Mercedes Me Component

Doesnt show anything on the log. My car is from 2016 but Mercedes Me app works good on the cell phone

You can find the log at: Settings/System/Logs

found it

It was my problem i have two cars but only one with Mercedes Me. It was trying to pick up the information on the one that doesn’t have the mercedes me

Add the Vin/Fin of the older car to the exclude field in th option dialog. I have created a GitHub issue for this scenario already.

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MB made some changes to their server backend this morning. Could be that you do not get any data updates or error messages like “429”.

aiohttp.client_exceptions.WSServerHandshakeError: 429, message='Invalid response status', url=URL('wss://')

In case you are affected: I have published a beta release v0.13.0-beta.1. (Now the client has to keep the connection open…)

Whenever you get the error 429 already. Please stop HA or disable the component for 15min after the update.


I came here to hopefully find you knowing about the issue and here we are :slight_smile: Very happy to read that there is already a fix implemented by you. When can we expect this to be in the stable version? I’d like to avoid switching to the beta-channel. Thanks for your awesome work! Bester Mann!

PS: With the last stable, for me it looks like deleting and reconnecting the integration helps but after a HA-Restart, I’m having the issues again.

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Yes, it’s always great how quickly Rene takes care of these problems, thank you very much for that

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I can see that some people have installed the Beta already. Please report back if the problem gets solved on your side and if you see any other problems with this beta.

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For now I constantly get error 429.
Deleted integration and installed the beta version. But will wait a until tomorrow (germany) until I create a new configuration.

You have to wait 15min with no connection to the mb-servers to overcome the HTTP429 (too many requests). Stop HA or disable the integration and wait…

Created new configuration using the 0.13.0 beta. Connected to MercedesMe Server. Everything seems good for the moment.
System Info also show one connected car. The next days will tell if its again stable as it was before the changes to MercedesMe API / Servers.

Thank you for your great work. :+1:

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Update to Beta 2, wait for 20 Min and restart of the integration: Everything is up and running.
Thanks a lot, Rene!

The beta works well so far, but I noticed that the label is missing in the configuration dialog.

Best regards

I’m currently useing version 0.12.0 but my hybrid is not showing the chargingactive state/sensor. Am i miss something. is not shown by default?

Hi Stefan, chargingactive is an attribute of the sensor rangeElectricKm.

Hi @Bamboooo , Could you refresh your browser window ignoring the cache (Ctrl+F5 on windows)? The component has no german translation files and the fallback language english should be used. If this does not work please create an issue in the mbapi2020 github repo and share the system information. Thx

Many thanks to everyone who tested the beta version. I have published v0.13.0 now.

Important: In case you get an error WSServerHandshakeError: 429, message='Invalid response status', please stop HA or deactivate the MBAPI2020 component for 15min after the update.


  • The component is now pinging the MB-servers every 15 sec via websocket to keep the connection open. (#219)
  • ConnectionResetError “Cannot write to closing transport” (#218)
  • ValueError: Coroutine not allowed to be passed to HassJob (#218)


  • New service “windows_move” for cars with individual windows options (like EQS). You can set your windows to different positions.

Danke sehr.

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Any idea how to fix the following error:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.mbapi2020
Source: custom_components/mbapi2020/
integration: MercedesME 2020 (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:57:25 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:57:25

Authentication failed. Please reauthenticate.

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.mbapi2020.oauth
Source: custom_components/mbapi2020/
integration: MercedesME 2020 (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:41:16 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:41:16

Error requesting: - 0 - {“error_description”:“unknown, invalid, or expired refresh token”,“error”:“invalid_grant”}