@stuengland yes, I will give you an example with my card here, which shows secondary information from a fan or a thermostat, based on the fan preset_mode, and has one chip for thermostat temperature and 2 more chips, one for fan, one for thermostat - clicking on each chip takes you to each entity (more-info).
Icon, icon-color and fan/thermostat chip colors are also dynamic (based on thermostat hvac_action).
Same card code on different rooms:
type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:mushroom-template-card
entity: fan.damper_living
hold_action: None
primary: Living
secondary: |
{% if state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") == "ITC" %}
{% set state = state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action") | capitalize %}
{% set target = state_attr("climate.itc_living", "temperature") | round %}
{% set text = "to " + target | lower + "°C" if state != "Idle" and state != "Off" %}
{% else %}
{% set state = states("fan.damper_living") | capitalize %}
{% set target = state_attr("fan.damper_living", "percentage") %}
{% set text = "at " + target | lower + "%" if state != "Off" %}
{% endif %}
{{ state }} {{ text }}
icon: >
{%- set icons = {
"heating": "mdi:fire",
"cooling": "mdi:snowflake",
"drying": "mdi:water-percent",
"idle": "mdi:air-conditioner",
"off": "mdi:power"} -%}
{{ icons[state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action")|lower] |
default("mdi:autorenew") }}
icon_color: >
{%- set colors = {
"heating": "#ff8100",
"cooling": "#2b9af9",
"drying": "#efbd07",
"idle": "#8a8a8a",
"off": "disabled"} -%}
{{ colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action")|lower] |
default("#8a8a8a") }}
style: |
:host {
height: 84px;
- type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
alignment: center
- type: template
entity: climate.itc_living
content: '{{ state_attr("climate.itc_living", "current_temperature") }}°C'
tap_action: None
hold_action: None
style: |-
ha-card {
top: -16px;
- type: template
entity: fan.damper_living
icon: mdi:air-filter
icon_color: >
{%- set colors = {
"heating": "#ff8100",
"cooling": "#2b9af9",
"drying": "#efbd07",
"idle": "#8a8a8a",
"off": "disabled"} -%}
{{ colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action")|lower] |
default("#8a8a8a") if state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode")
!= "ITC" }}
action: more-info
action: call-service
service: fan.set_preset_mode
entity_id: fan.damper_living
preset_mode: Damper
style: >
{%- set colors = {
"heating": "255, 129, 0",
"cooling": "43, 154, 249",
"drying": "239, 189, 7",
"idle": "138, 138, 138",
"off": "138, 138, 138"} -%}
{% set color = colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living",
"hvac_action")|lower] | default("138, 138, 138") if
state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") != "ITC" else
"var(--rgb-state-disabled)" %}
ha-card {
top: -16px;
--chip-background: rgba({{color}}, 0.2);
--text-color: rgb({{color}});
- type: template
entity: climate.itc_living
icon: mdi:thermometer
icon_color: >
{%- set colors = {
"heating": "#ff8100",
"cooling": "#2b9af9",
"drying": "#efbd07",
"idle": "#8a8a8a",
"off": "disabled"} -%}
{{ colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living", "hvac_action")|lower] |
default("#8a8a8a") if state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode")
== "ITC" }}
action: more-info
action: call-service
service: fan.set_preset_mode
entity_id: fan.damper_living
preset_mode: ITC
style: >
{%- set colors = {
"heating": "255, 129, 0",
"cooling": "43, 154, 249",
"drying": "239, 189, 7",
"idle": "138, 138, 138",
"off": "138, 138, 138"} -%}
{% set color = colors[state_attr("climate.itc_living",
"hvac_action")|lower] | default("138, 138, 138") if
state_attr("fan.damper_living", "preset_mode") == "ITC" else
"var(--rgb-state-disabled)" %}
ha-card {
top: -16px;
--chip-background: rgba({{color}}, 0.2);
--text-color: rgb({{color}});