When I first started learning to smoke meat, I would stay up all night to watch the cooker and ensure that the grill never got over about 230 degrees and the meat never got over about 195. Last year, I purchased a Tenergy Solis Digital Thermometer. This is a great little thermometer that has 6 probes. It has the ability to connect via Bluetooth to an app on my phone to monitor the temperatures remotely. It also has the ability to set thresholds that will cause alarm if the temperature goes outside of them. That allowed me enough probes to monitor the grill temperature and the temperature of up to 5 pork shoulders and the ability to not have to be right by the grill the whole time. The problem was, my bedroom and my office are just outside the range of the thermometer at the grill. I would frequently get alarms that I had lost connection. This was especially annoying when I would try to catch a couple of hours sleep while doing a cook (It can take up to 17 hours to cook a pork shoulder, so I usually plan my cook so the meat is coming off the cooker about an hour before we are ready to eat). So, I started looking for a solution that would give me better range and connectivity to HA (because everything should talk to HA, right!?).
After a lot of searching for other smart thermometers and DIY projects, I found CloudBBQ. This project uses a Raspberry Pi to create a Bluetooth to MQTT bridge for my thermometer. The project was built to connect to Adafruit IO, but I found it was easily configurable to connect to my Mosquitto broker I have loaded on HassIO. Since I’m still pretty new to MQTT, it took me awhile to figure out the correct settings in the cloudbbq config file, but once I did, cloudbbq started publishing temperatures to Mosquitto. Below is an example of the config file I used. Since this is inside my home network, behind my firewall, I’m currently running this using mqtt instead of mqtts. I have intentions of switching over to mqtts in the near future.
"mqtt": {
"username" : "[Mosquitto Username]",
"key" : "[Mosquitto Password]",
"protocol" : "mqtt",
"url" : "[Mosquitto Server IP Address]:[Mosquitto Port]",
My next goal was to create sensors in HA for each probe and build out a dashboard, automation, and notifications. A big shout out goes to @stogs for the great write up of his Weber iGrill 2 integration. I borrowed liberally from his dashboard setup and YAML to setup my sensors and automations. I swapped out the notifications @stogs uses for Pushover notifications since I have an Android based phone instead of an iPhone.
Now, not only can I go anywhere in the house and still monitor the grill, I can leave the house, if I need to.