Need help with my person card, it’s a combination of other cards code( use great people ideas ) it’s looks ok but I would like to make everything looks uniformed and clean, move geolocation to highlighted area. Please help me to tweak this code. Thank you
type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
style: |
ha-card {
background: none; !important;
border: 0 !important;
- type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: horizontal
- type: custom:mushroom-person-card
name: Yevgeniy
entity: person.yevgeniy
icon_type: entity-picture
primary_info: state
secondary_info: false
mushroom-shape-avatar$: |
.picture {
display: flex;
border-radius: 50%;
{% if states(config.entity) == 'home' %}
animation: pinggreen 6s infinite;
{% else %}
animation: pingred 6s infinite;
{% endif %}
@keyframes pinggreen {
0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-green), 0.9);}
100% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent;}
@keyframes pingred {
0% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 3px rgba(var(--rgb-red), 0.9);}
100% {box-shadow: 0 0 5px 15px transparent;}
.: |
ha-card {
border: 0 !important;
- type: conditional
style: |
ha-card {
border: 1 !important;
- entity: sensor.sm_s918u_battery_state
state: charging
type: custom:mushroom-template-card
entity: sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level
layout: vertical
icon_color: yellow
fill_container: true
name: S23
icon: mdi:battery-charging-medium
hide_name: true
primary: Phone is charging...
secondary: 'Battery Level: {{ states(''sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level'') }}%'
style: |
mushroom-shape-icon {
animation: blink 1s linear infinite;
@keyframes blink {
50% {opacity: 0;}
ha-card {
border: 0 !important;
- type: conditional
- entity: sensor.sm_s918u_battery_state
state: full
type: custom:mushroom-template-card
style: |
ha-card {
border: 0 !important;
entity: sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level
layout: vertical
icon: |2
{% set bl = states('sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level') | int %}
{% if bl < 10 %} mdi:battery-outline
{% elif bl < 20 %} mdi:battery-10
{% elif bl < 30 %} mdi:battery-20
{% elif bl < 40 %} mdi:battery-30
{% elif bl < 50 %} mdi:battery-40
{% elif bl < 60 %} mdi:battery-50
{% elif bl < 70 %} mdi:battery-60
{% elif bl < 80 %} mdi:battery-70
{% elif bl < 90 %} mdi:battery-80
{% elif bl < 100 %} mdi:battery-90
{% elif bl == 100 %} mdi:battery
{% else %} mdi:battery-unknown
{% endif %}
icon_color: |2-
{% set bl = states('sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level') | int %}
{% if bl < 10 %} #cc0c16
{% elif bl < 20 %} #e61e28
{% elif bl < 30 %} #e3464e
{% elif bl < 40 %} orange
{% elif bl < 50 %} #f0b93a
{% elif bl < 60 %} #f3f56c
{% elif bl < 70 %} #f2f536
{% elif bl < 80 %} #69f095
{% elif bl < 90 %} #2ee669
{% elif bl < 100 %} #05ad3b
{% elif bl == 100 %} #03872d
{% else %} grey
{% endif %}
primary: 'Battery Level: {{ states(''sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level'') }}%'
action: more-info
fill_container: true
- type: conditional
card_mod: null
style: |
ha-card {
border: 0 !important;
- entity: sensor.sm_s918u_battery_state
state: discharging
type: custom:mushroom-template-card
style: |
ha-card {
border: 0 !important;
entity: sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level
layout: vertical
icon: |2
{% set bl = states('sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level') | int %}
{% if bl < 10 %} mdi:battery-outline
{% elif bl < 20 %} mdi:battery-10
{% elif bl < 30 %} mdi:battery-20
{% elif bl < 40 %} mdi:battery-30
{% elif bl < 50 %} mdi:battery-40
{% elif bl < 60 %} mdi:battery-50
{% elif bl < 70 %} mdi:battery-60
{% elif bl < 80 %} mdi:battery-70
{% elif bl < 90 %} mdi:battery-80
{% elif bl < 100 %} mdi:battery-90
{% elif bl == 100 %} mdi:battery
{% else %} mdi:battery-unknown
{% endif %}
icon_color: |2-
{% set bl = states('sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level') | int %}
{% if bl < 10 %} #cc0c16
{% elif bl < 20 %} #e61e28
{% elif bl < 30 %} #e3464e
{% elif bl < 40 %} orange
{% elif bl < 50 %} #f0b93a
{% elif bl < 60 %} #f3f56c
{% elif bl < 70 %} #f2f536
{% elif bl < 80 %} #69f095
{% elif bl < 90 %} #2ee669
{% elif bl < 100 %} #05ad3b
{% elif bl == 100 %} #03872d
{% else %} grey
{% endif %}
primary: 'Battery Level: {{ states(''sensor.sm_s918u_battery_level'') }}%'
action: more-info
fill_container: true
- type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
- type: entity
entity: sensor.sm_s918u_geocoded_location
icon: mdi:google-maps
use_entity_picture: false
card_mod: null
style: |
ha-card {
border: none; !important;
alignment: center