Mercedes Me Component


Do we have any EQA driver here?

If yes, could you post the attributes that you see for your state of charge sensor? I would like to check if the maxsoc attribute is available.


Hi, my english is very bad, sorry

YOURS error —> value_template: ‘{{ states.binary_sensor.8206lng_tire_warning.attributes.tirepressureRearLeft }}’

VS value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘binary_sensor.8206lng_tire_warning’, ‘tirepressureRearLeft’) }}”

Thank you

Hi Guys,

Just isntalled MercedesMe 2020 from HACS, rebooting HA, but when I got to integrations and search it doesn’t show up? Any ideas?

Sorry for my English.

Same thing happened to me. Since HACS doesn’t work. So I downloaded the custom from github and through WINSCP I copied it to the custom_components directory, I restarted and it came out in integrations

Ok so I managed to get the plugin installed. However after many refreshes, clearning cache and reboots all my elements show as unavalable? If I click into say the mileage one it shows my milage but still sits as unavailable? Do i need to change the state of all of these or should this be automatic? This used to work for me on a previous install of HA, not sure what has changed?

Have now sorted this, reinstalled for a final time and it worked

Has something fundametal changed at Mercedes? … the MercedesME integration has stopped updating battery charge and range at 8pm GMT. battery is full but it reports 30% and 78Miles

The logs have tons of…

2022-05-12 06:45:51 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mbapi2020.websocket] Got notification: apptwin_pending_command_request
2022-05-12 06:46:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mbapi2020.websocket] Got notification: apptwin_pending_command_request
2022-05-12 06:46:21 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mbapi2020.websocket] Got notification: apptwin_pending_command_request
2022-05-12 06:46:36 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.mbapi2020.websocket] Got notification: apptwin_pending_command_request



The component is working for me. Do you see the updates in the MB app?

It started working again a few hours later… no idea what went wrong!

Same here three times

Is it still true that this will not work for my 2017 SLC 300?

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Depends on your region. EU/Asia - could be, US - should not work.

Just try it.

Br René

Does anyone notice a unusual update frequency of the device tracker?

Had this on Tuesday and today again that it hasn’t updated for at least 10 hours now.

Hi @RodgerDodger ,

For me it works but few other people stated some slowness esp. in the Netherlands, Belgium and UK. But I’m not sure if this problem is a region topic.


Thanks for the quick reply. You have another slow device tracker than from Germany.

I’m definetely not at the barber 10:00. :wink:

But I just noticed that it probably is Mercedes themselves as the door lock status hasn’t updated in the MercedesMe app until I just closed the car doors via app.

Not your fault this time. :wink:

You mean as always :slight_smile:

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Amusing thing: Today my app isn’t working, it hasn’t received anything from the car since yesterday around 18.30, when I had my last trip yesterday. According to it the car is still parked outside the cabin here. But the integration is working, because I can see the battery percentage fall around 06.20 to 06.35, when my wife drove to work this morning! :rofl:

Which gave me an idea: Can the car’s position be shown in the integration? Even better, with a “tail”, so I can see where it’s been driving for the last x hours? That doesn’t function in the Mercedes app, but it does in another app I had for it, Tronity. I quit using it when it became a rather expensive pay app, since I only used the “has my wife already been to this shop yet on her shopping trip, or can I still add to the shopping list” function in it. :grin:

I use this Lovelace card to do just that:

  - type: map
    hours_to_show: 48
    default_zoom: 15
    aspect_ratio: 16x9
    # dark_mode: true
      - device_tracker.XXX_device_tracker

(where XXX is the license number)

Fantastic, thanks a lot! I didn’t know that was possible now! I have made a separate page with from one week to 12 hours of tracking. Love it! I wish there was an easy way to make the map better (change soure), but that requires a reverse proxy and that would only work as long as I’m on the home or cabin network, where pfSense could do that.

But is it possible to change the point where the car is now? It’s a rather big circle with MDT (I assume Mastiff Device Tracker), and when zooming out it covers quite a few hundred meters.

Yeah, that’s how the HA map card works :frowning: Perhaps it’s possible to make it smaller using something like card-mod