Mitsubishi AirCon

I’m getting the following error when trying to set this up -

Sun Apr 07 2019 16:17:31 GMT+1200 (New Zealand Standard Time)
Error while setting up platform mitsubishi
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/helpers/", line 128, in _async_setup_platform
    SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=hass.loop)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 416, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/concurrent/futures/", line 57, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/mitsubishi/", line 54, in setup_platform
  File "/config/custom_components/mitsubishi_echonet/", line 394, in __init__
    self.propertyMaps = getAllPropertyMaps(self.netif, self.eojgc, self.eojcc , self.instance)
  File "/config/custom_components/mitsubishi_echonet/", line 258, in getAllPropertyMaps
    property_map = getOpCode(ip_address, deojgc, deojcc, deojci, [{'EPC':0x9F},{'EPC':0x9E}])
  File "/config/custom_components/mitsubishi_echonet/", line 241, in getOpCode
    rx_data = sendMessage(message, ip_address)
  File "/config/custom_components/mitsubishi_echonet/", line 174, in sendMessage
    sent = sock.sendto(bytearray.fromhex(message), transaction_group)
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known

Config is as follows -

  - platform: mitsubishi
    ip_address: 192.1688.10.32

Folder hierarchy
…|…|- mitsubishi_echonet/
…|…|- mitsubishi/

I’m not sure what the model of my WiFi unit is, is there any way of finding out in software? I’m assuming the NZ release of the WiFi units are mostly the same though?

I’m on homeassistant docker - version 0.89.1

Any help would be appreciated

@hammondses You got a typo in your IP Address
Should be try that instead…

Also make sure echonet lite is turned on see the above example in the official Mitsubishi app

Ok, I had to do the manual workaround to get the echonet library installed, but that seems to have worked. Now however I’m getting the following in the logs:

HA requested an update from HVAC but no data was received. Using Defaults

And nothing shows up in HA.

My unit is a MSZ-GL25VGD which apparently uses the MAC-568IF-E module. It’s worth noting though that there’s no mention of Echonet in the app (3.4.1000)

EDIT: Hmm, I suspect i may have the MAC-558IF-E module instead… am I just out of luck in that case?

@hansel I think you might be sorry. :frowning_face: You might need to explore other cloud based APIs (not that I am a fan of such services)

Definitely need to be able to enable ECHONET as that will enable my library to locally control the AC

Alrighty, swapped out a 55 for a 56 from my other place, so I’m back in action.

One request, is it possible to get more granular control of the fan speed? Seems right now it’s either low (which sets it to speed 2) or medium-high (which sets it to speed 5).

I know the commands sent to the unit for the fan speeds are:

Fan Speed 1: {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS1”}

Fan Speed 2: {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS2”}

Fan Speed 3: {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS3”}

Fan Speed 5: {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS5”}

Fan Speed 6: {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS6”}

(for some reason there isn’t an entry for 4)

So presumably you’re using {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS2”} for low and {“unitid”:“xxx”,“v”:3,“lc”:1,“commands”:“FS5”} for medium-high? Could we get an option for all 5 levels?

I get a lot of these in my logs:

HA requested an update from HVAC but no data was received

and this when HA first starts up:

HA requested an update from HVAC but no data was received. Using Defaults

I’m not sure if this is a configuration problem at my end, or just to do with the component. Is everyone else seeing similar?

Hi @Hansel - the log messages are expected behaviour, I found that the ECHONET module will occasionally not respond to a poll request so I needed a way for the component to not break when that was the case.

When I was initially developing it it would cause the AC controls to become unresponsive so I coded that in so it would not cause any issues. Ill consider quieting down the behaviour by changing the log type from ‘warning’ to ‘info’.

As for your other comment regarding the fan settings being hard-coded to two speed, there is potentially a way I can fix that when the component is initialised - let me work on that this weekend and I will get back to you.

Awesome, good to know it’s not an issue at my end :slight_smile:

That would be great, thanks a lot! The only reason I ask really is because we have this unit in our toddlers room and the lowest fan speed is perfect as it’s basically silent and doesn’t pump out too much air right on top of her :smiley:

Im just looking at it now I think we might have to hard code it a bit in ‘configuration.yaml’, as I dont think the library is going to let me return all possible settings in the system

I did try and hack it and just manually add the rest of the speeds in the .py file (and then the config) but surprise surprise that didn’t work at all haha

@Hansel yeah I think I have cracked the fan setting issue so you can just add the necessary settings in config.yaml, let me do some testing tonight and I will update the repo

Brilliant, thanks!

I got my MSZ-G18NA Mitsubishi ductless mini split heatpump (HVAC) working using the above SwiCago/Heatpump instructions and code.
I wired a NodeMCU ESP8266 module, a bi-directional level translator and a JST connector to the CN105 socket on the AC. Some soldering skill and Arduino programming required. Worked first time.
I can control Target Temperature, Operation Mode, Fan Mode and Swing Mode from my IPhone instead the IR remote control. (I changed the custom component to increase temperature resolution to 0.5 degrees C)
I added further automation using a python script component that is triggered every 5 minutes. It turns the AC ON to COOL if the room temperature is 1.5 degrees above the set point and OFF when the room temperature drops 1.0 degrees below the set point. The temperature set point is varied depending on whether I am at home or away. I believe the automation saves energy over leaving the AC set to AUTO.
Although I can control the AC while I am away from home, there is no Cloud/Internet dependency when at home. Local independence was the reason I started with Home Assistant in the first place.


@Hansel ( + everyone else) I have update the GitHub to allow for custom fan settings. Please upgrade the custom component to the latest version 0.2.
If you want to configure fan speeds the following should help. Just pick any fans speeds that are relevant

Note: This has been updated for 0.96+ If you are on 0.95 or below use fan_list in place of fan_modes:

  - platform: mitsubishi
    name: "mitsubishi_ducted"
      - 'minimum'
      - 'low'
      - 'medium-low'
      - 'medium'
      - 'medium-high'
      - 'high'
      - 'very-high'
      - 'max'

Thanks for the great work here. I got it setup in 5 minutes with the basic entity card working in lovelace.
I am now trying to integrate with google assistant, however it is not appearing in google home.
My config is:
project_id: xxx
api_key: !secret google_api
expose_by_default: false
- climate
expose: true
name: Aircon

Any obvious reason why this would not work?
Also, to set target temperature via automation, what is the required data? I have
- data:
- service: climate.set_temperature

Please format your code.

Hi, I am in europe, officially my aircon does only support the MAC-567IF-E wifi adapter, what is the latest status for this component, does it work with this adapter and the cloud account or do I need to check if I can use the MAC-568IF-E and try to enable echonet service on that?

Preferable I would like to be able to control my aircon unit “offline” so the MAC-568IF-E adapter track would be the best, I just need to verify that it is compatible with my unit and install the NZ app you use to program it.

Cant speak on the MAC-567IF-E adaptor, I am not really planning to support any cloud based services as I am philosophically opposed to them as yourself and most people on this forum would be!

But it does work with with the MAC-568IF-E adapter and that is the one to get?

Couple of questions (got two units being installed this week and keen to try this out):

  1. Does this work with multiple units?
  2. Have you tried this with HA 0.96? I read there were some breaking changes to climate and was curious if this component was impacted.