Mercedes Me Component

This makes no sense from my perspective. The doorlockstatusgas is for cars with a gas engine only and these cars are very seldom. There are special charge flap attributes for AC/DC. Let me give you the attributes when I‘m back at home next week.

So this attributes doorlockstatusgas is for the most part not useful. I can probably replace it with sensors for ac/dc flap. And fuel vehicles don’t have a sensor for the fuel flap, if I understand correctly.

AC/DC flap sensors showing these states?

  "chargeflapacstatus": {
    "state": {
      "0": "Open",
      "1": "Closed",
      "2": "Flap pressed",
      "3": "Unknown"
  "chargeflapdcstatus": {
    "state": {
      "0": "Open",
      "1": "Closed",
      "2": "Flap pressed",
      "3": "Unknown"

Great integration, thanks for all the work!
I’ve recently started using an EQE which shows the option to set charging breaks (also called pauses) between two time settings (e.g. charging break between 18h15 and 22h30). These breaks are saved and can be activated or deactivated with a toggle. I didn’t find any reference to it in the integration and now of course my question is whether that could become available in the integration.

Hi @Thomas01 , can I test this with your car. You have configured one break window in your EQS and I would add a different one.

@willembuys , I don’t own a EQx - but let me check it with Thomas.

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Yup, go ahead.

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Hi @willembuys,

Unfortunately, implementing the “ChargingBreakClocktimerConfigure” functionality is not straightforward. My code is based on the latest version of the interface that Mercedes-Benz released as open source. However, Mercedes-Benz has since discontinued this program, and subsequent interface updates are no longer freely accessible.

Technical Background:

The interface is described and implemented using Google Protobuf. Unfortunately, the message structure for “ChargingBreakClocktimerConfigure” is not included in the public files. However, the message structure appears to be as follows:

  1: “FIN”
  7: “GUID”
  50 {
    1 {
      1: 1  // Status: 1=Inactive
      2: 22 // End of the Window - Hour
      4: 14 // Start of the Window - Hour 
      6: 1  // ID of the entry
    1 {
      1: 2  // Status: 2=Active
      2: 5  // End of the Window - Hour      
      3: 45 // End of the Window - Minute
      4: 4  // Start of the Window - Hour 
      5: 15 // Start of the Window - Minute 
      6: 2  // ID of the entry

I’ll begin by implementing this feature in read-only mode first.

@Thomas01 : Thanks for the test car… I have removed the settings from your car again.

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Thanks @ReneNulschDE, much appreciated!
Since I can’t control the home charger, I’m trying to use the functionalities of the car as much as possible to optimize charging based on solar production. This feature would definitely help to pause charging when solar production is low.

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The new release is out :tada: along with added range info for hybrid cars. The update includes other improvements, download here or via hacs :point_down:



Hi all. I’m sure this question has been asked before, but I didn’t find it (searched for topic and thread). And that’s the reason why I’m asking.

Can someone explain to me why this thread with more than 2000 posts is a single topic? Is it a HA policy that each HACS integration can only have one thread? Is it due to the structure of the community software?

It is impossible for new users to get an overview of the topics discussed in this thread. What is the best way to find relevant information? What are the most discussed topics here?

It took me quite some time to find what I was looking for, the name is “Vehicle info card”. I didn’t find it with the help of this topic. Some github link brought me to a random post number 1767. Seriously? Also, I don’t know if there is important information related to the use of the card. Do I have to read all the posts after that one?

So, what are your thoughts? Maybe post new questions in the “Custom Integrations” branch with a [mercedesme] prefix? Something similar?

BTW, this integration is awesome! It’s fun to build automations around my car. Thanks a lot to Rene and Thomas (and maybe others I missed) :slight_smile:

Hi @Kamikater

Thanks for your comment.

Yes, it would be near to impossible for me to monitor the complete forum without investing more time (and I spend already 10-20 hours per week to maintain the component and all the stuff around that.) If you create a new topic for every question, I will miss them for sure (as I don’t read anything else here).

I totally understand, that this is not perfect for new users (same for docs, helptexts, translation …) - however, I would say it is easier to have one place for ideas, q&a, release notes. There are xx-thousands of custom components and so you can just search in this topic. (or subscribe to this topic)

Everything around the custom integration mbapi2020. Just ask/comment/share, normally, you’ll get an answer/comment very fast.

That would mean that a user (aka human) has to follow a rule. I’am not sure whether the human species has already reached this stage of development. :slight_smile:

But lets see if other members have different view …

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I really like that all stuff relating to @ReneNulschDE Mercedes integration is in a single thread.
If a new user (hi @Kamikater ) found the threat, awesome.
It is daunting to get information by just reading from top to bottom, especially as some earlier stuff was fixed later on…

What I found here in this thread that if some newbie is asking questions that were adressed some posts ago, they are politily pointed to the relevant post(s) with no vitriole or condescension, or even expectation of reading the hundreds of posts to find it on their own.

So, either search in this thread, or ask away.

And to the last point: Whatever makes it easiest for the single maintainer/programmer of this integration, is fine for me. The same is true for the maintainer/programmer of the Vehicle Info Card (@VietNgoc ).

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first of all i want to say thank you for this awesome project.
I wanted to install it because my wife keeps forgetting to lock the doors and I just wanted to be able to close the doors using the tablet. I installed everything as described and entered my email address. Then entered the pin and nothing happened. Attached is the error

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Erstmals aufgetreten: 21:34:07 (2 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 21:46:42

Error setting up entry *** (Region: Europe) for mbapi2020
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 604, in async_setup
    result = await component.async_setup_entry(hass, self)
  File "/config/custom_components/mbapi2020/", line 184, in async_setup_entry
    await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/asyncio/", line 665, in sleep
    return await future

Hi @uniwes23,

may I ask you to open an issue on Github? Please share all the information that are requested in the dialog. This will help me to analyze.

I have never seen this error before (the error can occur, when the MB API does not deliver any data in the first 30 seconds - this should never happen) and I checked the onboarding a few seconds ago too - so this is not a general error.

Please enable the debug log, see here - add this to your configuration.yaml and restart HA

This error could happen when no valid cars are in your account. Are you sure that you used the same account like in your MB-App? Is the MB app working?
PS: I’m travelling currently, please expect slower answers …

Hi thanks for the quick reply. I logged in via the mb site and saw that I wasn’t verified there. After I confirmed everything, I added the addon again and this time entered my cell phone number. That worked without any problems.

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Thank you both for your answers. They actually make sense. Since there are only three maintainers in total, I agree that it should be made as easy as possible for them.

Once again thank you for the awesome project.

Whenever I leave the “grocery shopping” area and enter “home” (while ignoring the intermediate “not_home” state) my wife gets a notification to open the door, since I have no free hand :smiley:

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I cant get the map to load. Any tips?

Hi @Thomas01, added charging cable and DC flap status to your wonderful Picture-Elements card. See screenshots below:

Added a new sensor to the ones you created for views above.

        friendly_name: "Charging or Cable Connected or Cable Disconnected"
        icon_template: mdi:ev-station
        value_template: >
          {% if is_state_attr('sensor.mercedes_benz_eqs450_range_electric', 'chargingstatus', "0") %}
          {% elif state_attr('sensor.mercedes_benz_eqs450_range_electric', 'chargingstatus') in ["1", "2"] %}
          {% elif is_state_attr('sensor.mercedes_benz_eqs450_range_electric', 'chargingstatus', "4") %}
          {% elif is_state('sensor.mercedes_benz_eqs450_charge_flap_dc_status', "0") %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

Combined yours with vehicle-info-card by @VietNgoc to get it just the way I like it!!

Thank you both for your work and sharing with the rest of us, and a big thank you to @ReneNulschDE for his never-ending work on the integration. You guys are awesome!

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Hi, can you describe more what the error is? Is it the popup map or the map on the main card?

Nice. Really like it.

Where did you get the images from? Can you share?