Month start for Energy monitoring

I would suggest to customize month start for the new energy page. Not all energy providers starts month costs calculation on 1st day of the month. in my case my consumption month starts on 16th of each month. the way system works now, i cant evaluate my energy bill to current month as system calculates from 1st to 30th, which does not correspond to cost calculations for those people. would be nice to implement this config.

I would suggest having a completly free range for date and timespan…
Like it is in the “History” dashboard

Found this Feature Request, please vote


Exactly. Customizing this range is something important to implement. I’ve Voted on thread you suggested


having the ability to select the energy cycle start date would be great to have a better accurate read according with the electricity bill. voted!


In my case the cycle starts every 20th

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+1 Vote for this as well, my utility company does not start on the first day of the month. Being able to set the energy report to match my actual billing cycle would be amazing.

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Would definitely vote for this too. Here in Quebec Canada, the date is random, the period is two months, and the first xxx kw are at a price and the rest at another price.

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+1 vote for this :slight_smile:

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+1 for me

When such a offset is implemented, please also make it possible to offset hours rather then days.

The use case is alignment with campground/hotel checkin and checkout, which is at noon.
So I typically want to know for individual devices how much they used from noon to noon.

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+1 it would help alot with the billing cycle! Weird this isn’t in already!

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+1 Please.

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+1 Vote here.

Our bills in AU are usually quarterly, so the ability to select a start and end date would be a huge benefit.


This would be great. Also, it would be nice to control the monthly cycle date with a date entity. That way I can fetch the next reading date and use that to find out the monthly bill

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This would be great. My billing cycle is from the 15th to 15th which is set using offset in my utility meter but not the energy dashboard.

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+1 please.

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+1 absolutely, this is important.

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+1 vote, that would be a huge improvement for me…

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+1, I need this, too. :slight_smile:

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+1 vote. I really need this

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+1 vote, from me.

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