asap

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