Mercedes Me Component

Hi Kaii, welcome to the club. Please share the MB mobile app details that you use. Which region did you use in the setup dialog? BR rene

ps: in case you used apac: please try again with Europe. Looks like that for India the ECE version is used. (Same like Thailand)

Mate thank you so much! Checking it out straight away :wink:

I checked again, but the “charging_power” Sensor is not available:

although I updated to the latest version? Is this alright?

hi, could you please first check the page developer tools/states if this sensor is really the right one? Just search on this page for “charging” and check the status of the sensor that this component has created. Background: Sometimes people have created custom template sensors in the past… and just forgot to adjust :wink:

Hi thanks for the reply! Checked it, now it appears strangely… Well. Value seems to be 8.1. but the _integral is not showing any value:


The _integral part:

Is this alright?

Hi, I propose that you delete this integral sensor. Restart ha. And then create a new helper via the Frontend

Select your charging power sensor and keep the default settings.

This should show values after you started the next charging.



Where can I find a nice top-view image of a Mercedes A250e to be used in a dashboard?
Tried to get them from Mercedes using API-calls but I’m not quite sure how to do it. Don’t know the syntax. Is there anyone who’s able to help?


Hi, I have tried the following: IN, BR, apac, Europe & EU.
I am relatively new to HA so it is possible that I made a mistake during the installation.
If this helps, I use the mercedes me app (the exact same app as used in EU).

Hi Kaii,

Please remove the Component in the HA, “Settings”, “Devices & Services” page. Restart HA. Add it again via “Add Integration”. Put in your MB-email address and select “Europe” as the region.


Hi Vincent,

one approach to get the image is:

  1. get a linux terminal
  2. Make sure jq and curl is installed
  3. Make sure HA is running
  4. run the command
jq -r .access_token ~/XXX-Path-to-you-HA-config-folder-XXX/.mercedesme-token-cache | { read message; curl -v -H "Authorization: $message" -H "ris-os-name: android" -H "X-TrackingId: 8f2b839c-606e-4f87-8ca6-f5dbd131544a" -H "X-SessionId: 8f2b839c-606e-4f87-8ca6-f5dbd131544a" -H "X-Locale: de" -H "ris-sdk-version: 2.84.0" --output -L ; }

Replace XXX-Path-to-you-HA-config-folder-XXX and XXX-VIN-XXX based on your values.

Output should be an with all the relevant pictures that the app is using for the topview in the app.

Thx. I’ll try that this evening.

Yes, it came up immediately. Thanks for the help!

Looks I’m doing something wrong. I get an 401 Unauthorized error. Should the path and VIN include the XXX- and -XXX or not?

What is the sonsor car? I just saw in my logg that this sensor changes a lot.


I haven’t seen this in the log befor…

The sensor is named


Hi Vincent,

please start the service “mbapi2020.refresh_access_token” before you start the download command. This makes sure that the access token is uptodate.

Sorry, missed this in my answer.


Hi @ktd ,

please take a look on this answer.


Ah, missed that one. Thanks!
I guess that for me, as a “normal” user, I can disable this sensor without braking anything?

Yes. No problem - Its an diagnostic sensor and the values are not recorded.

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Does anybody know where I can find the days/kilometers till service?

It’s an attribute of the odometer. Attribute name: “Serviceintervaldays” (if available for your car…) - serviceintervaldistance is not delivered by the api (at least for my cars) and thatswhy removed