Multiple Energy dashboards

+1 I also ask for this feature!! Thanks

+1 would be awesome

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+1 please.

+1 please.

really need second energy dashboard.
have 2 grids one is single phase and one 3 phase. probably will figure out something but will be easy to set it in 2 clicks and not read 2 months…
+1 please.

Have you tried the Power Flow Card?

This is what I am using to show the current Real-Time energy distribution and the one across the whole day, see screenshot below. Each card maps to different entities, and I dont see why you cannot have each card mapping to the entities of your different solar installs.

Yes please do it. I would be happy.:+1::+1:

I am installing thermic solar panel to get heat directly.
That why I need a second energy dashboard: Grid will be Gaz heater, Solar panel, and house radiators as usage.
I will check energy cards : Energy cards - Home Assistant

This card may be suitable for you.
Energy cards is only the cards that are already in the energy dashboard.
What also can help you is to calculate the Wh of every heat source and sum it in an template sensor for the energy dashboard or as seperate “gas” sources.

+1 please do it

+1 I would love it

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+1 please, more than one dashboard would be great

I would need it too

+1 I would love it!

+1 for maintaining more households

+1, co-owners sharing units, multiple electrical metres, we share an Rpi4 with HA. Make this feature come true!

+1, please?

+1, please

+1 yes please

Not sure this feature request align to my needs but I have 3. separated phisical localisation and one HA instance.

Will be nice if I can also build 3. separated from others energy dashboards in one HA.

For this purpose I have all data from 3 places regarding consumption and generating energy in one HA instance but cannot visualization it now.