Mercedes Me Component

First guess: The VIN/FIN needs to be in upper case or you have a typo. (Just copy the FIN from one existing sensor - see the attributes list)

Thatā€™s what I did in the first time. Second time exactly the same and now it works. Thanks!

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First of all: Thanks for this great add-in.It is working here since some months and most of the time without any problems.

Here was a stupid beginners question before.
Sorry for that, i found the solution myself :slight_smile:

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Hi guys,

Thanks for the composent ! everything is OK but in my configuration i cant find the file mercedesme-token-cache for get zip from mercedes

i try to delete and add itā€™s the same ā€¦

Hi Matt, the file is in .storage folder in you HA-config folder.

You could install v0.14.0-beta1 too, this version has a HA-Service to download the file.

Thankā€™s Rene, now its perfect !

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HI there:

I need help in creating a template switch for the preconditioning, but it doesnā€™t work at allā€¦
If I call the service manually to start for instance, nothing happens in the car. Also vice versa, the attributes in the range_electric sensor are not updated, if I switch preconditioning ā€œonā€ in MercedesMe app. Something is odd.

Interestingly the buttons in the overview to start/stop preconditioning are working fineā€¦
Not sure if my changes in configuration.yaml are ok in principle.

value_template: "{{ is_state_attr('sensor.ohv_g513e_range_electric', 'PrecondActive', 'on') }}"
service: mbapi2020.auxheat_start
vin: W1N253xxxxxxxxxxxxx
service: mbapi2020.auxheat_stop
vin: W1N253xxxxxxxxxxxxx

This is my switch definition (it works on my car):

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Pre-entry Climate Control
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.XXX_range_electric', 'precondNow') or state_attr('sensor.XXX_range_electric', 'precondActive') }}"
        icon_template: mdi:air-conditioner
          service: mbapi2020.preheat_start
          target: {}
            vin: "{{ state_attr('sensor.XXX_car', 'vin') }}"
            type: "0"
          service: mbapi2020.preheat_stop
          target: {}
            vin: "{{ state_attr('sensor.XXX_car', 'vin') }}"

Do you have the indentation right?

EDIT: Thats at least how it works with my electric car, I donā€™t know if a gasoline (or hybrid) car behaves differently. Ie. auxheat_start vs preheat_start.


Hi everyone, attempting to integrate this delightful addon for my 2018 vehicle.

Normally I utilize the Mercedes Me app to access the car. I do not see anywhere to create a PIN, though there is the option of biometric vs PIN access to the app. It doesnā€™t sound like thatā€™s what is intended with the PIN configuration spot.

After adding the addon, and successfully logging in, I have no entities or cars still. This is in the US.

What are the next troubleshooting steps? Is the fact it is a 2018 vehicle an issue?

From the guthub page:


  • North America: For Cars 2019 or newer only
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Thanks. Missed it byā€¦ that much!

So, every now and then the app loses connection to the vehicle. Reload configuration doesnā€™t do anything. How do I reconnect it without deleting the entire integration and reinstalling?

Doesnā€™t happen with my car, @ReneNulschDE mentioned in his latest beta (v0.14.0-beta 1) that heā€™s continuing working on the authentification issue:

Next try on the ReAuth issue. (I canā€™t reproduce it and changed the logic a little bit)

Check out the beta and see if the issue resolves.

Hi @ReneNulschDE,

is it possible to force-start a charge while a charging interruption (ā€œLadeunterbrechungā€) is active?


Thanks for the hint! The ā€œpreheatā€ fixed it.

Thanks a lot for all the information shared here. This is my take on a personalized dashboard for my car.


Hi @Thomas01 ,

There are some APIs around chargeoptstart/stop. I have never analyzed this in detail. Iā€™m spending the whole May in south Europe without a laptop. :slight_smile:

Let us try this when Iā€˜m backā€¦


PS: thanks for answering the questions here!

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No worries, enjoy your absence from laptops and enjoy your holiday (?).

Huh, you use kPa as a unit for air pressure in The Nederland?
Or maybe just a fellow Engineer :wink:

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Iā€™m indeed a Flemish engineer. :slight_smile: