My Custom Cards for Minimalist UI

Schermata 2023-11-18 alle 15.39.00
another idea to avoid penalizing the length of the name would be like this! …now I’ll try to understand if I can do it with my skills

this option is way easier, but be-careful check it fits, when use only 3 or 2 entity buttons, as they change size. (entity_2, entity_3, entity_4 and entity_3, entity_4)

another option, could be, to recode so that the room card and the room button and do different actions, like I did for the status button. (the large circle button vs the outside area)

I can do it! I know how to do it!

Schermata 2023-11-18 alle 16.04.50

Thanks for getting back to me. It could not hurt to mention in the docs what clicking on each area of the card does. Originally I didn’t have it set up right for the popup, but noticed I could click on both the title and icon even though nothing happened. When I got the popup built I then for some reason just kept trying to click on the title and didn’t even think of clicking on the icon. More than anything, it was just me not making the connection.

If I have any more trouble with the cards I will definitely reach out for help. The main thing I am dealing with is just reading through all of the code to make sure I understand what everything is doing so that I can adjust it appropriately for my setup. I have many years of coding experience so the logic is easy, just takes a moment to recognize the different language format at times. Also does not help that it is a combination of yaml, java, css, etc…

Again, great job on

@andyblac What are you using to determine your person eta zone distance? I was thinking of you the proximity sensor but I want to make sure I am returning the correct value for the person card.

I use an entity from iCloud v3 integration sensor.andys_iphone_icloudv3_zone_distance

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Are you creating your own sensor using that data? If so can you share the code to create it? I looked through you git and did not find anywhere that you have that sensor defined if you did.

On another topic, I kind of ran into an issue last night when I couldn’t figure out where and what macro you had created for jinja. After a bit of searching I found it earlier in this thread the code you created and got things working. Not sure if you want to upload that to the git repo for people to more easily get the code.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond to all these questions.

as i explained above, no it come with the iCloud3 V3 integration.

regarding the jinja macro, i thought i had included it, if not i’ll will upload it.


here is the current macro file

Thanks for the updated macro. Much appreciated.

Another question. In the status sensors template file for the lights I am seeing that the browser mod screen is showing as a light entity. How do you handle filtering out the browser mod screen as a light entity or do you just accept it is there. I’ve been trying to filter it out of the list, but have had no luck so far.

Here is what I am seeing:
2023-11-19 16_45_19-UI Lovelace Minimalist – Home Assistant

i just disabled the entity, as I did not use it.

this what it looks like

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 11.47.55

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I’ve added the proximity integration which allows me to provide the distance from home. Hopefully it works, but I won’t know until I leave the house to find out…lol.

By the way, where did you get your avatars for the person entity?

there just apple emojis

@iPilla I am interested in how you added the camera entity to your room card. I tried to find it in you git but could not see where you made any changes. I also could not find anything in your fork of andyblac’s HA_config_files. I have currently 3 room cards I would like to add the camera to and provide a popup when clicked. If you can provide your code for the room card and let me know if there is a need to modify the custom_card_anyblac_room.yaml I would greatly apreaciate it.

you can use my Dev. if you need help I’m available. let me know if you like it
I simply added 2 sections to the file which you can find by searching for “video:”.
then you will have to add to the variables:

        entity_id: camera.example
        icon: mdi:cctv

as you can see you can customize the icon.

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Perfect, that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much. Now I can slowly work through adding the rest of the room cards. I also realize I need to get my hands on a lot more smart switches, outlets, and multi sensors.

It is sad that the further I get into HA the more I realize I need to purchase to be able to automate things.

I find it very convenient to use entities with @andblac’s pop-up cards. inside these I exploit auto-entities so if I add/remove decices I don’t have to touch the code.

        entity_id: sensor.camera_luci_on
        popup_content: !include popups/rooms/camera/camera-luci.yaml
          - custom_popup_andyblac_hold
          - custom_popup_andyblac_tap
type: custom:auto-entities
  type: entities
  title: luci camera
  show_header_toggle: true
    - domain: light
      area: camera_da_letto
    - name: /[Dd][Nn][Dd]/
  method: state


Is it possible to have sensor for cover that change color when cover are in state ‘closed’?
I try this code, but it doesn change the color from blue to red when cover are closed…
For other sensors (magnetic contats, motion sensor) in works ok.

  - type: custom:button-card
      grid-area: room109
      - custom_card_andyblac_room
    name: Kitchen
    icon: mdi:faucet
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: kuchyne
      ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_color: blue
      sensor_label_1: sensor.teplota_kuchyne
        entity_id: binary_sensor.mg_109_kuchyne
        icon: mdi:window-open-variant
        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_color_on: red
        entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_109_kuchyne
        icon: mdi:motion-sensor
        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_color_on: red
        entity_id: media_player.109_kuchyne
        icon: mdi:play-pause
        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_color_on: red
        entity_id: cover.109_zaluzie_jih_zahony
        icon: mdi:window-shutter
        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_color_on: red

hi, for covers on is treated as open, so if you want red for close and blue to be open

try this:

        entity_id: cover.109_zaluzie_jih_zahony
        icon: mdi:window-shutter
        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_color: red
        ulm_custom_card_andyblac_room_sensor_color_on: blue