MQTT Alarm Control Panel for Raspberry Pi and Android

I’m planning to use this as my main solution for a wall tablet, but I miss the arm_night, are you planning to include it?

thanks, and good job!

Not at the moment, but it is on the roadmap. There is currently a backlog of feature requests.

I have my own community now to discuss my open source projects, you can discuss the MQTT Alarm Panel here


is it possible to integrate any other solution for weather since darksyk is shutting down / not accepting new signups?

You are not restricted to only DarkSky, you send the weather data using MQTT. I think there are others who have shared automations that do this.

I have been working on a new version of the MQTT Alarm Panel as I prepare for the upcoming update to the MQTT Manual Alarm component by @warlord (Looking for reviews of updates to the Manual MQTT Alarm integration).

I have added the ability to get sensor states on the main view as well as many other tweaks and improvements. If anyone would like to try the pre-release version of the application, you can get it from the release section on my Github

If you have questions for me about this application or WallPanel, you can also reach out to me on Twitter ( or Discord (

I have been using this control panel app on my phone for last two years with excellent results. Thank you so much for work well done.

I am in the process of migrating form a Hassbian installation to latest HASS-OS on a Raspberry Pi 4. I had installed the MQTT add-on and running it inside the HASS docker without any problem. But I have problem initializing the remote panel app on my phone. HASS-OS is running at and I have the app pointing to port 8123. Is there any obvious reasons why the MQTT plugin cannot connect from my phone ?

Please ignore previous message. I make a mistake in specifying the MQTT address. I included “http:” in front of
Sorry for the disruption.

I am releasing a new version of the MQTT Alarm Panel and would like more testers. I have updated the documentation on Github for the new features and made a test version for Firebase.

If anyone wishes to help test, please go to the release section and look for the latest pre-release version of the application

Look for version v1.0.x.x for the beta version if you want to side load it, or you can join the beta testers on Firebase

This release makes some notable changes.

  • We have replaced the Imgur screensaver with Unsplash which simplifies things.
  • We have added support for sensors. This features allows you to track the status of door, window, motion, or any sensor on the main screen.
  • We have added support for night mode without using the sun feature (but sun still works).
  • We have added support for sending the code to arm or disarm the alarm to the service (instructions coming for setting up your MQTT automations to handle this).
  • You can now require the code to arm disarm the alarm.
  • Added night mode to the alarm modes

Additional automations are required to take advantage of some of the new features. For support or issues:


Your work is simple AWESOME!
I’m just afraid that support for Android Thinks is going to close (at least for non-commercial use) at the end of this year.
Are you planning to leave the project on AT or migrate it in the future?

There is no future for Android Things, they dropped support long ago at RPi3. This project is only supported on Android devices.

very clear. So your advice is to buy an android tablet instead of 7 "screen and raspberry PI3, right? I’m sorry because being wired it would have been perfect for the use I wanted to do at home (wall mount)

I understand and the option is yours. If you use the app for RPi3 it may work but I can’t support or update it. Google also just announced Flutter for RPi and I will be investigating how to migrate the Android app to once again run on a RPi but no timeline can be provided .

thanks for the fast reply. Nop, install a11 on RPI4 and the Android app

Let’s start with the problems :):

I have a config set up like this:

  • platform: manual_mqtt
    state_topic: “home/alarm”
    command_topic: “home/alarm/set”
    name: Allarme Casa
    code: 1234
    pending_time: 30
    delay_time: 30
    trigger_time: 30

I can’t “see” the alarm from the app

The MQTT client is configured (ip, username and password)

edit: SOLVED

I would like to translate the app into Italian, if that’s okay for you

For translations, you would have to do a pull request of Github repository, adding your translation folder (the way Android adds translations) and then update the string resource file. An example is translations for Espanol, each localization has its own folder name specific for the language, then strings.xml file. You would have to add the folder and then update the strings.xml file with your translations. The new folder would be called values-it. Here is a link to the example ES translations

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created folder “values-it” and the “strings.xml” file with all the translations made.

Thanks, that has now been merged and will be in the next update!

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How do I apply this theme (my black theme/buttons look different)? It looks awesome