Mi Flora plant sensor

directly after reboot HASS has to collect values before it shows anything, I suppose it’s working right now, because for me 0.57 works absolutely fine

Agreed. Working for me.

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Hello !

It seems not working for me neither in v0.57.2, still ‘unknown’ status a day after reboot.
Have you guys enable BLE tracker to get it working ? Or should the following conf be enough ?

- platform: miflora
  mac: 'my:MAC;address:here'
  name: Orchidée

Is your Mi Flora far from your RPi ? Bluetooth plugin is installed but I don’t know if BLE range could reach ~10m


I’ve enabled the bluetooth bit from Hassio and am running Home Assistant 0.57.2 and they all seem to be working. My sensors are all within ~10m with the furthest out being around 9 or 10m away from my pi. The rest of them are fairly close. Might want to move the sensor closer just for testing.

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The Bluetooth Tracker component is still broken, but Mi Flora should work. For me, I have my Mi Floras within 3m of range around my RasPi, except for one which is located ~4m through a thick wall. The latter one fails reasonably often to update.
Have you checked your logs for errors?

I went a different route to solve this, and put hassbian on a Pi Zero.

I didn’t run any special code versions, just checked that the MiFlora mac addresses were detected with

sudo hcitool lescan

Which they were without any extra settings on my part.

Setup the miflora as normal on the pi zero hassbian:

  - platform: miflora
    mac: 'c4:7c:8a:6c:3b:69'
    force_update: true
    cache_value: 600
    name: miflora_1

Then in my main hassio install, I used the rest sensor to get the data via the Hass api on the Pi Zero: e.g.

  - platform: rest
    name: miflora_1_soil_moisture
    value_template: '{{ value_json.state }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "%"

I’ve no dropouts, and haven’t had to maintain anything on the Pi Zero - half the time I forget that’s how I’m connecting to the MiFloras.

Anyone else connect to them this way?

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anyone got any answer to this ?
External USB or just the internal on the RPi3?

I use an external BT on USB and it works fine (on RPI3).

I can see the sensors but just no data? Can help anyone?

I am also using this method, in fact, as our house is quite long, I actually have 3 PI’s (2xRPI3 and 1x PiZero)

The issue I am facing is that the PiZero keeps going offline. It is not due to wireless connectivity (it is flooded with WiFI)

I also thought it may be the sd card, so I rebuilt it, but the Zero keeps dropping out resulting in “Unavailable” values in my main Hass instance… So now thinking of using platnt gw on the zero instead?

I also have this problems non of my Mi Flora sensors are getting any values
Hass.io 0.60
@sharukins do you have any problems?

update to 60.1
We moved to alpine 3.7 as base were gatttool is included in package bluez deprecated.
I made PR for 60.0 removing the prior fix without realising that bluez-deprecated wasn’t included. Sorry for the inconvenience.

No inconvenience just me feeling dum :slight_smile: updating now :slightly_smiling_face:thanks for a quick response

It solved my problem :slight_smile:

mine is not working. How to toubleshoot, I just got 0.61.1

did you wait half an hour after the update/installation for values to show up? @anon35356645

Has someone else currently issues with mi flora on hass.io 0.62.1? (also since 0.62.0) Values refresh only after restart, then they are stuck. Even with the option „forceupdate“ enabled it’s not updating :confused:

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yes,still nothing …

The Miflora component has been rewritten to use bluepy instead of gatttool. The implementation has a bug in error handling but A fix is in the works and should be included in the next release.


just so we are clear which release? 0.63? :slight_smile:

0.62.2 or 0.63 whichever happens first.

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