External Blinds/Venetians/Louvres will stop the heat hitting the windows - will not do much in winter though!
We have a number of different external solutions - Vental Exterior Venetians for Westerly facing windows, somfy powered blinds on a couple of the Eastern facing windows - work pretty well.
Have you investigated pumping cellulose or expanding foam into the cavity in your walls ?
Hi Guys,
I am not happy with my Nue Zigbee Fan Light Controller as the difference between low and high is very small, that is, the low speed is too fast. Since I have a fan with a knocking noise I was going to replace it anyway and I have thought maybe a different route. Here is a new fan coming which uses Tuya. I am assuming I won’t be able to flash it OTA, correct me if I am wrong? (I have flashed plug in switches before so can do it)
Anyone with any experience of Tuya Local that could comment on the likelihood of me being able to get the fan to work with that? My quick read suggests that you need to get the local key for it and I just want to make sure that Tuya hasn’t changed somehting in their recent products to make that impossible?
Slightly easier way to grab the keys. You still have to do the iot.tuya setup part. I put a post a couple weeks ago with links for that in this thread. Should be easy enough to add to localtuya.
Hey I just bought one of these fans (Arelec Ceiling Fan / Light), I’m trying to get my head around the options. What is wrong with TuyaLocal? Why is esp32 better?
I need some help flashing my Deta Fan controller (6014HA). It no longer works with tuya convert so the only alternative is to open it up and flash it manually. Does anyone have a diagram of the pins?
Great news people, the next version of ESPhome (1.16), currently in Beta supports H-bridge lights. This means all the Mirabella fairy lights will finally work properly.
Unfortunately I discovered this a little late to make the best use of it, but hey.
Not if such an issue currently exists. The stock I have though is old so should flash ok. Not sure that Mirabella lights have been blocked from Tuya-convert yet. My understanding is that the sockets are still flash-able so hopefully the lights are too.
I would love to know. I am using a Raven USB stick from Rainforest Automation, but I am running a legacy Python script that uploads to emoncms, and pulling data from there with HA, would much prefer a direct connection to HA if possible
No, I didn’t get anywhere much with it. Although I didn’t look overly hard either. You need to be able to pickup zigbee security protocol(as opposed to home automation protocol) so at a minimum you need a dedicated zigbee device. I am not sure if zigbee2mqtt has looked into that as yet. It would be interesting to try if someone had the service active already. The suppliers won’t activate the communication protocol unless the hardware is acceptable…
Not quite, but I recently got powerpal installed for free. The free version is Bluetooth only; however, I was told by the installer that there is a zigbee version available as well.
I’ve been thinking of sniffing the BT traffic to see if there are ways to integrate with HA.