Mercedes Me Component

Thanks a lot for all the information shared here. This is my take on a personalized dashboard for my car.


Hi @Thomas01 ,

There are some APIs around chargeoptstart/stop. I have never analyzed this in detail. I’m spending the whole May in south Europe without a laptop. :slight_smile:

Let us try this when I‘m back…


PS: thanks for answering the questions here!

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No worries, enjoy your absence from laptops and enjoy your holiday (?).

Huh, you use kPa as a unit for air pressure in The Nederland?
Or maybe just a fellow Engineer :wink:

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I’m indeed a Flemish engineer. :slight_smile:


Hi, I wanted to share with you my dashboard of our family’s cars and help you to get some new ideas to create your own. Thanks so much @ReneNulschDE for this amazing integration and latest beta (0.14.0 beta1) which allows downloading cars images and @Thomas01 who made easy tutorial for picture-elements.

Dashboard layout is in Sections, each car has its own.

First row is just a Mushroom Title (Sections name is too small).

Second row is vertical stack of two conditional entities. There are two PNG photos from Mercedes Me app (just a screenshot) with added Benz and AMG logos. I made two versions, first one is shown when Sun is above horizon, the second one when Sun is under horizon. Conditions may vary according to your taste, there is no limit to your imagination. In future it would be nice to have eg. night versions (with lights on) based on daytime.

Third row are bunch of chips (templates only), which change color according to status (OK/not OK, Service in x days <365 green, <60 yellow, <30 amber, <15 orange, <7 red).

Fourth row are another chips (templates only again), but only fuel changes color. The rest is ignition state and Today’s and Monthly costs in my currency.

Fifth row consists of two mushroom entities in horizontal stack - today’s consumption and today’s km

Sixth row is just a lock.

Last row is picture-elements card.

Unfortunately, none of these cars have a Mercedes subscription, so the location is not available. Also these cars are not the newest (2016-2018), so there are no commands like opening/closing windows or sunroof, much less starting the engine (EU law), otherwise the subscription would make bigger sense.

Layout in edit mode (only S 350d is in English):

Layout in view mode (only S 350d is in English):



Ha, interesting concept, never though about that. Maybe I can make something similar…

Really, that’s an EU law?

I was always wondering why I can unlock my car remotely, but not start (or set to driving mode for the electric version) my Mercedes remotely. The Tesla I had previously could do that, and I found that really helpful as a backup on misplacing/forgetting the car key, or let someone else relocate the car while I’m away.

Another engineer?

Also for the service interval: That’s my take, setting up a custom sensor and either calculating the date or the km when the next service is due. You can set the timestamp_custom to your own liking.

      friendly_name: "Next Service"
      icon_template: mdi:car-brake-alert
      value_template: >
        {% if state_attr('sensor.XXX_odometer', 'serviceintervaldays') != none %}
          {{ as_timestamp(now() + timedelta( days = state_attr('sensor.XXX_odometer', 'serviceintervaldays')|int(0) )) | timestamp_custom('%d-%m-%Y') }}
        {% else %}
          {{ states('sensor.XXX_odometer')|int(0) + state_attr('sensor.XXX_odometer', 'serviceintervaldistance')|int(0) }} km
        {% endif %}


I’m trying to download images of my car, but I get this error:
“Given VIN/FIN is not managed by any coordinator or excluded in the integration options.”

I’ve erroneously set my VIN to be excluded, but now I’ve deleted it.
I’ve also tried with another VIN (not connected to my account), but I get the same results.

Any ideas?

I think you need to have the VIN in your Mercedes Me account, and used in the integration.
So set up your car to use in the Mercedes integration, then use the services with the same car.

I’ve reinstalled the integration and now it works…

Could you share the card code?

Thank you, I am looking forward to your ideas.

Unfortunately yes, I don’t know any European country which oficially allows remote engine start. But if you take a look at some US Youtubers, it is pretty common feature in this region (maybe Asia as well, but I’m not sure). I think it could be “problem” with emissions, thefts or noise (we know how EU is sensitive about them). I have some friends who have US import cars and do have this feature (but they don’t have Mercedes).

Well… I can’t change it to bar (nothing happens when manually change it), so I have to live with that :sweat_smile:

My cars don’t have serviceintervaldistance attribute, so I am happy with just a chip template. But still, why would you create another sensors when these attributes are dynamically changing every day/km? It isn’t fixed date or km.

@michael.kmoch wow! yuur card looks fantastic!
can you share the code of your card?


You can change it in the MB-App. Should then change immediately in HA too. But keep in mind that your statistics get messed…


If your car reports days for the next service date, then you have serviceintervaldays in your attribute, but if your car reports km until your service is due, then you have serviceintervaldistance (and serviceintervaldays vanishes).
Thats at least with my car. Every now and then MercedesMe switches from date to km, and later back.
Thats also the reason why I check if serviceintervaldays exists via

{% if state_attr('sensor.XXX_odometer', 'serviceintervaldays') != none %}

In my case, my daily drives is fairly consistent and short drives only, but once in a while I have a way longer dirve, and then MercedesMe switches to a km based service interval (apparently the algorithm adapts), and both the iOS app and the website reports km until service.

I’m playing around with this fantastic integration and cards. I’m now trying to open/close windows. In the Mercedes app, I can only open or close all the windows together.

So I’m trying this, but it’s not working. Any suggestions?

action: call-service
service: mbapi2020.windows_close
vin: W1K3xxxxxxxxxxxx

What is the error message in the log?

* Car action: WINDOWCLOSE failed. error_code: 6901, error_message: None
* Car action: WINDOWCLOSE failed. error_code: RIS_COULD_NOT_SEND_COMMAND, error_message: None
* Car action: WINDOWCLOSE failed. error_code: RIS_EMPTY_VEHICLE_API_QUEUE, error_message: None
* Car action: WINDOWCLOSE failed. error_code: CMD_TIMEOUT, error_message: None

Ok, looks like an communication problem of the MB Servers to your car. Does it work in the mbapp?

Please download the diagnostic log of this component from the integration page and send it to [email protected]

I will take a look when I’m back at home end of next week.

mmm… the car was in the box, probably with connection issue… i’ll do some other tests today!
many thanks!