Mirabella Genio Smart Home

Could somebody help me create a template for the Genio Icicle lights

GPIO 12 controls half of the lights and 14 the other half

How would i create a template that when turned on, it cycles between the two GPIO’s, do i do this in the template, or should i create an automation to control this?

What firmware are you using ?

latest ESPHome, 1.15.3

Post your yaml so we can see what’s what

  name: spa_led_lights
  platform: ESP8266
  board: esp01_1m

  ssid: "milutki"
  password: "password"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Spa Led Lights Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "password"


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
  password: "password"

  password: "password"

- platform: gpio
  pin: 12
  name: "Spa Light 1"
- platform: gpio
  pin: 14
  name: "Spa Light 2" 

Has anybody had any luck flashing the smart plugs? It looks like the latest ones can’t be flashed OTA as tuya-convert isn’t working with them. The board with the ESP on it is parallel to the board with the relays on it, and it feels near-impossible to get at it. Interested if anybody has had any success.

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Does anyone know how I can define the LOWEST POSSIBLE BRIGHTNESS in an automation?

Whenever I set an automation to turn the lights on, the minimum value I can do (if I recall) is 11 or 12, or the things just won’t turn on at all.

If I open the Tuya application, on my phone after home assistant has turned them on, there’s definitely a bit more of a grade of brightness I can turn down, even further?

Anyone know a solution? Please don’t tell me I’m the only one. I have Mirabella Genios from KMart Aus, unflashed and around 3 to 4 years old now. (Always been reluctant to flash? Doesn’t it break Home Assistant??)

SECOND question:

The globes support the big colour wheel options but I’d also like the ability to set the globes back to warm white / ‘no colour’ mode with an automation. I can change colour to white, but it’s not the BRIGHT WHITE it’s “colour white” if that makes sense? it’s quite dim and I don’t know how to put them back into the full bright mode.

Not this thing:

This one:

Nope, flashing them to ESPhome (or Tasmota) will increase the HA compatibility since they will communicate directly with it rather than via a cloud server. This seriously increases the response time / decreases lag.

Use the colour temperature slider

That’s a graphical UI thing - how do I apply it in an automation though?
I’d love the morning to start DIM.ORANGE, proceed upwards through to bright yellow and then finally “warm white” which is significantly more bright.

Also (sorry) any tip on the minimum brightness?

Through an automation you can send the light whichever colour settings you want. ie: RGB value or XY values etc.

Getting the above to transition between the colour should just be a case of sending the next set of colour data and using a transition time, but it’s not something I’ve tried before so I can’t confirm it works quite the way you are hoping.

At A guess I’m thinking that the light simply struggles to turn on with such a low value, whether that value is send from HA or the Tuya app. Can you confirm that this is the case? ie: Does the light also not turn on if you try to start at a really low brightness? It could just be a limitation of the hardware.

Hey Andrew,
Same problem here. I tried to flash my mirabella genio smart plug USB (bought a couple of them from woolies a few months back) with tuya-convert and got this message:

Timed out while waiting for the device to (re)connect                                          
Attempting to diagnose the issue...                                                            
Your device's firmware is too new.                                                             
Tuya patched the PSK vulnerability that we use to establish a connection.                      
You might still be able to flash this device over serial.                                      
For more information and to follow progress on solving this issue see:                         

Now I’m thinking of dismantling it and using my serial flasher.

Any luck with this? Just had a similar issue with a IR blaster.

Hey sorry,sound like an idiot but where do I guys learn all this sh&t cos I’m just trying at 40yrs old an sober for once in my life so I can remember to things… Just wondering if f U could link me to a good site or place to learn more things

Hahaha, we aren’t too different. I’m also 40.

What in particular are you wanting to learn?

I’ve spent a fair bit of time reading the home-assistant.io website, the esphome.io website, plus too many hours fault finding various things. I’m an electrician so that has been my life :man_facepalming:

There’s also some really interesting stuff here and here.

How do I manually add the Mirabella Genio Power Plug in Home Assistant. I’ve flashed the smart plug and can manually connect to smart plug via web ui.

Info looks like this:

Continuing from above I can connect directly to device by URL, change settings (on/off) and see the change via mqqt in home assistant.

Continuing from avove, I have manually added the device in Home Assistant with the following code:

And it appears in Home Assistant as…(see next message)

How do I set my globe to this mode?

Click TEMP button
Switch to ‘370’ ?

None of these seem to do it :frowning:

I just want to create a button which makes all lights maximum bright WARM WHITE - not nasty hospital white.

Turn the light ON to the desired setting using the popup you have in the screenshot, then go to the the ‘developer tools’ → ‘states’ and find that light entity. It will show you all the colour temperature details etc. You can then create a button that calls the light.turn_on service with that colour temp as the data.

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